3. Lin Yi: I feel ashamed of the harm I have caused you_1

Evil Moon glanced at Lin Yi and led Yan to the side.

He asked with some surprise, "The temperature of the flame has increased, are you sure?"

Yan nodded, his eyes brimming with immense surprise.

Evil Moon might not think much of it, but Yan himself knew how important a temperature increase was for a fire-attribute Soul Master!

The temperature of a flame represented the talent of fire-attribute soul masters. After all, a Soul Master's Soul Power could be enhanced, but talent was something that couldn't be changed!

With an increase of five hundred degrees, Yan had almost been reborn!

Under Evil Moon's astonished gaze, Yan walked towards Lin Yi, bowing excitedly.

"I was offensive in my attitude before, and I apologize to my senior here!"

Having apologized, he straightened up, his face still flushed, his entire being still in an extremely excited state.

If a mere Fire Mastery excited Yan to such an extent, what would happen if he obtained Ultimate Fire Mastery? Probably leap into outer space?

Ultimate Fire Mastery could increase the fire elements controlled by Lin Yi by 5,000 degrees, that was the true epitome of elemental control!

However, Lin Yi currently had no Soul Power or control over fire elements, and both would have to be obtained through subsequent rewards.

All in all, it seemed the System did not deceive me.

Lin Yi felt somewhat happy inside.

But his expression remained cold, his eyes revealing a clarity and loneliness not befitting his age.

"Don't thank me. You earned this with your damage. However, I am disappointed in you. I had thought you could have inflicted more damage," he said.

Upon hearing this, Yan's gaze intensified, "May I ask, senior, does it mean the greater the damage I cause, the greater the reward will be?"

Lin Yi replied indifferently, "Naturally. However, a person can only attack me twice a day. There won't be any reward for a third time within the same day. If you want to continue to earn rewards, come back the next day."

Seeing Yan eager to try again, Lin Yi reminded him, "I advise everyone to think carefully about how to maximize the damage before attacking. Rash attacks will only waste this opportunity and also..."

Lin Yi paused, looking up at Yan, "They will make me look down on your damage."

Yan was thoroughly embarrassed by this comment.

He scratched his head and, blushing, took a few steps back.

Indeed, his own attack, which he had so much confidence in, didn't cause a single strand of the senior's hair to fall.

Yan was increasingly convinced that the young man before him was a truly exceptional master.

He must have seen through the mortal world and was seeking death, yet, unable to end his own life, he had no choice but to seek others to do so.

Therefore, he must not... must not let the senior be disappointed any longer!

Thinking this, Yan took a deep breath, went to the corner of the stands, sat down cross-legged, and began to meditate to recover the Soul Power he had lost.

He wanted to return to his peak state, save up for a powerful strike, and deal damage that wouldn't disappoint the senior... Of course, the main point was also to earn a bigger reward.

After all, a five hundred degree increase was truly delightful!

Another five hundred degrees would be even more delightful!

Maybe in a few days, he could level up to Ultimate Fire, and together with his Rock Attribute, he would become the continent's hottest magma!

Evil Moon was dumbfounded, the drastic change in Yan's attitude took him aback.

That yellow light cluster just now, it couldn't have been some kind of mind-altering drug, could it?

Making Yan believe he had received a reward when in fact, he hadn't.

Thinking this, Evil Moon leaped down from the stands and went to Hulena's side.

"Sister, what do you think?" he asked.

Hulena gazed at Lin Yi's face and slowly said, "I think he really wants to die; after all, no one can remain indifferent to an attack. But about the reward, I am skeptical."

"I think the same as you, but there is one thing I still don't believe. How could he possibly not sustain any injury?"

This youngster had no signs of soul power fluctuation on him; he looked just like an ordinary person.

Even if he were a Soul Master, there was no sign of him releasing his Martial Soul. It is common knowledge that the release of a Martial Soul by any Soul Master will inevitably produce soul power fluctuation.

How can he have such high defense value without releasing his Martial Soul?

Physical toughness?

Even less likely.

"Perhaps, he possesses the same ability as me, charm, and used some kind of delusion class soul skill to interfere with our judgment,"

Hulena analyzed.

But for a youth who seemingly sought death, what was the reason for doing this? She couldn't figure it out.

"Who cares if it's real or fake, why not just go up and try?"

Evil Moon jumped onto the stage and walked over to Lin Yi's side.

"Kid, it's my turn."

Evil Moon, just like Yan before, observed Lin Yi meticulously, but found nothing.

All the evidence pointed to this young man being just a normal person.

Lin Yi smiled and extended his right hand: "Please."

Evil Moon released his Martial Soul, which were two silver, arc-shaped curved knives, moon blades, a top-tier attack-type weapon Martial Soul!

In Lin Yi's memory, as the leader of the Shrek Academy's Golden Generation, Evil Moon should have the strongest single-target attack skill, and even his own created soul skill.

He hoped Evil Moon's attack would be at least at the Purple-level... Lin Yi silently prayed in his heart.

Evil Moon moved, with incredible speed.

The moon blade in his hand shimmered with a cold light, raised high, his body flipping in the air to gather strength, and then he heavily chopped down at Lin Yi's neck.


The moon blade emitted a "buzzing" sound, as if it had struck an alloy.

Evil Moon stepped back in shock, his wrists trembling, the buzzing sound from the moon blade lasting for several dozen seconds before stopping.

What kind of neck was this? So hard?!

At that moment, the System panel appeared again.

[Blood Loss: 4142]

[Remaining Blood: 999999989298]

[Damage Level: White]

[Random Reward: 100 golden soul coins]

[Host Reward: 1000 golden soul coins]

Damage Grade White?!

Lin Yi recalled, realizing that Evil Moon hadn't even used a soul skill, simply chopping at his neck.

Damn! Such a wasted opportunity for a reward, gone for nothing!

The resulting critical hit was only ten times, not even as much as the drunk man before, who similarly received 100 golden soul coins but scored a critical hit of 10,000 golden soul coins for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's face was cold, and with a flash of white light in his hand, he tossed 100 golden soul coins in front of Evil Moon.

At this time, Evil Moon was still in shock, inspecting his moon blade, only to look up and see 100 golden soul coins thrown at his feet.

He frowned and said, "What do you mean by this?"

Lin Yi sneered, "The damage level on me is categorized as White, Yellow, Purple, Black, Red, Gold, Rainbow Gold. The golden soul coin reward is the lowest, White level. What do you think I mean?"

Evil Moon swallowed hard, speechless.

Indeed, he had just swung his moon blade tentatively, his pride not allowing him to use a soul skill.

"I heard you are the captain of the Martial Soul Hall's Golden Generation. For such a prominent captain, to have an attack that doesn't even match the strength of a team member, I feel ashamed for you," Lin Yi taunted.

Evil Moon's face flushed red with Lin Yi's words.

He lifted his moon blade, angrily saying, "I think you don't have any so-called rewards at all! That's why you use golden soul coins as a bluff. I was indeed just probing before but since you've said so, fine, I'll fulfill your wish!"