9. Ultimate Fire, Teaching You How to Be Human_1

Do you ask if I can wield fire?

What a coincidence, I just learned.

And it's the ultimate fire!

The so-called ultimate fire is when the controlled flame temperature exceeds a certain threshold, the ultimate pursuit of fire-attribute Soul Masters!

This talent belongs to one's own Martial Soul, and it's very difficult to achieve through acquired means.

There are only a few Soul Masters in the entire Soul Land who possess the ultimate fire.

"Are you a fire-attribute Soul Master?"

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't answer, Douluo Yan Ying asked again, raising his voice a bit.

The purpose was to let everyone around hear their conversation, including his own stupid apprentice who was still helping to count the money after being deceived.

"I am not a fire-attribute Soul Master."

Lin Yi shook his head.

Upon hearing this, Elder Yan Ying's face showed a sense of pleasure in uncovering a swindler's true colors.

Not even a fire-attribute Soul Master, and still claiming he's not a fraudster?

"Not a fire-attribute Soul Master? But according to what the Titled Douluo said, his disciple seemed to have indeed enhanced his flame abilities!"

"So you can enhance someone else's fire attributes without even being a fire-attribute Soul Master, isn't that even more miraculous?"


Douluo Yan Ying was somewhat baffled by the people around him discussing.

These blockheads, why are they still praising this kid?!

Have they really never been deceived by such innocence and naivety?

Lin Yi said with a light smile, "Don't rush, though I'm not a fire-attribute Soul Master, I do know a thing or two about flame attributes."

Douluo Yan Ying was angry at the moment, and he couldn't help but scoff when he heard Lin Yi's words.

Heh, knows a thing or two, others might actually believe you're being modest!

"Listen up, kid, everyone is watching. As a Titled Douluo of the fire domain, even I can't enhance my disciple's flame temperature, so how did you do it?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi responded earnestly, even eagerly:

"Want to know? Kill me, and you'll find out."

"I can even enhance your flame temperature. Even Titled Douluo have a chance to be reborn in my hands, you will welcome your second spring."

At this moment in Yan's eyes, Lin Yi, who spoke these words, emitted an aura of selflessness and holiness.

The silkworm dies giving his silk, the candle turns to ashes weeping a last tear.

This kind of spirit of self-sacrifice for the sake of others before death is a height Yan felt he could never achieve in his lifetime.

Yes, Lin Yi spoke with absolute sincerity and selflessness.

"Ridiculous! It's simply ridiculous!"

Douluo Yan Ying thought the youth in front of him was a madman.

But today, he was determined to match wits with this madman!

"Come on, you claim to know a thing or two, right? Now, unleash your fire-attribute attack on me! If you have the capability, truly convince me!"

He had barely finished speaking when his pupils suddenly contracted.

Lin Yi appeared indifferent as he slowly extended a palm forward, as if time itself slowed down at that moment.

His long fingers splayed like a peacock fanning its tail, no flames to be seen, but the air had turned into scorching hot waves.

Following that, within the astonished eyes of Douluo Yan Ying, a blazing inferno suddenly ignited!

The palm of Lin Yi turned red and hot, a terrifyingly tempered flame amassing within it!

Douluo Yan Ying took a step back instinctively, his body hair standing on end!

Even as a Titled Douluo, he felt a threat of death from the temperature of these flames, and also a total domination in temperature!


The ultimate fire bellowed like a primordial beast in front of Douluo Yan Ying, and then Lin Yi precisely controlled and retracted it.

The scene quieted down as if nothing had happened.

Yan recovered from his shock and sniffed.

Did he smell something burning?

He walked around to look at Douluo Yan Ying's front.

Everyone was shocked.


Douluo Yan Ying's face was flushed red, his eyebrows and beard singed and curled, and his chest clothes were even burned with several large black holes, exposing his scalding red pectoral muscles to the air.


Yan tugged the corners of his mouth, his expression one of surprise.

However, Douluo Yan Ying just stared blankly ahead.

"Teacher? Are you okay?"

Why isn't the teacher speaking, could he have been burned silly?

The next moment, Douluo Yan Ying's eyes widened as he collapsed to his knees with weak legs, murmuring:

"...I never thought that in my lifetime, I would see the ultimate fire appear again... heh, heh heh heh..."

Douluo Yan Ying continued to laugh in a dazed and foolish manner.

Upon hearing this, Yan was shocked, his neck stiff as he turned to look at Lin Yi, who remained calm.

The senior actually possesses the ultimate fire!

This is what you call having a slight understanding of fire attributes?

Well, that explains how the senior was able to enhance his fire attribute's temperature and power so miraculously.

How many people on the continent possess the ultimate fire?

Teacher Douluo Yan Ying once told him that among ten million soul masters, only one might possess the ultimate fire...

Once they grow up, they are definitely one of the peak powers on Soul Land.

It just never occurred to him that the figures he had admired as a child were sitting right before him... and had appeared in such a death-seeking manner.

Yan quickly knelt on one knee, cupping his hands before him.

"The teacher is irritable, and on his behalf, I apologize to the senior... But seriously, senior, you really kept a low profile, hiding the fact that you're a strong person with the ultimate fire!"

Lin Yi responded indifferently, "I said I had only a slight understanding."

"... Heh heh, yes, senior, you are right," Yan said, the corners of his mouth twitching. He then heard Lin Yi speak again:

"Tell your teacher to stop pretending to be dead; I'd already taken back the flames in time. I didn't hurt him."

Yan nodded and pushed Douluo Yan Ying only to find him collapsing to the ground, looking like he was questioning life and mumbling nonstop, "Ultimate fire, ultimate fire..."

"It seems like the teacher is not quite lucid..."

Yan said, his expression one of surprise.

Lin Yi frowned. To be boasting with such a lack of mental resilience was really bad luck; it cost him a chance at the Lottery Shield.

"Take him back to rest well. Once he's better, let him come at me."

"... Yes, yes, senior," Yan hastily nodded, but couldn't help feeling envious.

Probably only a powerful big shot like this could say such things without changing his expression.

Yan carried Douluo Yan Ying on his back, sprinting all the way back to Martial Soul Hall.

Just as he entered the hall's gate, Yan, not paying attention, bumped into the backs of two men walking side by side, causing Douluo Yan Ying to roll off his back and land sprawled on the ground.

"Oh, isn't this Yan and Elder Yan Ying?"

The femininely handsome Chrysanthemum Douluo turned his head to glance at the two, surprised.

Ghost Douluo, looking at the Elder Yan Ying who was lying on the ground, asked Yan curiously:

"I heard that you and your teacher went to seek out that death-seeking young man. Are you back? How did it go? In terms of fire attributes, is that young man stronger or weaker than Elder Yan Ying?"

Yan scratched his head awkwardly, not knowing how to respond.

Just then, he noticed Douluo Yan Ying swiftly getting up and heading towards Pontiff Hall.

Yan's eyes widened: "Teacher?! Were you really playing dead?!"

A voice full of despair came from the front:

"Brat! Could I not play dead?! Otherwise, I might not have been able to make it back alive! This time I really hit a brick wall; I need to hurry and report this matter to the Pope!"

"Wait for me, teacher!"

Yan chased excitedly after him.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo exchanged puzzled glances.

"What's wrong with Douluo Yan Ying? This is the first time I've seen him like this."

"Come on, let's see what's going on."
