19. Martial Soul Evolution! Serpent Spear Douluo Becomes Dragon Lance Douluo!_1

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo immediately chimed in, "Exactly, exactly, the more damage you deal to him, the richer the reward you'll get."

"Never mind a soul bone of the trunk, even an attached soul bone might drop!"

"Besides, he is just a ten-thousand-year one, you drop a hundred-thousand-year one!"

"Serpent Spear, among us elders, you're currently the weakest, aren't you going to hurry up and make yourself stronger?"

"Between the strong and the weak, it all comes down to whether you're willing to go all out with your damage!"


Lin Yi listened silently, unable to suppress a chuckle.

This reminded him of getting tricked in his past life by veteran players of a card-drawing game, who told him to spend all his accumulated primal crystals on the permanent pool!

He naively did just that for a week before he learned the truth...

Serpent Spear Douluo, as he listened, couldn't help but clench his fists.

Among the elders of Martial Soul Hall, his strength indeed ranked at the very bottom, barely reaching Title Douluo before catching Bi Bidong's eye.

To say whether he wanted to get stronger? Of course, that was extremely urgent to him!

"You're not deceiving me, are you?"

"If you don't believe it, just ask around and you'll know!"

Serpent Spear Douluo's throat moved, and he immediately ascended to the stage, his gaze firmly fixed on Lin Yi.

"Young man, the higher the damage, the more generous the reward?"

Lin Yi nodded.

There was no falsehood in this statement.

At this moment, the three Chrysanthemum Douluo were below the stage, laughing so hard they were bent over backward, slapping their thighs.

Serpent Spear Douluo's awareness flickered, and he hurriedly looked back.

But what he saw was the three of them standing up straight, all with solemn faces nodding at him, their expressions both serious and sincere, as if to say,

"Go for it, brother."


Serpent Spear Douluo nodded vigorously, showing a smile.

In ignorance, he would certainly only use his first soul skill as a probe; in case there were a limit on the number of attacks, it would be a huge loss.

The three elders, Chrysanthemum Douluo, were truly good brothers over the years, thinking of sharing the good with him.

"I am going to attack now, young man. Since you're seeking death, I'll grant your wish."


Lin Yi said calmly.

Serpent Spear Douluo took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and calmed himself for a moment.

A moment later, he opened his eyes, and a streak of golden light shot out from his pupils!

He held a golden spear covered with fine scales, wrapped around by golden electricity forming loop after loop, crackling continuously.

Immediately thereafter, the ninth black soul ring rotating around Serpent Spear Douluo's body flickered!


A golden two-headed snake appeared as if it were formed from the golden electricity, fierce and terrifying, baring its fangs, with dazzling golden lightning quickly covering the entire viewing platform.

"Ninth soul skill, irresistible force!"

Serpent Spear Douluo growled, and the two-headed serpent simultaneously opened its huge fangs. The spear tip, surrounded by golden electric lights, pressed against Lin Yi's heart with a terrifying force.


The tip of the Serpent Spear twisted instantly, deformed, and could not penetrate a fraction further...

And the terrifying electric lights scattered in all directions, colliding with Lin Yi's body but were quickly repelled by an invisible force.


The impact rippled out!

Serpent Spear Douluo's furrowed brows relaxed in an instant, his eyes bulged, and he screamed as he was sent flying backwards towards the bottom of the stage.


The three elders below watched Serpent Spear Douluo trace a beautiful parabola in front of their eyes—

And then he lay on the ground.

"Why... why didn't my attack work?!"

Serpent Spear Douluo's face was filled with terror as he lifted his head, his hands still numb and trembling.

His attack had not landed on a youth but on a mountain!

Lin Yi looked toward the panel in front of him.

[Blood loss: 139876]

[Remaining health: 999999459637]

[Damage Level: Black (Intermediate)]

[Random Reward: Evolution Crystal (Martial Soul)]

[Host Reward: Evolution Spirit Stone (Martial Soul)]

Lin Yi glanced at the information about the Evolution Crystal and understood its function.

"Get up, get ready to receive your reward,"

Chrysanthemum Douluo reminded at this time.

Serpent Spear Douluo immediately stood up and hobbled onto the podium, not daring to delay for a moment.

It was only when he got closer that he noticed the young man had not changed at all, even his hairstyle was undisturbed…

Whereas he, the one who had launched the attack, was covered in dust, nearly having his body shattered by the shockwave.

"Damage 139,876, Black Intermediate Level, breaking the record previously set by Porcupine Douluo and setting a new historical high,"

Lin Yi stated emotionlessly like a machine reporting damage.

Upon hearing this, Serpent Spear Douluo's eyes lit up as he looked back at Porcupine Douluo.

He never imagined that he, who had always been ridiculed as weak by Porcupine Douluo, could actually surpass him in this regard.

"You've obtained a Black Intermediate Level reward, an Evolution Crystal, which is specifically for Martial Soul aspects. The direction of evolution is uncertain, and the evolution value is one hundred points,"

Lin Yi patiently explained, actually reading from the system's notes for him.

Although the direction of evolution for the Evolution Spirit Stone was also uncertain, its evolution value was one thousand points.

Save it in inventory first and use it after getting a Martial Soul.

This sense of gain felt inexplicably satisfying, and it was always better and higher quality than those who launched attacks.

But Lin Yi was more concerned about what kind of divine powers his Transcendent Divine Body, which transcended the plane, truly possessed.

That would have to wait until after the Shield Breaker.

But judging by the rate of Shield Breaking, it should be soon.

"Martial Soul evolution?"

Serpent Spear Douluo was somewhat dazed.

At this time, Lin Yi flicked the black sphere of light into his body.

Serpent Spear Douluo's body shuddered, and a faint golden light shone on him as if he had undergone a sublimation.

"You can release your Martial Soul to check."

Lin Yi reminded.

Serpent Spear Douluo nodded and immediately did so.

He released his original Serpent Spear, but after seeing its appearance now, Serpent Spear Douluo's eyes widened as much as copper bells.


The entire Serpent Spear was now a bit thicker and heavier than before, and the scales covering it had changed from round to diamond-shaped. The two snakeheads entwined at the tip were no longer snakeheads…

They were dragonheads!!

Satisfied, Lin Yi smiled and said, "Congratulations, it looks like you'll need to change your title soon, to Dragon Lance Douluo."

"Dragon Lance?"

"Martial Soul evolution?"

"My goodness!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo's face stiffened, for Martial Soul evolution was way too delightful!

This was infinitely better than his own increase in the age of soul rings.

The strength of Serpent Spear Douluo, now with the addition of dragon bloodline, had undoubtedly increased more than twofold from before…

"Damn, I can't stand it, I need to use my second chance for today and see what the second reward is!"

"I want to see what the next reward will be!"

Ghost Douluo muttered, continually swallowing his saliva.

Seeing someone else receiving a high-quality reward was even more distressing than him coming up and using his fifth soul skill!

Serpent Spear Douluo, with flushed cheeks, stepped down from the podium, holding his Dragon Lance and grinning foolishly.

"Eh? How come you two don't seem so happy?"

Serpent Spear Douluo asked while staring at Chrysanthemum Douluo and Porcupine Douluo.

The two managed to squeeze out a stiff smile on their faces without saying anything.

"The young brother said I still have one more chance today. I'll give it another go before I leave, heh heh."

Serpent Spear Douluo treasured his Martial Soul as he put it away.

Just then, Ghost Douluo's voice suddenly came from the podium.

"The sixth soul skill!"

Serpent Spear Douluo looked over in confusion, "Why is he releasing the sixth soul skill? Shouldn't he release the ninth soul skill?"

But, as he looked back at Chrysanthemum Douluo and Porcupine Douluo, Serpent Spear Douluo noticed the two had this expression on their faces:

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