27. Lin Yi's wish is actually related to the Soul Master Competition? _1

At this moment, Lin Yi's heart was anything but calm.

It wasn't because he had heard Bi Bidong was coming to apologize to him, but because of the punch he had just thrown.

When those soldiers were preparing to undermine him, Lin Yi had thought about trying out the Ultimate Power he had acquired to test its effectiveness.

But he hadn't expected the effect to be so terrifying…

Is this what Ultimate Power is?

A punch into the void, unleashing enough power to obliterate laws without any direct contact, was simply horrifying.

Just with this alone, he could completely become a one-punch man in the Douluo World!

It's just a pity that the System had rules, forbidding hosts from using self-harm as a way to temper themselves, otherwise, Lin Yi would have punched his own face directly.

As he was sighing, a faint fragrance suddenly wafted in front of him.

Lin Yi looked up and realized Bi Bidong had already approached him at some point.

The breathtakingly beautiful Pope stood tall, her slender legs even more eye-catching beneath her light purple golden-threaded long skirt.

Even so, Lin Yi's gaze did not linger on her for more than a moment.

He had no desires, his only wish in life being to seek death.



Only a woman capable of cutting me down could catch my eye!

Perhaps feeling that standing and talking to Lin Yi wasn't quite respectful or convenient, Bi Bidong slightly turned her body and knelt down on the spot, setting aside her purple-gold scepter.

"I'm sorry, it was... I was wrong about you just now, please forgive me."

Bi Bidong lowered her head, apologizing sincerely.

If this scene had taken place in the past, it would have certainly shocked all six Elders.

The Pope knelt and bowed to a young man for an apology!

But when the apology was directed at Lin Yi, the six Elders didn't find it out of place; in fact, they even thought Bi Bidong should be more devout.

Lin Yi looked at Bi Bidong with an indifferent expression and did not immediately respond to her apology.

Not accepting it?

Bi Bidong's throat moved slightly, and she suddenly became a bit anxious.

After a while, Lin Yi finally spoke, "It's fine."

Upon hearing these words, including Hulena, all six Elders breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness Senior Lin Yi was magnanimous enough.

Bi Bidong also breathed a sigh of relief. Only with the young man's forgiveness could normal communication between them proceed.

"That… is your name Lin Yi?"

She asked softly, her demeanor much gentler than before and filled with a deep sense of apology.

After learning the truth, Bi Bidong couldn't help but feel emotional at the sight of the young man's gaze.

She involuntarily thought of the girl who had been plunged into despair in a secret room more than twenty years ago.

Bi Bidong knew that the young man before her, like her back then, truly sought death and was desperate to find it!

After all, the eyes of a person do not lie.

It's just a pity that Bi Bidong didn't know that on the Blue Planet, there was a profession called acting…

Lin Yi's dark eyes met hers: "My name is Lin Yi."

"May I ask why you seek death?"

Bi Bidong thought it better to try to help him live rather than satisfy one of his last wishes.

Such a powerful person, even surpassing laws.

If he could be of use to the Martial Soul Hall, then some current unattainable goals would become easily achievable.

But Lin Yi looked at her calmly, and his words immediately choked Bi Bidong.

"This is not something you should ask."


Bi Bidong's beautiful willow-brow furrowed slightly, this person… despite seeming young, had quite a peculiar temper.

She took a deep breath, trying to keep her tone as gentle as possible: "Do you have any wishes? I will fulfill one of your wishes as much as I can."

Lin Yi was about to say "to be abused," but after thinking it over, he eventually didn't say it.

Since Bi Bidong was the Pope of the Spirit Hall, perhaps her authority could be used to some advantage.

In the short time he had to think, Lin Yi came up with an idea.

However, this idea could potentially involve not just the Spirit Hall but two empires as well.

"Is the Continental Senior Soul Master competition about to start?"

Lin Yi asked.

Bi Bidong was slightly taken aback, then nodded, "Yes, it's coming up."

Lin Yi continued, "Do you have the power to change the rules of the Soul Master competition? Even if the changes are much more outrageous than before."

"Change the rules?"

Bi Bidong looked at the young man before her with a surprised expression.

What does he want to do?

While she couldn't quite understand his intentions, Bi Bidong still answered truthfully, "I can discuss it with the emperors of the two great empires. As long as the changes can gain both their approvals, there won't be a problem on my part."

Upon hearing this, a faint smile appeared on Lin Yi's lips.

In any place, interests reign supreme. As long as benefits are assured, why wouldn't they agree?

"Does this have something to do with your wish?"

Bi Bidong asked tentatively.

"Let's not discuss that for now. After Your Holiness has launched today's two attacks at me, I will explain in detail,"

Lin Yi said calmly.

As long as he could dangle the reward before Bi Bidong's heart, this woman could be utilized just like the six Elders and Hulena.

Lin Yi's calculations were very precise.

"I, attack you?"

Bi Bidong looked at him hesitantly and confirmed once more.

"Now that you're here, don't you want to obtain what you desire from me?"

Lin Yi looked at her with an almost mocking gaze.

"What I can offer you is endless, everything you could want, any reward you can think of, or even dare not think of."

"The premise is, the quality of the reward is closely linked to the damage of your attack—the stronger the attack, the richer the reward."

Bi Bidong listened in a daze.

At this moment, Lin Yi appeared to her as a merchant who was luring someone into a trap.

But this merchant was rather unusual, his eager goal seemed to be to leave this world as soon as possible.

The youth suddenly filled Bi Bidong's heart with an infinite sense of mystery.

Could this be some kind of special personal charm?

"Alright, do I have two chances today?"

Bi Bidong's eyes sparkled as she stared at Lin Yi.


"Your Holiness!"

Just then, the six Elders below suddenly shouted in unison.

"Your Holiness, please remember to prioritize the lowest damage for the attack. Only by increasing the damage with each attack can you receive a reward matching the damage!"

Bi Bidong turned around and listened, then nodded.

These six fellows, they're quite loyal to Bi Bidong... Lin Yi watched Chrysanthemum Douluo and the others, chuckling inwardly.

"I won't hurt you, right?"

Bi Bidong suddenly asked.

Lin Yi smiled upon hearing this.

He actually smiled... Bi Bidong was suddenly taken aback.

"I hope you, try to hurt me."

Lin Yi smiled in response, then his expression returned to its usual calm.

Bi Bidong took a longer look at this ordinary-looking but elegantly poised young man, nodded, and stepped back.

She raised her fair and slender right hand, and yellow, purple, black, black, black, black, red—nine Soul Rings rose in succession from her body.

"First soul skill, Death Lance."


ps. There is one more update to come [Seeking recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards]