72, Red Intermediate reward, 100,000-year attached soul bone, Eight-Spider Spear! [First Update]_1

Bi Bidong's pretty willow-shaped eyebrows were tightly knitted.

And her mouth seemed soldered shut with a lock; no words could escape.

During bath time, she had done many unspeakable things.

Too many to count...

But really, she was too embarrassed to talk about each and every one; if she were to mention even one, she wouldn't be able to face anyone the next day.

Caught in her dilemma, Bi Bidong turned her head, only to be shocked with wide eyes.

At this moment, all the Soul Masters under the stage had gathered with great concentration, prepared to listen to the explosive scoop to follow.

Included among them were the Elders and guest elders, even Thousand Waves standing by the side was secretly pricking up his ears.

You… You lot are just shameless!!

Hmph, don't think for a moment you'll hear any secrets from me!

Somewhat annoyed, Bi Bidong glanced at Lin Yi and said, "I give up on this question, ask the second one."

Lin Yi nodded calmly, "Alright, you have two more chances, and they must all be answered truthfully before you can use the Prop Card."

After finishing, Lin Yi paused a moment and added:

"I declare again, these three questions are randomly generated by the Prop Card and have nothing to do with me."

After hearing this, Bi Bidong gave him a dubious glance.

Why don't I believe it one bit...

"The second question, when you sleep, do you wear both upper and lower undergarments?"

No sooner had the words fallen than Bi Bidong's body stiffened.

In that instant.

She once again felt countless gazes suddenly converging on her.

Burning hot on her back.

Why are these questions all like this!

I'm really getting angry now!

However, the Red Intermediate reward requires 300,000 damage, which isn't easy to achieve.

Even if it is meted out, it's equivalent to laying down a high-damage round, making it harder later on, which is even more of a loss.

So the chance to obtain a Red Intermediate reward for free is really valuable...

Bi Bidong stared at Lin Yi's eyes somewhat plaintively, but what she saw was an utterly serious gaze.

Could it be that he really didn't come up with this?

Forget it... at least this question is better than the first one, and there are only two chances left.

"I don't wear either."

Bi Bidong said with a cold voice.



"What the hell did I just hear?!"


No sooner had Bi Bidong spoken than all the men in the crowd were seething!

Various whistles erupted, along with excited shrieks.

Several Elders had even more peculiar expressions, but they had to endure it; status is indeed a tough thing to handle.

But the shouting crowd quickly quieted down.

Because the woman on the stage was now turning to look down, her eyes revealing a serpent-like coldness.

Lin Yi chuckled to himself.

Seems like everyone had too much free time on their hands, finding the Pope's private affairs this intriguing.

But Bi Bidong actually likes to go commando when sleeping, that was indeed an eye-opener.

Lin Yi did not show much expression, and his face returned to a cold demeanor.

"Your answer is true. Now for the third question..."

But as he looked at the third question in the System Space, his pupils shivered, unable to utter the words.

Asking this question would not only ruin his own image, but if Bi Bidong had any respect for him, it would break completely.

[When was the last time you masturbated?]

Look at this crappy question!

Stupid system, are you really going to ask about something so private??

No, I really can't ask this question.

Lin Yi could imagine the gravity of the situation; she, Bi Bidong, could choose not to answer, give up the prop, but he would be pointed at by thousands.

"Reselect the third question!"

Lin Yi commanded in his heart.

[Please confirm]


[Starting reselection... Reselection successful.]

[What is the most recent lie you told? And what is the truth?]

This question was comparatively better.

Lin Yi's expression relaxed somewhat as he asked Bi Bidong, "What is the most recent lie you told? And what is the truth?"

Upon hearing this question, Bi Bidong subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

Finally, it was no longer such a private matter.

But this question...

Bi Bidong slightly furrowed her brows, recalling the recent conversations she had had with others.

Suddenly, she remembered.

Casting a surreptitious glance at Qian Renxue, Bi Bidong hesitated, "I gave someone 80 Black Silks... but lied to her that it was because I had too many Black Silks; the truth is, I had always wanted to give her that many."

Hearing her words, Xue Qinghe's eyes widened in surprise.

He felt perplexed and all of a sudden, somewhat flustered.

Lin Yi, listening to the System's judgment, nodded, "Your answer is true. Congratulations, your reward has been upgraded to Red Intermediate level."

He finished speaking and raised a red orb of light in his hand.

A reward representing the Red Intermediate quality... Bi Bidong felt a rush of excitement, as the doldrums from answering the question dissipated.

"The reward is, an attached soul bone of 100,000 years, named Eight-Spider Spear, which can evolve."

After Lin Yi spoke, he flicked the red light orb toward Bi Bidong.

"An attached soul bone! 100,000 years!"

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

Attached soul bones were even more precious and sought after than regular soul bones, and this one was 100,000 years old straightaway!

Whimpering, indeed for Senior Lin Yi, soul bones were like cabbages, handed out as soon as mentioned.

However, unlike the others' amazement, Lin Yi was surprised that this attached soul bone turned out to be Tang San's Eight-Spider Spear!

Tang San's Eight-Spider Spear seemed to have only been dropped by a 3,000-year-old Man-Faced Demon Spider; the quality of this 100,000-year-old Eight-Spider Spear was unknown how many levels higher than Tang San's.

The orb landed in Bi Bidong's hands, transforming into an attached soul bone that emitted a red halo and resembled the shape of a trunk bone.

But holding the attached soul bone, Bi Bidong couldn't help but furrow her brow.

It wasn't because the soul bone's quality wasn't high; quite the contrary, she knew its quality was extremely high, but she already had an attached soul bone of her own.

It seemed this reward was not meant for her; better to hold onto it for now.

"Elder, I am ready to launch a second attack."


Bi Bidong seized the moment to strike while the iron was hot, her second attack pattern was:

First soul skill + Martial Soul Real Body + Rakshasa Scythe.

The normal damage for the first soul skill was 60,000, the Martial Soul Real Body also added about 60,000, and the Rakshasa Scythe added 160,000.

But since last time the damage was 230,000, Bi Bidong decided not to go all out with her first soul skill this time.

The closer to the end, the more carefully everyone calculated the damage, and Bi Bidong was no exception.

Her long dress shed, wrapped in spider silk, the splendid gown, a web that dazzled the eyes.

Bi Bidong, after the Martial Soul Possession, looked stunningly beautiful yet exuded a deadly allure.

In her right hand, she held the Rakshasa Scythe, and in her left, she formed the Death Lance, like a seductive viper from Hell.

"Tap tap tap!"

Bi Bidong charged at Lin Yi, the Death Lance shooting out and shattering into pieces as it hit Lin Yi, frail and fragile. Bi Bidong's gaze turned cold as she swiftly followed up with her Rakshasa Scythe.

The deadly purple-black arc cut through the air, striking hard upon Lin Yi.


Bi Bidong was prepared, her Thorn Spider Armor Possession protecting her from the Damage Rebound inflicted upon herself.

The entire set of attacks flowed seamlessly, like clouds and flowing water.