77, My child truly lives up to being my offspring, bearing the world in mind without sweating the small stuff! [Third update]_1

Lin Yi?

Is there anyone here named Lin Yi?

As soon as the question was announced, there was complete silence in the venue.

It was as silent as death.

Standing in the stands, Xue Qinghe stared blankly, but his cheeks instantly turned as red as a monkey's butt.

Not a single person spoke up.

Both Bi Bidong and Thousand Waves couldn't help but widen their eyes.

But the thoughts in their hearts were completely different.

Bi Bidong frowned, an obvious look of disapproval on her face.

No, she cannot kiss Lin Yi, this is absolutely not acceptable!

I disagree!

Bi Bidong was expressing strong internal protests at this moment.

Thousand Waves' expression, compared to Bi Bidong's, was much more splendid.

When he heard the question, he felt ecstatic inside.

His granddaughter kissing Lin Yi! What an opportunity delivered to his doorstep!

His dear granddaughter had better try harder and lure Lin Yi into the Worship Hall. If she succeeded in seducing him, he, the grandfather, wouldn't say a second word and would directly give the position of Great Priest to his grandson-in-law!

Thousand Waves was well aware of the fact that Lin Yi knew Xue Qinghe was a woman.

Therefore, he was confident that as long as his granddaughter agreed, Lin Yi would definitely feel differently about her.

Since ancient times, heroes have found it hard to resist beauties; how could Lin Yi not take the bait, with Qian Renxue being so beautiful?

However, all this also needed his granddaughter's consent. Although Thousand Waves was in favor of it, he would not force her to do it against her will.

Lin Yi looked at Xue Qinghe with a calm expression, "Let me clarify in advance that the topic is chosen at random, Crown Prince. You are completely free to decline."

"No need, I agree..."

Xue Qinghe's face was flushed, yet he forced himself to appear calm.

Bi Bidong's pupils shook.

No! You silly girl!

But she did not dare to go up and stop it, after all, her identity did not match, and she was afraid of leaving a bad impression on Lin Yi.

When Thousand Waves heard this, his mouth was already twisted with a smile.

"Wait a moment!"

At this point, from among the spectators, a burly man with his chest exposed and chest hair showing walked out.

The man spoke seriously, "I must confess, my real name is actually Lin Yi!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward, his eyes earnestly fixed on Lin Yi.

"I know that Senior Lin Yi must be unwilling, after all, as a man, who would want to be kissed by another man!"

"I, Lin Yi, am willing to bear this pain for Senior Lin Yi!"

No sooner had the man finished speaking than he had walked up to the stands.

"I only ask that Senior Lin Yi remembers my kindness, allowing me to be ranked slightly more favorably in the future."

But as soon as the man finished speaking, two feet suddenly imprinted on his chest.


Bi Bidong and Thousand Waves joined forces, directly kicking the man into the crowd with one foot.

The man lay on the ground, foaming at the mouth and unconscious.

Bi Bidong looked on coldly, not saying a word, and returned to her spot.

Thousand Waves seemed surprised that Bi Bidong couldn't hold back her kick as well and glanced at her curiously before saying sternly towards the man's direction:

"Martial Soul Hall is a holy place, nudity showing chest hair is prohibited. Take him away."

"Yes! Great Priest!"

Lin Yi couldn't help nodding internally, this really was a good excuse.

By this time Xue Qinghe was ready and walked towards Lin Yi.

He came before Lin Yi, knelt down, and with flushed cheeks leaned in close to Lin Yi, lightly pecking him on the mouth very quickly.

Xue Qinghe's body smelled nice and was very comfortable to the sense; his lips were soft, like jelly.

After kissing, he immediately buried his head and returned to his place, his ears seemingly emitting steam.

"The first question, complete."

Lin Yi said with a composed expression.

Actually, the process went by so fast there wasn't much feeling to it; the only profound impression was that Xue Qinghe really smelled nice.

"Senior, why didn't you refuse? The Crown Prince has the right to refuse, don't you?"

Bi Bidong suddenly couldn't help but ask, seemingly a bit miffed inside.

Lin Yi looked at her with an indifferent expression.

"A dying man need not sweat the small stuff. Giving out the rewards is my duty, compared to that, these things are nothing."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yi himself seemed to be sublimated instantly.

Everyone's gaze towards him immediately became solemn and respectful.

"Senior, I am very sorry! It was the junior who offended you!"

Xue Qinghe immediately knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to Lin Yi.

At this moment, the embarrassment in his heart had faded away, leaving only anxiety, and of course, most of all, admiration.

"I said it's no trouble."

Lin Yi continued to look towards the System Space at this time.

"The second question... the Crown Prince must give Sect Master Ning a hefty slap."

Upon hearing this question, Xue Qinghe was somewhat surprised.

This is a good question!

That's what he thought in his heart.

Not only him, but also everyone from Martial Soul Hall suddenly had the same thought.

This question is just too good!

Even the recently sulky Bi Bidong looked over curiously.

After all, this was part of the question, and it wasn't as if Xue Qinghe personally wanted to slap Ning Fengzhi on his own volition.

On the outskirts of the crowd.

Ning Fengzhi tensed up.

What kind of ridiculous question is this, must be fake!

I am the Crown Prince's teacher! He can't do this!

This violates the traditional virtues of respecting teachers and valuing their teachings!

I protest! I vehemently protest!

But just then, Emperor Xueye standing on the side suddenly turned to look at Ning Fengzhi.

The incredibly high-ranking Sovereign of the Heaven Dou bowed to Ning Fengzhi, bending over with hands clasped.

Ning Fengzhi was shocked: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Why are you doing this? Wind Grace cannot bear this!"

Emperor Xueye's face showed a beseeching look.

"Sect Master Ning, Qing He had just sacrificed his dignity, committing the act of kissing a man before the watchful eyes of the public, which deeply saddens me."

"Yet, I understand his determination to obtain a higher quality reward. Everything Qing He has done, he did for the empire..."

"I, Xue Ye, hereby sincerely appeal to Sect Master Ning!"

After saying this, Emperor Xueye bowed again, and Ning Fengzhi, in great distress, immediately stepped forward to support him: "Your Majesty, please wait!"

Dammit, are you father and son teaming up to gang up on me?!

"Your Majesty, you really flatter Wind Grace too much, please don't be so hasty!"

Ning Fengzhi said with an urgent look: "I know this child Qing He well, he was taught to respect his teachers and value their teachings from an early age, educated in the noble etiquette of the royal family."

"It's not that I am unwilling to contribute to the empire, but even if I agree, Qing He will absolutely not be able to bring himself to do it!"

Up in the stands.

Lin Yi asked again: "Crown Prince, this second question, are you willing to execute it?"

Xue Qinghe clenched his fists, a look of sorrow on his face.

He said somberly, "For the empire, I am willing!"

Ning Fengzhi's face stiffened.


Upon hearing Xue Qinghe's words, Emperor Xueye burst into tears.

"My son is truly my son, with a heart encompassing all under heaven, unconcerned with minor details. He is willing to undertake this task despite the risk of bearing infamy. As his father, I am ashamed, deeply ashamed!"

ps. Offering up the third update; I hope for your daily following, and good night to all.

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