90、Magical Modification version of Great Universe Movement emerges, Ning Rongrong drops in on the scene!【First Update】_1

"Sect Master, are you still in good condition? Do you want to take a rest first?"

Chen Xin looked at Ning Fengzhi with some concern and asked.

The experience full of great sorrow and great joy, even as an onlooker, he felt a profound sense of drama and heartache.

This was the play of fate!

"No need to rest, let's keep the momentum going!"

Ning Fengzhi said sternly, he simply didn't believe it, even if he couldn't obtain the Evolution Crystal today, could it be that he wouldn't win any other rewards?! Impossible!

My fate is in my own hands, not in heaven's!

Continuing with the previous positioning, Chen Xin switched to his second soul skill, while Ning Fengzhi continued to use his first soul skill that directly increased damage.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda floated mid-air, its light blooming, and looking at this unchanged Martial Soul, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but feel an ache in his heart again.

Alas, there's nothing to be done about bad luck.

The red light once again burst forth from the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, swirling around Chen Xin.

Under the dual buffs of Spiritual Sword Guard and Strength Amplification, the Seven Kills Sword let out a sharp whistling!

The sound of metal friction rang out again, Chen Xin drew his sword, a light-speed slash, and the moon-white light was bone-chillingly cold!

The sword trail passed, and the attack ended.

The Seven Kills returned to the scabbard, its sharp edge concealed.

Each of Chen Xin's attacks was extremely quick and fierce, giving the impression that it was over before it had even begun.

Especially the sword's cry and the flashes of the sword in the arena, a dual pleasure for the eyes and ears, making it something one could never tire of watching or listening to.

But at this moment, Chen Xin in the stands was not having an easy time.

He stared at his slightly trembling right hand, feeling a chill in his heart as he looked at the indifferent youth sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Even though the youth didn't move an inch, the pressure he exerted was really harsh.

Lin Yi opened his eyes, his pitch-black pupils gazing at the panel.

[Blood loss: 198462]

[Remaining health: 899981400324]

[Damage Grade: Black (High Level)]

[Random Reward: Great Universe Movement Skill Mastery (Magically Modified)]

[Host Reward: Great Universe Movement Skill Mastery (Magically Modified), target can be freely changed]

This reward slightly stunned Lin Yi.

Could it be that Master Jin Yong's martial arts secrets are also in the reward pool?

He quickly checked the comments, only to realize he was overthinking it... The function was not the same concept at all.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi stepped forward, slightly bowed, and asked with a bitter expression:

"Senior, this time it can't possibly be The Big Wheel of Prices again, right? I really don't want to draw it a second time!"

Lin Yi shook his head.

"Damage 198462, Black Advanced Level, your reward is the Great Universe Movement Skill Mastery."

"Not good!"

Just then, Chen Xin suddenly frowned and said.

"Sect Master, there's a problem with our damage plan, with only your second attack, the damage has already reached 198,000... "

Ning Fengzhi took a deep breath and sighed, "It doesn't matter anymore, the amplification of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda is already so powerful. If the lower limit is raised, our damage ceiling will naturally be high as well."

"Uncle Jian, maybe the two of us will be the first ones to touch the Gold Level reward pool."

Hearing this, Thousand Waves down in the stands suddenly furrowed his brows.

You'll be the first?

Are you sure?

With my Four-Word Battle Armor, are you sure that the amplification of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda can compete with this high-tech gadget?

At this point, Lin Yi flicked the black orb of light in his hand towards Ning Fengzhi.

And he explained, "First of all, congratulations, this is a permanent skill."

"The usage is quite simple, too."

"When you want to use it, just think of someone you have seen in your mind, and you'll be able to instantly teleport to their location, and they will come to yours."

After listening to Lin Yi's introduction, Ning Fengzhi's eyes lit up.

"So you mean, I can appear anywhere the other person is at any time? As long as I want, I can go to her place?"

By this point, he already had someone in mind for the trial.

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback but nodded anyway, "That's the principle."


But just as he was about to add more, Ning Fengzhi suddenly disappeared.

Where he had just been standing, there was now a girl in a cyan dress with sweet and pretty features, her eyes and expression exuding a spiritual energy.


Gu Rong and Chen Xin almost cried out in surprise at the same time.

Ning Rongrong stood still, her brain short-circuiting.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Where is this???

She widened her eyes, looking around in shock.

Seeing Gu Rong and Chen Xin, Ning Rongrong was so scared that she immediately ran over to them.

"Uncle Jian, Bone Grandfather! Where is this?! How did I suddenly appear here? Why are you guys here too?!"

At this moment, the gazes of at least a thousand people were simultaneously focused on her, each with a ferocious expression.

Having never seen such a scene before, Ning Rongrong's little face instantly turned pale with fear.


Gu Rong and Chen Xin were at a loss for words, only managing to turn their gaze towards Lin Yi.


Lin Yi was speechless.

He understood Ning Fengzhi's excitement upon finally receiving a reward.

But for heaven's sake, listen to the specific rules before you validate them!

Seeing the three people below looking up at him, Lin Yi said indifferently,

"Don't worry, in five minutes, you'll be able to return to where you were."

"Who are you?"

Ning Rongrong asked curiously, looking at Lin Yi in the stands.

Although she was afraid, she was nevertheless a clever person.

After briefly observing the situation, Ning Rongrong noticed that everyone here seemed to defer to the young man as the leader.

Because in the entire scene, only the young man was seated, and all the others were standing in positions around the stands.

Wait a minute!

Is that Bi Bidong?

Ning Rongrong looked towards Bi Bidong and the others in shock, and only then did she raise her head and see the huge Six-winged Angel Statue not far away!

Soul City!

So this is Soul City!

What's happening?!

Was Soul City conducting some kind of ritual right now?

Why, including the Pope, did everyone, her Sword Grandfather and Bone Grandfather included, have to surround and stand by this young man?

Lin Yi did not respond to Ning Rongrong's confusion.

He closed his eyes with a cold expression, waiting for Ning Fengzhi to return.

"Why... why isn't he speaking again?"

Ning Rongrong asked, perplexed, looking to Gu Rong and Chen Xin.

"Senior Lin Yi is just like that, he treats everyone the same, it's not personal against you, Rongrong, keep quiet and don't speak..."

Chen Xin explained gently.

He was actually afraid Ning Rongrong would blurt out something that could annoy Lin Yi, as the girl had always been outspoken and unrestrained since she was young.

"What?! Senior?!"

Ning Rongrong was shocked, "Uncle Jian, you actually call him senior?! But, he looks to be about my age!"


Chen Xin was terrified and quickly covered Ning Rongrong's mouth.

He finally became serious, "Don't talk, just stay here quietly for a few minutes, and you will go back later!"

Chen Xin was indeed scared; if Lin Yi got angry and did something to the girl, he wouldn't be able to protect her!

Right now, he was scared of Lin Yi's cold eyes looking his way again, an experience Chen Xin truly did not want to go through a second time.

He didn't want Ning Rongrong to go through it either!

Fortunately, Lin Yi remained on the stands with his eyes indifferently closed, as if he had no interest in Ning Rongrong whatsoever.
