99. Reward: One hundred modern novels? Bi Bidong helps to capture soul beasts [Second update]_1


"What is she doing?"

Thousand Waves asked Qing He curiously.

"How would I know what she's up to? Hurry, it's your turn, grandpa."

Qing He urged Thousand Waves.

Thousand Waves then realized his moment had come and hurried towards the stands, fearing Lin Yi might be in a rush.

He glanced at the Damage Record on the wooden sign.


The current record was still held by him; this time, there was no doubt, he would break his own record again.

Ever since Chen Xin arrived, Thousand Waves suddenly felt his record might be endangered.

The support from Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda was tremendous, and Chen Xin's own damage output was not insignificant. Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi were absolutely the most promising duo to break the record.

It wasn't just Thousand Waves who was focused on the highest record wooden sign; Chen Xin was also paying attention.

He had a desire to win.

Being titled the strongest attacker on the continent, Chen Xin always felt the title was a bit empty.

After encountering Lin Yi, he realized that attack damage could actually be expressed with a concrete number!

This was like opening a door to a new world for Chen Xin.

So he thought, since he had this title, he might as well prove it with a specific number!

He was confident about that record.

Even with two Ultimate Douluos present at the scene, Chen Xin still wanted to compete!

If Thousand Waves knew that Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi, in cooperation, had once dealt over half a million in damage, he would probably feel his sense of urgency more acutely.

In front of Lin Yi, Thousand Waves's right arm began to twinkle with starlight.

Right hand armor, small-arm armor, large-arm armor, and right shoulder armor materialized, his right half filled instantly with a strong sense of power.

He released his Martial Soul at the same time, and the phantom of a Gold Level Seraph with six wings appeared behind him.

The Angel Holy Sword and Four-Word Battle Armor combined, substantial and sharp.

"Third soul skill! Light Blade Slash!"

Thousand Waves rushed forward at high speed. The gold-level light blade streaked across the air and landed on Lin Yi's body.

The trembling sensation on his arm was absorbed by the Four-Word Battle Armor, and Thousand Waves quickly retracted his Martial Soul and raised his right arm in front of him, dissolving the rebounding damage just as easily with the Battle Armor.

Indeed, high-level soul technology. Thousand Waves stroked the Four-Word Battle Armor on his right arm with affection.

Last time he had this look in his eyes was when he was in bed, touching the cheek of a life-sized doll.

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood Loss: 291366]

[Remaining Health: 899978241076]

[Damage Grade: Red (Novice)]

[Random Reward: 100 Volumes of Modern Web Novels]

[Host Reward: 500 Volumes of Modern Web Novels]

Lin Yi found that the rewards given by the System were either astonishing or bewildering.

Red level rewards included these as well?

He briefly scanned the titles of these web novels, and couldn't help but shed tears. They were all too familiar to him.

He just didn't know whether Thousand Waves would be interested.

"How did it go, Senior?"

Thousand Waves asked curiously.

"Damage 291366, Red Junior level, still broke the record you set before. Congratulations."

"Your reward is a hundred novels."

"Novels? What are novels?"

Thousand Waves frowned slightly, seemingly having no concept of this.

It appeared that the world of Soul Land didn't have this kind of cultural industry... So they seemed unaware of novels.

Lin Yi thought for a moment, then put it another way:

"It's about the life experiences of a hundred men, or boys. I believe you will find it extremely beneficial after reading them."


Thousand Waves' eyes widened with a sudden deep respect.

Without a doubt, these hundred men must be the ones Senior Lin Yi had taken an interest in; being favored by Senior Lin Yi, their life experiences signified that they must have been exceptionally brilliant.

Thousand Waves slightly narrowed his eyes.

It seemed that Senior Lin Yi was intentionally imparting his success stories to him…

"I understand."

Thousand Waves nodded solemnly.

Seeing this, Lin Yi tossed the red orb towards the ground.

Several hundred books with different covers piled up one on top of the other on the ground—after all, they were lengthy novels, with even a single novel stretching across more than a dozen volumes.

Thousand Waves' eyes went wide with excitement as he turned to Lin Yi, "Senior, are all these mine?!"

"Yes, you can read their stories when you have time; they are all genuine, like that 'Covering the Heavens', or 'Fighting Break'..."

Lin Yi felt an urge to laugh but restrained himself.

Thousand Waves walked over and touched the array of books as if they were treasures, realizing that the numerous volumes surely meant detailed content.

He now had plenty to learn!

Although Xue'er was a girl, the experiences of successful men would still influence her, and Thousand Waves decided to share a few of the books with Qian Renxue.

Huh? That 'The 26-Year-Old Female Tenant' seemed to detail a woman's story; it must be some woman's story of success.

Good, I'll start with this one for Xue'er tonight.

Thousand Waves happily stored the books into his soul tool.

Meanwhile, Bi Bidong had arrived at the outskirts of the Aquipeia Forest.

The dense forest cast spots of gold on the ground where the sunlight filtered through.

Bi Bidong intended to search for Hulena inside, but she saw Hulena walking towards her, as if about to leave the Aquipeia Forest.


Bi Bidong called out.


Hulena was surprised. Shouldn't her teacher be in Soul City right now? Why did she come to the Aquipeia Forest?

"Nana, where are you going?"


Hulena was at a loss for words, her expression clouded.

Right then, Evil Moon and Elder Yan Ying caught up with them.

Hulena found her chance to vent:

"Teacher! Evil Moon is being too picky in hunting for soul beasts, rejecting this and that. He has had Elder Yan Ying and me roaming the forest for two or three days!"

Evil Moon felt a bit embarrassed and scratched the back of his head.

"Can't help it, can we? Around the fringes of Aquipeia Forest, there are hardly any soul beasts worth considering, and they're extraordinarily scarce. With such a large forest, we have to walk around a bit more, right?"

"So that justifies three days of walking?!"

Hulena turned and glared at her brother. "Hmph, I don't care anymore, I don't need a soul ring for now. I'm going to meet Senior Lin Yi! I've missed out on so many things in these three days!"

At this point, Bi Bidong stopped Hulena and said, "I came to help you hunt for a soul ring. I just knocked a nice item off Senior Lin Yi that can quickly capture soul beasts. If you're not satisfied, it can be switched out in a second, very convenient."

After speaking, she took out the Soul Beast Attractor, a clear glass sphere that instantly drew the attention of the three of them.

However, by the looks on Evil Moon and Elder Yan Ying's faces, they didn't seem to believe it much.

After all, in their eyes, it was just a glass sphere not even as big as a palm.

"Let's walk further inside first,"

Bi Bidong looked back, realizing they were too close to the outskirts; it would be troublesome if a soul beast ran out of the forest.


ps. There will be just two updates today; we will resume three updates tomorrow.

Everyone can look forward to the scene where modern web novels take Soul Land by storm, showing them a world beyond the mystical drains.

Also, I'd like to recommend a book; the author is a very pretty girl who has a good relationship with me. She's still single, and she's planning to write Soul Land fan fiction to earn some pocket money, just like me.

Title: "Soul Land: Challenging for Prizes, Bi Bidong's Hands Get Soft from Collecting Awards"