126, 440,000 Damage, Eternal Weapon Roulette [Second Update]_1

At that moment, the scene was silent except for the sound of men's silence and women's tears.

Many people were looking at Lin Yi on the stage with longing in their eyes.

In their entire lives, they had never seen a Divine Artifact; even the Great Priest and His Holiness the Pope could only use Divine Artifacts with a time limit.

But Senior Lin Yi, you just doled them out like they were free!

How are we supposed to live after this?!

Lin Yi didn't care about the Soul Masters' feelings; the more they despaired, the happier he became.

He said, "If you're ready, then let's start the second attack."

Thousand Waves nodded.

He didn't retract the Angel Holy Sword; he wanted to try out the new treasure he had just acquired, of course.

He remembered how Bi Bidong had used the Rakshasa Scythe right away in the second attack, which made him incredibly envious at the time.

This second attack, Thousand Waves prepared to use the first soul skill + Four-Word Battle Armor.

Of course, this time, the first soul skill was cast using a Divine Artifact as the medium.

Points of starlight appeared on Thousand Waves' entire right arm and shoulder, and the golden Four-Word Battle Armor flashed into existence in an instant.

The novelty of this sight stunned Dai Ben and Gu Yuena, who had arrived later.

What is this thing?? An attached soul bone?

No one answered their question because everyone's attention was focused on the spectacle happening on the platform.

Thousand Waves shouted.

"First soul skill! Sword of Judgment!"

The Four-Word Battle Armor, holding the Divine Artifact, combined their auras to reach the peak in an instant.

He rushed towards Lin Yi, and the Angel Holy Sword in his hand was even burning with the True Fire of the Sun—an effect intrinsic to the Divine Artifact.


A sword struck Lin Yi's shoulder, and Thousand Waves promptly defended with the Angel Holy Sword in front; yet when the Damage Rebound hit him, he was shocked.

The force this time was far greater than before; he was uncontrollably sent flying towards the stand below, and only when the Third Offeror braced behind him did his momentum stop.

"What's going on?!"

After regaining his composure, Thousand Waves couldn't help but look up at the platform in astonishment.

"Big brother, could it be…"

At this moment, the Third Offeror looked thoughtfully at the Divine Artifact in Thousand Waves' hand.

Lin Yi turned to the System panel.

[Blood loss: 443678]

[Remaining Health: 899970208376]

[Damage Level: Red (High Grade)]

[Random Reward: Eternal Weapon Roulette*1]

[Host Reward: Eternal Weapon Roulette*3]

If he remembered correctly, this was the first time a Red Advanced reward was issued for damage.

No one had ever managed to get a Red Advanced before; they had always jumped from Red Intermediate straight to Golden Junior.

Lin Yi glanced at the notes, then said:

"Damage 443678, Red Advanced damage."

Upon hearing this damage report, Thousand Waves nearly lost his balance.

He forcefully calmed himself and asked, "Over... over four hundred thousand?"

The last attack was only 330,000—how did it suddenly jump to 440,000 damage this time? What kind of joke was this!

"Confused about the damage, right? Actually, it's quite easy to analyze. First, this is a Divine Artifact, and specifically, it is a weapon for your own Martial Soul, which means it has a high compatibility with you."

"Secondly, you used the Divine Artifact to execute a soul skill, which is completely different from Bi Bidong, who did not use a Divine Artifact to execute his soul skill. So, it's completely normal for the damage to be high."

It was only then that Thousand Waves had an epiphany.

That was a real fright.

But it wasn't a loss; compatibility with the Divine Artifact effectively increased his damage baseline.

It's just too bad that it could only be used for sixty days.

"Then, Senior, what is the reward for Red Advanced damage?"

"Eternal Weapon Roulette."

Thousand Waves: "?"


Upon hearing those three troubling words, Thousand Waves' eyes widened in disbelief.

I feel like throwing up... No! I'm already having a physical reaction!

Thousand Waves staggered down the steps with a bent body, the Eternal Weapon Roulette, huh? Don't think I'm not aware of what kind of reward is waiting for me!

Nothing but a sickle, a hammer, a slab of brick or something!

"I don't want this reward! I'm giving it away!"

He made his way beneath the viewing stand and squeezed into the crowd, meanwhile pointing at Xue Qinghe.

"I'll give this reward to Prince Qinghe! Prince Qinghe has always been lucky, instead of wasting this reward, it might as well show its true value in someone else's hands!"

Thousand Waves' speech moved Emperor Xueye greatly.

Dai Ben, however, was unhappy upon hearing this. Why should it be given to the prince of the Tiandou Empire and not the prince of the Xingluo Empire?

He pulled Davis and stepped forward, speaking to Thousand Waves, "Great Priest, perhaps you could consider the prince of Xing—"

"Get lost."


Dai Ben, with tears streaming down his face, dejectedly pulled Davis back into their group.

What's going on?! Since when did Martial Soul Hall get in bed with the Tiandou Empire?

But with Lin Yi in charge here, Dai Ben really didn't dare to say much.

Forget it, endure.

Consider this giving Martial Soul Hall another chance!

Upon hearing this, Xue Qinghe silently stepped out of the crowd.

He walked up the steps to the stand and stood in front of Lin Yi.

The recent twist hadn't changed Lin Yi's expression; he calmly said,

"The weapons in The Big Wheel range from sickles, hammers, and large bricks, to Divine Artifacts of Level Two and Level One, up to those of the Supreme God. What you draw is all down to luck."

"If drawn, you gain permanent usage rights."

Having finished, Lin Yi tossed the red light orb he held into the air, which transformed into a huge single-layer roulette.

Apart from the Lucky Roulette, all other roulettes are equipped with a cover on the outside.

"Previously it was drawing skills based on luck; now it's drawing weapons based on luck. His rewards really are quite varied, huh."

Gu Yuena chuckled lightly, though she had only experienced The Big Wheel once, she had already sensed the unreliability of this reward.

All down to luck.

"You may begin when you're ready."

Lin Yi made a welcoming gesture.

Xue Qinghe nodded, approached the roulette, and gave it a strong spin.

"Clang clang clang—"

The sound of the spinning wheel was like a death knell to Thousand Waves below.

Why does this roulette reward keep picking on him?! So annoying!


The wheel stopped.

On it was just one pointer pointing in the direction of twelve o'clock.

Xue Qinghe stepped back, feeling not too much pressure since the roulette wasn't drawn by him, but he did feel a touch of anticipation.

Lin Yi then used his system ability to open the pointer panel.

[Golden Dragon Spear]

Xue Qinghe read out the weapon's name, his face showing some confusion.

Lin Yi's expression shifted, first glancing at Gu Yuena. As expected, Gu Yuena was already standing there in shock.

He couldn't believe the weapon that had appeared!

It was indeed quite outrageous.

Lin Yi said, "When the Dragon God fell, one part of its split became the Golden Dragon King. The Golden Dragon King was slain in the Divine Realm, and one of his ribs became the Golden Dragon Spear."

The Silver Dragon King, who was part of that split, was standing below, trembling uncontrollably as she listened to Lin Yi's words.

"The Golden Dragon Spear contains immensely powerful destructive forces. It can absorb the life force of any living thing to bolster its own qi and blood and further grants part of this to the wielder."

Lin Yi continued the introduction, actually knowing quite well from the original story that it was this very weapon that would, in the end, take the life of the silver-haired woman below...

PS. It's a bit late, begging for recommendation tickets, thanks to everyone who kept up with the reading.

The update time is roughly after nine o'clock in the evening, many thanks for the support!