133. Some people may look bold and honest, but behind the scenes, they secretly wear Black Silk [Second Update]_1

Seeing Ning Fengzhi and his two companions forcing smiles, Lin Yi could almost imagine how much the recent negotiations had been about coercing obedience through authority.

Bi Ji looked up in surprise, her two dazed emerald eyes peering in Emperor Xueye's direction.

Senior? She was actually being called senior by a human?

Probably used to being the lowest in the presence of her lord, Bi Ji subconsciously still thought of herself as the least significant Goose Goose.

Being suddenly addressed as senior was quite unsettling for her.

"Why am I fated with you? I do not know you."

Bi Ji asked, puzzled.

Emperor Xueye approached with a smile, but upon catching sight of Gu Yuena's frosty purple eyes, he couldn't help but gulp and retreated a few steps.

Gu Yuena actually just had a normal expression… but her normal expression still gave off a cold aura.

"Senior, please look at my Martial Soul."

After speaking, Emperor Xueye had four rings rise up from his body.

At the same time, a noble and delicate swan neck stretched upward, and emerald wings unfolded behind him, a rich aura of life undulating around, accompanied by a rising green glow.

"Emerald Swan!"

Di Tian exclaimed in surprise, "Is there actually a human who possesses such a Martial Soul? It must be very rare, right?"

Bi Ji was even more astonished.

This familiar aura was undoubtedly that of an Emerald Swan, but she truly had never seen a human with this kind of Martial Soul.

The moment the Jade Swan Martial Soul was revealed, the Nine-Hearted Begonia paled in comparison.

Emperor Xueye, seeing Bi Ji willing to converse with him, was beyond excited and boldly stepped forward again, turning his head respectfully to Lin Yi and bowing with his fists, saying:

"Such an incredibly rare Martial Soul cannot possibly be mine. It was the greatly talented Senior Lin Yi who evolved my Martial Soul into the noble Emerald Swan!"

Lin Yi could never have expected that the unified gaze of this ferocious beast trio would turn to him in such an orderly manner.

A pair of golden eyes, a pair of purple eyes, and a pair of emerald eyes made Lin Yi feel almost embarrassed.

Evolving a Martial Soul isn't a standard operation?

Could you three country bumpkin beasts please move your so-called 'wise' stares off me?

"How impressive..."

Bi Ji's gaze toward Lin Yi suddenly changed.

No matter how formidable Lin Yi was before, Goose Goose didn't care, but the fact that Lin Yi could grant a human a Martial Soul like Goose Goose's truly shocked her—very shocked indeed!

"Then I thank you!"

Bi Ji smiled and showed her gratitude to Emperor Xueye, then she snuggled up to Gu Yuena and coquettishly asked, "Lord~ can you help cute Bi Ji deal damage later?"

"I suppose I can."

Gu Yuena raised one eyebrow at Bi Ji, her eyes showing a hint of indulgence.

She was indeed speeding things up for the sake of Silly Goose's face.

"Thanks, Lord~"

Bi Ji wiggled her hips toward Gu Yuena, making heart gestures with her hands.

"Today, we must follow the order I previously mentioned, you cannot swap privately. After today, do as you please."

At that moment, Lin Yi issued a cold command.

His words fell like a bucket of cold water on everyone.

Emperor Xueye's unnecessary flattery fell through, and Gu Yuena's fantasies of an early attack suddenly shattered.

"Why? We were following the rules!"

Gu Yuena asked angrily.

Lin Yi looked at her indifferently, offering no explanation.

"No one's attacking? If that's the case, Emperor of Xingluo, it's your turn."

Lin Yi said.

Upon hearing this, Dai Ben immediately felt an unexpected joy fall from the sky!

He ran over eagerly with Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

But before they could even get to the edge of the stands, Gu Yuena turned and gave them a look, a powerful aura exuding from her frosty purple eyes in an instant.

Dai Ben felt as if his blood had frozen at that moment.

He swallowed nervously, his face twisted in bitterness as he said to Lin Yi, "Well... Senior, I think it might be better to wait until those two have settled it among themselves..."

Once again, he was in tears, dragging Davis and Zhu Zhuyun back in retreat.

Gu Yuena glared at Lin Yi from below, anger manifesting on her face in the shape of dragon scales formed in hate for him.

Yet, Lin Yi acted as if blind to it all, speaking coldly to Emperor Xueye:

"Emperor Xueye, you have three seconds to think this over."

"Since that's the case, guess we should go first..."

Emperor Xueye shook his head with some regret, having hoped to foster a closer relationship with the lady in green through this, but his plans had been scuttled.

"Your Highness Chen Xin, you proceed with the individual attack."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After ascending the stage, Chen Xin heard Emperor Xueye walk over to Bi Ji with an apologetic face, "I truly apologize, I had no idea Senior Lin Yi's rules were so strict."

"When I get up there later, I am definitely going to smash him with a powerful attack. Humph, maybe if I cause damage over a million, I can really hurt him!"

Gu Yuena crossed her arms, her beautiful cold face filled with resentment.

Emperor Xueye's expression stiffened... A million? A million?!

Did this silver-haired girl really have the confidence to inflict a million damage?!

He quietly backed away a bit.

At that moment, Bi Ji quietly said, "I think the Golden Dragon Lord is being a bit petty. It's because you had Bear Lord provoke him at the start, so now he is blatantly taking revenge on you!"

Upon hearing Goose Goose's astute comment, Di Tian got scared and immediately covered her mouth, dragging her away:

"You Silly Goose! The Lords are not for us to discuss! Shut your mouth this instant!"

"Wuu wuu wuu—"

Gu Yuena just snorted coldly in response and continued to glare at Lin Yi.

She was determined to glare at Lin Yi until he felt overwhelmed by guilt.


"Senior, I am ready to attack."

Chen Xin bowed respectfully to Lin Yi on the stage.

Lin Yi nodded, but at that moment, he suddenly noticed a message in the chat group in his mind.

"One": Lin Yi is being stingy! Stingy! Stingy! Stingy!!!!

"Second": ?

Member Three: ?

Who else could harbor such strong resentment at this time...?

Lin Yi looked toward Gu Yuena, who kept glaring at him from below the stage, and then at Bi Ji, who struggled against Di Tian's hand covering her mouth.

It seemed that "One" was likely one of these two women.

Never mind, forget it.

"Go ahead and attack."

He instructed Chen Xin.

To Lin Yi's surprise, Chen Xin once again used his Second Soul Skill.

"Second Soul Skill! Spiritual Sword Guard!"

The blue-lit phantom of crossing swords bestowed a seal on the Seven Kills Sword.

Chen Xin raised his sword finger, and the Seven Kills Sword swiftly unsheathed.


The piercing sound of the sword cheering echoed between them.


A streak of snowy sword light flashed in front of Lin Yi, and the remnants of the sword's energy hummed faintly in the air.

The entire attack happened so quickly that it was over from the moment it began.

Lin Yi checked the display.

Damage Grade: 122,717

Remaining Life: 899,967,754,637

Damage Level: Black (Intermediate)

Random Reward: Random Sword Spirit*1

Host Reward: Random Sword Spirit (Senior)*1

Upon seeing the damage value, Lin Yi couldn't help but frown slightly.

Chen Xin's attack hadn't applied the Dugu Jiujian, and with just a day to practice, Lin Yi guessed there was no chance he had completely mastered it.

Yet, this was a straightforward attack using only the Second Soul Skill, and this time it caused five percent more damage than the last.

Could it be...

Lin Yi looked at Chen Xin, with his head full of white hair, exuding an inherent authority.

Some people, despite their bold and upright appearance and thick eyebrows, might still secretly be wearing some Black Silk...

ps. I was nearly falling asleep while typing today... pat pat Goose Goose.