141, Holy shit, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li? [Second Update]_1

Don't say you're curious, I'm curious too.

Who else in the myriad worlds could have something in common with you?

Lin Yi thought to himself... Ning Caichen? After all, they both have the surname Ning.

Just as Lin Yi was preparing to draw the card, there was suddenly a commotion in the audience.

Lin Yi and the others looked down.

Turns out, Tom Cat had walked over to Gu Yuena's side, and somehow produced a sophisticated tailcoat to wear, complete with a stylish bow tie.

Gu Yuena found the cat quite amusing and didn't feel any alarm, watching the Tom Cat with interest until it gallantly extended a paw toward her.

What for?

Gu Yuena looked at it quizzically.

"My lord, it seems to want you to place your hand on its paw..."

Bi Ji, peeking out from behind Di Tian, cautiously spoke to Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena raised an eyebrow in confusion and placed her fair, slender hand on Tom Cat's paw.

The next moment, Tom Cat closed its eyes with a smile and gracefully bowed its head to kiss the back of Gu Yuena's hand.

The scene startled Gu Yuena, causing her to jerk her hand back.

"Pervert cat!"

Gu Yuena cursed, glaring at Tom and swung a punch at its head.


The sound resembled that of a gong being struck; Tom Cat's tailcoat was still suspended in mid-air, while its body suddenly compressed downwards, turning into a squat gourd!

Gu Yuena stepped aside in fright; she hadn't exerted much strength, so why did it suddenly shrink?!

Tom Cat pouted, unhappily turned around, and waddled back to its original spot, looking like a penguin.

Upon returning, its body sprung back like a spring, and its head shot up, reverting to its original shape.

Gu Yuena's eyes widened, as did the eyes of Bi Ji, who was peeking over Di Tian's shoulder with only her head showing.

Damn, among the many rewards that have appeared so far, this cat is the most outrageous!

This little episode diverted the attention of the three people on stage for a moment, but Lin Yi was the first to shift his gaze back.

Wind Grace also turned around promptly, focusing on the red glow in Lin Yi's hand.

Lin Yi shook his hand slightly while holding the glow, and it transformed into a card in his palm.

Wind Grace noticed a subtle change in Lin Yi's expression.

"What's the matter, senior? Which character is it?"

He took a curious step forward and asked.

Lin Yi flipped the card around and said, "Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li."


Wind Grace was slightly puzzled.

When he saw the first character on the card, for a moment Lin Yi thought it might be Tony Stark, but then again, what common trait could Iron Man and Wind Grace possibly share?

It wasn't until he read the full name that Lin Yi's expression changed...

For crying out loud, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li!

Well, there was indeed a similarity with Wind Grace.

Lin Yi sent the card flying towards Wind Grace.

Taking the card, Wind Grace examined the character depicted in colorful illustration on it.

The clothing looked strange, but as soon as he saw the pagoda in Heavenly King Li's hand, it became clear to him—this was their common feature.

"The ability you've drawn at random is precisely that of the tower in his hands."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, the card turned into a burst of light and entered Wind Grace's body.

"Now, your Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda can imprison people within it, though only one at a time."

"With this ability, your Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Martial Soul will become unbreakable and can be maintained for a long period, also able to be enlarged or shrunk at will."

Hearing this, Wind Grace knelt down...


Talk about a turn of fortune for the last one to go onstage!

Even though he didn't get the Evolution Crystal as he had hoped, these two rewards were already enough for Wind Grace to feel contented with his life!

"Thank you, senior!"

"Don't rush to thank me, you should test your ability after receiving the reward. I wouldn't want anyone to think that I only talk big without substance."

Lin Yi said with an even tone.

These words made Wind Grace instantly think that Lin Yi had some issue with him, and in a flurry, he kneeled down on one knee:

"Senior, you misunderstand! I would never dare to speak recklessly, I have absolute trust in your words!"

Lin Yi stared at him blankly.

I was just saying to check the prize before celebrating; I didn't say anything about you, why so agitated...

"Let's test the ability..."


Ning Fengzhi looked around, had no choice, Chen Xin was the closest to him and his strength was widely recognized.

"Uncle Jian, I need your help."

"It's alright, Sect Master, make your move!"

Ning Fengzhi nodded and the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda appeared in the palm of his right hand.

The Glazed Tower shimmered with light, gradually floating in mid-air, and at the same time, its size expanded several times.

Soon, an oversized Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda floated above Chen Xin, radiating a brilliant light.

The Soul Masters present all looked up in astonishment; they knew full well that the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda shouldn't get that big.

"Uncle Jian, what are you feeling right now?"

Chen Xin answered Ning Fengzhi's question with a shocked expression on his face.

He initially thought that one would have to use force to put a person into the tower, but he didn't expect the tower could actively capture someone!


He was now completely immobilized!

"I can't move! It seems like a particularly powerful force has restrained my entire body!"

Seeing Chen Xin's struggling figure, everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

Holy shit, hard-core control, huh?!

If Chen Xin couldn't move, then the only outcome he faced was being confined inside the tower!

Following that, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda rotated and plummeted downwards, enveloping Chen Xin within it.


"I can move now!"

Chen Xin's voice immediately followed from inside.

Bi Bidong mumbled, "Is the restrictive power lifted only after someone is confined inside? How long can they be kept there?"

"Permanently, unless the holder of the tower chooses to release them,"

Lin Yi said calmly.

Hearing these words, everyone was astonished as they looked at the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda on stage.

What used to be a supremely powerful auxiliary Martial Soul now turned out to be a man-eating device!

Thousand Waves frowned, "Can anyone be confined inside?"


Hearing Lin Yi's response, Thousand Waves quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Except for me,"

Lin Yi continued.

Thousand Waves: "..."

"However, confining is merely that. It doesn't have any other functions. Attacks from the outside can't reach the inside, and similarly, attacks from the inside can't be released to the outside,"

Lin Yi explained.

Ning Fengzhi seemed to think of something at this moment, raised his right hand, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda quickly shrank, and the confined Chen Xin inside also shrank with it.

This scene baffled the onlookers; they thought Chen Xin would be crushed into pieces.

"Uncle Jian, try releasing an attack from inside?"

"Yes, Sect Master."

There was a movement inside, but those on the outside didn't feel Chen Xin's sword intent at all. Previously, every time Chen Xin attacked, his sharpness could be felt throughout the whole venue!

"Uncle Jian, did you attack?"

"I did! And I used my Martial Soul True Body..."

Upon hearing this, Ning Fengzhi hissed.

If it had been before and Chen Xin had used his Martial Soul True Body, ten Seven Treasures Glazed Pagodas would not have been enough to withstand his attack!

And now, the Martial Soul was not even shattered...

Not a single person was not amazed by this ability.

Down below, Gu Yuena and Di Tian exchanged glances, both able to see the shock in each other's eyes.

To be able to confine anyone, and possess permanence, without an iota of disturbance produced by attacks released inside...

The reward this human received is simply defying the heavens!

Also, who is Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li... Could it be that Lin Yi had already lived in other planes for tens of thousands of years before this?

Otherwise, how did he come to know these individuals and even command their abilities?

Could it be that Lin Yi had already become the master of other planes?

The more they thought about it, the more terrifying the implications seemed.

Gu Yuena increasingly felt that this Golden Dragon King was gradually surpassing his master, rising above the Dragon God...

ps. Thank you for following the updates, and thanks to all the lords for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, I'm very happy to receive them!