146, Idiom Reality Wheel, dare to bet whether you'll draw a positive or negative idiom? [First Update]_1


Upon hearing Gu Yuena's agreement, Bi Ji's joy soared, and she pounded her fair little fists even more vigorously.

"Hee hee, Bi Ji likes Master the best!"

"Bi Ji, I can help you deal with the damage too, don't bother Master with everything."

Di Tian suddenly interjected from the side.

Bi Ji: ⚆_⚆?

Di Tian: (•̀⌄•́)

Ignoring Di Tian, Bi Ji continued to massage Gu Yuena's shoulders with enthusiasm.

"Master, is this strength okay?"

"Yes, it's fine."

Di Tian: "..."

He rubbed his eyes somewhat awkwardly, then leaned in with a smile and asked Gu Yuena, "Master, can you also 'hit Tian-Tian' with damage?"

"Get lost."



"Senior, it's my turn."

Dai Ben looked towards Lin Yi, speaking respectfully.

Lin Yi nodded. Dai Ben then continued, "Uh... may I rest for five minutes first? To recover the soul power I just used?"

Lin Yi, with a cold expression, said, "One minute."

"Thank you, Senior!"

One minute was hardly enough for a rest... But being allowed to rest was good enough, Dai Ben was about to sit down when a sudden cold voice from the audience startled him tremendously.

"Try resting and see what happens?"

Dai Ben's eyes widened as a chill crept up his spine instantly. Like he had been sitting on a hot platform, he immediately leapt up just one second after sitting down.

"No rest, no rest, we'll start right away!"

Dai Ben said with a forced smile, his back already drenched in cold sweat.

Hearing this, Gu Yuena, from behind, withdrew her threatening gaze.

You petty humans dare to delay my turn on stage? Do you believe I'll eat you? Hmph.

"Master is so handsome~"

Bi Ji laughed as she continued to massage Gu Yuena's shoulders with vigor.


"Third soul skill! White Tiger Diamond Transformation!"

The low growl of a beast resounded on the stage, and the fierce image of the White Tiger flashed over Dai Ben, followed by a burst of golden light radiating outward.

With muscles swollen, Dai Ben charged at Lin Yi. His hands, already transformed into tiger claws, leaped up and crossed his claws, infused with soul power, tearing across Lin Yi's chest.

For a Titled Douluo with a top-tier beast martial soul, such an attack could easily rip a Soul Sage in half.

But when launched at Lin Yi, who had an absurdly high amount of health, it was no different from tickling.

Dai Ben took a step back, bracing against the damage rebound with his body in the Tyrant Body State.

Lin Yi shifted his gaze back to the panel.

[Health Lost: 61345]

[Remaining Health: 899966152765]

[Damage Level: Black (Junior)]

[Random Reward: Idiom Reality Wheel*1]

[Host Reward: Idiom Reality Wheel*3]

New stuff, let's continue reading the system's notes.

Lin Yi glanced at the notes, then said to Dai Ben, "Damage 61345, Black Primary Level, your reward is The Big Wheel."

The rules of The Big Wheel were things Dai Ben and the others had heard on the side, so Lin Yi didn't plan to explain further.

"Over fifty thousand damage can still get a big wheel reward?"

Dai Ben asked curiously. His question was clearly the curiosity of others as well, and everyone perked up their ears.

Lin Yi nodded, "The Big Wheel reward is the only type of reward that exists in all grades except white. However, depending on the quality of the prize, the quality of The Big Wheel also varies, with the highest level being the jackpot prize pool's Big Wheel."

Once the explanation was understood, everyone had a sudden realization.

Thousand Waves, however, was visibly shaken. Did this mean he would keep encountering The Big Wheel rewards in the future?!

Lin Yi tossed the black light orb in his hand into the air.

The orb transformed into a single-layer barrier variant of The Big Wheel.

"The Idiom Reality Wheel, the idiom where the pointer lands will manifest an actual ability in you, but each ability can only be sustained for one month."

"It's not permanent? It turns out there's only a month's time huh..."

Dai Ben suddenly said, sounding somewhat disappointed.

Lin Yi glanced at him, "This is the limitation of the Black Primary Level reward; with a lower quality of the prize, it can't be permanent."

"There's another thing, if you draw a positive idiom, one month will indeed feel quite brief."

After finishing this sentence, Lin Yi leaned forward, his expression inexplicably becoming more sinister and dreadful:

"But if you happen to draw a negative idiom, the ability it manifests could make this month seem incredibly long and uncomfortable for you..."

Hearing this, Dai Ben widened his eyes and nervously swallowed.

"So, do you want to draw?"

Just like with Davis before, Lin Yi's words felt like a seductive scythe poised at Dai Ben's neck.


Dai Ben decisively said, how could he possibly be unlucky, being an emperor, surely he would have some bonus to his luck?

"You can start anytime."

Hearing this, Dai Ben walked over to The Big Wheel, took a deep breath, and placed his palm on its edge.

His first reward from The Big Wheel, please don't let it be a letdown!

It would be best to draw a reward that would help Xingluo Imperial Academy win the championship.

With a strong pull, Dai Ben staggered backward.

The wheel spun for about a minute and then stopped.

At this moment, Lin Yi raised a finger, and all attention instantly converged on The Big Wheel, everyone watching intently.

These were new rewards, so of course, they were curious.

Opening the pointer shutter, Dai Ben leaned in first.

[Like Adding Wings to a Tiger]

Three seconds later, an extremely excited expression appeared on Dai Ben's face.

"This is a positive idiom, right?! I bet correctly!"

At this very moment, anyone could feel Dai Ben's excitement.

Lin Yi nodded, "Congratulations, the idiom materializes now."

A golden light flew out of the wheel and fell onto Dai Ben. He stepped back in surprise as a massive white tiger phantom enveloped him.

Then with a "whoosh", a pair of snow-white wings suddenly spread out from behind the tiger phantom, and with a flap of the wings, Dai Ben took flight on the spot!

Everyone looked up in astonishment, their faces showing envious expressions.

A top-tier land-based Martial Soul with wings, isn't that exactly like adding wings to a tiger?!

Dai Ben landed, his face flushed with excitement as he walked towards Lin Yi, the pair of wings behind him neatly folding up.

"Thank you, senior, for this magnificent gift!"

"No need to thank me, it's all down to your luck," Lin Yi said indifferently, then gestured, "Let's begin the second assault."


Not expecting his luck to be so good, Dai Ben felt his excitement and eagerness grow stronger inside him.

May my ancestors bless me!

"Second soul skill, White Tiger Intense Light Wave!"

An impact wave much thicker than Davis's blasted towards Lin Yi, with a "boom".

Seeing the damage rebound rushing towards him, Dai Ben subconsciously released the White Tiger Protective Barrier.

He just couldn't feel secure without putting up a defense...

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood Loss: 89743]

[Remaining Health: 899966063784]

[Damage Grade: Black (Junior)]

[Random Reward: Idiom Reality Wheel*1]

[Host Reward: Idiom Reality Wheel*3]

Lin Yi was stunned, the same reward as the first time?