155. Permanent Second Form - Black Swan (Poison) [Second Update]_1


To be fair, Bi Bidong was really thoughtful, the cushion was indeed comfortable to sit on.

It felt like it was stuffed with some kind of precious soul beast down.

Could it be that Bi Bidong had used this herself?

Lin Yi wondered curiously, then looked at the panel.

[Blood Loss: 654371]

[Remaining Health: 899963660174]

[Damage Level: Gold (Junior)]

[Random Reward: Permanent Extreme Mastery of Thunder Element]

[Host Reward: Permanent Extreme Mastery of Thunder Element]

It seemed this reward allowed Gu Yuena to jump from controlling seven elements to controlling eight, and the eighth element was even at extreme mastery.

She, who excelled at creating damage with elemental combinations, would probably see a significant increase in her combat effectiveness.

"Damage 654371, Gold Junior level, the reward is Extreme Mastery of the Thunder element, obtained permanently."

"Thunder element?!"

Gu Yuena exclaimed in surprise.

An element she had never touched before, which even caused her to feel repulsed and shudder at the mention of it due to the presence of thunder calamity, she could now actually utilize it?

And at extreme mastery?!

Seeing the subtle changes in Gu Yuena's facial expression, Lin Yi knew that the little dragoness was thrilled beyond measure.

Still, she was such a tsundere, holding back even when happy, careful not to get internal injuries from suppressing it!

Lin Yi waved the golden light sphere in his hand, and an excited Gu Yuena stepped forward, puffing up her round chest ready to receive the reward.

But she found that the light sphere was still in Lin Yi's hand...

This was awkward.

With a flushed face, Gu Yuena demanded, "What are you doing? Why aren't you giving it to me?"

"An accident."

Lin Yi said indifferently.

Actually, he just wanted to tease her a bit, it was really amusing.

He flicked the light sphere back to Gu Yuena.

After merging with the light sphere, Gu Yuena took a step back, and her beautiful silver hair instantly floated and danced around her.

"Zila zila—"

The sound of electricity crackled, with blue-purple arcs flashing between Gu Yuena's pale fingers.

Her purple pupils sparkled with fluorescence, and the corners of her mouth curled upwards as Gu Yuena lifted her palm, a condensed ball of thunder appearing in the center of her hand.

Extreme mastery, Extreme Thunder.

This was actually her first extreme element!

One could sense the terrifying explosive power within the blue-purple thunderball.

Gu Yuena drew back the thunder element she had released into her body, looked at Lin Yi with sparkling eyes, and smiled, "Thanks."

Lin Yi appeared indifferent as if he hadn't heard, and simply said, "Next."

Gu Yuena huffed and turned to wave at the audience below.

"Bi Ji, come up."


Bi Ji, wearing a green dress, hurriedly climbed the steps, but perhaps due to being too nervous, she tripped on the last step and fell forward into a kneeling salute to Lin Yi.

Gu Yuena looked down at her in shock.

Goose Goose lay on the ground, eyes wide, questioning her life.

"We've just met, and we're not close, you don't need to be so enthusiastic."

Lin Yi said flatly.

Bi Ji's pale face instantly flushed, and she quickly patted her knees and stood up, timidly hiding behind Gu Yuena.

"You're a 400,000-year-old ferocious beast, and you can still fall down?"

Gu Yuena turned back to look at her in disbelief.

Bi Ji stole a glance at Lin Yi: "I'm scared of the Golden Dragon Lord, he seems so serious, so cold..."

"With me here, would he dare to eat you?!"


Gu Yuena imperiously turned around and pulled Bi Ji in front of herself, while pushing her forward from behind.

Bi Ji, eyes shut tight in fright, shrank her head back, while her small, uncertain hands were raised defensively in front of her.

"Master! Master! Alright! Alright!"

Only then did Gu Yuena stop, her voice coming from behind, "You assist me from the front, and I will launch attacks from behind. Since we will often encounter him in the future, consider this a punishment to train your courage!"


What did Goose Goose do wrong?

Bi Ji wondered, puzzled, but the moment she opened her eyes, she was met with Lin Yi's expressionless gaze and immediately closed them again in fright.

Too close, too close!

Bi Ji quietly took another step back.

Am I that frightening... Lin Yi's eye muscles twitched.

Of course, he had no idea that soul beasts are most mindful of hierarchy, and as a subordinate facing the lord, one must not make eye contact.

This was a rule for survival etched into Goose Goose's heart for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Bi Ji, I order you to open your eyes," commanded Gu Yuena in a stern voice from behind.


Bi Ji opened her eyes to reveal a beautiful pair of green eyes, but because of her fear of Lin Yi, they were flickering with tears.

You are the attacker, yet you're the first to cry?

Even being a leader of the Jade Swan Clan, how shameful!

Lin Yi looked down on her internally.

"Begin your attack,"

he said coldly.

Bi Ji, clenching her little fists, obediently nodded fast, her movements like a pecking chick.

She took a deep breath; her slender body began to emit a green light.

Bi Ji raised her little arms, hands weaving above her head, her fair and well-proportioned legs stretched to one side, and her skirt's floating curvature resembled lotus leaves. At this moment, the greenish radiance around her became even more intense as green wings "whooshed" open behind her, and a slender, elegant swan neck stretched upwards.

The Jade Light instantly covered a five-meter radius around her.

It was a very aesthetically pleasing scene, as Bi Ji's skill execution resembled a solo dance.

Simultaneously, an Ice Lotus rose from behind Bi Ji, pausing mid-air before swiftly spinning towards Lin Yi.

Gu Yuena had intended to try the Thunder element but, recalling she hadn't verified the other elements with data on Lin Yi, she hesitated to use them.

She decided to use what she was most confident in.

The spinning Ice Lotus exploded upon Lin Yi, and Bi Ji closed her eyes as the emerald swan wings immediately folded forward.

However, the next moment, a raging silver brilliance swiftly engulfed her body, and when Bi Ji opened her eyes again, she found herself already behind Gu Yuena.

All the Damage Rebound had been blocked by Gu Yuena.

"Wuu wuu wuu, Master, I was so scared~"

Bi Ji immediately hugged Gu Yuena's slender waist from behind and said.

"I told you there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Mmhm, Master is the greatest!"

Di Tian watched from below and suddenly envied the two women on stage, whether being the one hugged or the one initiating the hug.

Lin Yi glanced indifferently at the two women, then looked over his panel.

[Blood Loss: 561435]

[Remaining Health: 899963098764]

[Damage Level: Gold (Junior)]

[Random Reward: Permanent Second Form—Black Swan]

[Host Reward: Random draw for Second Form *1 time]

This golden reward... Lin Yi frowned slightly.

When in doubt about the reward, check the annotations!

After reading the System's annotations, Lin Yi roughly understood what was meant by the Black Swan's Permanent Second Form.

"Damage 561435, Golden Junior Level, your reward is to obtain the Permanent Second Form, Black Swan."

ps. Thank you for following along, I wish everyone an early birth of a precious child.