174, Proof of the Divine Artifact, Adamant Metal is the Best in Defense! [First Update]_1

The Steel Fire Dragon was agitated beyond compare, as if it had caught a whiff of danger, and its hefty body began to backpedal.

Perhaps even it did not realize how much it had changed from before.

Lin Yi had taken out a total of three divine artifacts: the Rakshasa Scythe, the golden trident, and the Angel Holy Sword.

At the same time, the Asura Sword, serving as his Martial Soul, also floated to one side, shrouded in a blood-red aura. Lin Yi's hands moved without pause, and he took out the Golden Dragon Spear capable of sapping life force.

Everyone was dumbstruck by the scene before them—

Maybe this is what a big shot is like, their divine artifacts are produced in bulk.

You think the divine artifacts are gone once given away?

Of course not... Everyone still remembers the astonishing scene when Lin Yi pulled out three or four Angel Holy Swords at once.

It was like he was hawking cabbage at a vegetable market, but this "cabbage" could only be bought with high damage.

"Senior, what are you doing?"

Gu Rong gasped for air, shakily stood up, and looked at Lin Yi with some trepidation.

"You should all know the power of a divine artifact, but you do not know the hardness of Adamantium. Words alone are no proof, so let me show you."

"If your Martial Soul shatters under my attack, I will compensate you with a Gold-level reward."

Lin Yi stood up, his gaze fixed on Gu Rong's eyes as he spoke.


Gu Rong was somewhat panicked, although he trusted Lin Yi's words a lot... when the attacker turned out to be Lin Yi himself, he still subconsciously chickened out.

"Prince Qinghe, would you do me the favor of attacking with me, to demonstrate the defensive strength of steel bones to Bone Douluo?"

Once Lin Yi finished speaking, he tossed the Golden Dragon Spear towards Qian Renxue.

The latter caught the Golden Dragon Spear, and a flash of golden dragon scales appeared on the back of her hand.

Qian Renxue looked with an admiring gaze at the weapon in her hand and was somewhat flattered by Lin Yi's invitation, promptly responding:

"Yes, Senior!"

Lin Yi nodded, and as he stood up, he gripped the Asura Sword's hilt with one hand.

Unlike He Chenxin, who wielded swords with both hands, he held his sword with just one hand.

Even so, the hefty body of the Asura Sword still seemed incredibly light in Lin Yi's hand.

Although He Chenxin's handling of the Asura Sword was commendable, it gave the impression to onlookers that he was completely suppressed by the aura of the Asura Sword throughout.

Yet on Lin Yi, there was no such feeling at all.

Instead, the Asura Sword Martial Soul had been completely overwhelmed by Lin Yi's aura from the very beginning.

"Bone Douluo, use your Martial Soul True Body."

Lin Yi instructed in an indifferent tone.

Gu Rong gave him an uncertain look, steeled his heart, and still clenched his teeth to nod his head.

Being attacked by so many divine artifacts all at once, with Lin Yi as the attacker, even if he died, the fame would be enough to boast for a lifetime.

This was a good deal!

"Martial Soul, True Body!"

Murmuring this, Gu Rong's body became ethereal, and then he merged into the massive body of the Steel Fire Dragon as a streak of light.


The Steel Fire Dragon roared towards the heavens, charging forward under Gu Rong's mental command.

"Boom! Boom! Boom——"

Each step it took was like the collision of mountains.

Lin Yi raised his sword finger, and the three divine artifacts immediately obeyed, hovering in mid-air.

The Angel Holy Sword shone brightly with golden light, trembling intensely, and was the first to fly towards the Steel Fire Dragon under Lin Yi's control.


A golden light shadow that seemed to split the sky in half instantly cleaved down, like a divine punishment!

This caused Thousand Waves, who was watching from the side, to tense up, aware that the Angel Holy Sword never exuded such an aura in his own hands...


The Steel Fire Dragon's body had actually withstood the mighty blow!

This excited it tremendously, and it roared as it charged forward again.

Following that, the sound of the air being torn apart rang out.

The Devil's Sickle spun at high speed towards the Steel Fire Dragon, the tearing sound gradually transforming into a demonic roar, filled with weeping and wailing that made everyone's heart tremble.

Bi Bidong looked on with immense envy at the scene before her, her eyes filled with longing.

If the Devil's Sickle could deal one or two hundred thousand damage in her hands, then Senior Lin Yi's blow this time was definitely in the millions!

When could she ever achieve that level...


Another deafening impact shook everyone's bodies once more.

Yet the Devil's Sickle left no marks on the Steel Fire Dragon, let alone shattering its Martial Soul, which made Chen Xin and others even more excited.

Lin Yi took the third Divine Artifact, the golden trident, in his hand, and with a firm grip, it immediately shone brilliantly.

Everyone held their breath as they watched Lin Yi flip his body on the platform, his forearm muscles as solid as refined steel, and with a "whoosh," he threw the golden trident towards the Steel Fire Dragon.

The trident that shot out caused a magnificent ocean tide sound in mid-air, for Divine Artifact attacks always carry their own attribute bonuses, and Lin Yi's Ocean Affinity had long surpassed that of Poseissi.


Another violent collision occurred on the body of the Steel Fire Dragon, and Chen Xin and the others watched with wide eyes only to find that the Steel Fire Dragon showed no signs of shattering!

But before they could get excited, the next moment, both Lin Yi and Xue Qinghe moved simultaneously.

If their combined strike also failed to shatter the Martial Soul, then the Steel Fire Dragon, with its Adamantium skeleton, would surely make Gu Rong the number one in defense throughout Soul Land!

The air suddenly became ice cold, as Lin Yi, wielding the Asura Sword, instantly became murderous.

He leapt high off the platform, his killingly cold aura enveloping the entire field, and as the space-tearing blade activated all the souls within, amidst the wails of the souls, Lin Yi finally gripped the sword with both hands in the last moment and slashed down heavily.

The blood-red figure that hovered in mid-air solidified for a moment in Gu Yuena's eyes, and she suddenly bent over, her face turning pale.

"My Lord!"

"I'm fine!"

Gu Yuena gritted her teeth and stubbornly insisted on watching Lin Yi bring down the sword with her own eyes.

The cold sword blade heavily landed on the head of the Steel Fire Dragon, dimming the flames on its body.


The Steel Fire Dragon sank to its knees, its massive body plunging vertically, the ground splitting violently, with cracks spreading crazily around.

The crowd stepped back, and at that moment, Ning Fengzhi and the others had their hearts in their throats.

Compared to Lin Yi's frontal assault, Qian Renxue's attack from the side seemed rather insignificant, even though her damage was close to a million too!

After the attack, Lin Yi leaped backward into the air, his body landing steadily on the platform.

He withdrew his Martial Soul, looking calmly at the Steel Fire Dragon in front of him, which seemed to be kneeling to him.

Once the dust had settled, the Steel Fire Dragon slowly raised its head, and the flames on its body "whooshed" back into fierce burning.

Even in its Martial Soul state, it was not broken!

Lin Yi's lips curved into a faint smile, quite satisfied with the effects of the Adamantium.

After all, his rewards could never be described as "insufficient."

Lin Yi turned and walked back, slowly sitting down.

He raised his hand, and all the Divine Artifacts flew back to him, including the Golden Dragon Spear in Qian Renxue's hands.


Qian Renxue looked on with yearning, but alas, she could not own the Golden Dragon Spear since her bloodline could only maintain it for a little over two days.

With Lin Yi's use, all the Divine Artifacts had been individually verified, and the onlookers could feel the earth-shattering damage just by watching.

But having withstood so many attacks, the Steel Fire Dragon was still unharmed.

There couldn't be a stronger proof than this: the Steel skeleton with the Adamantium alloy indeed established the first in defense!