188, Divine King! I really can't kill you! Please let me go! [Second Update]_1

Tang Chen rubbed his eyes vigorously and then realized that he had just experienced an illusion; there was no change in the young man's appearance.

The change was in the sword in his hand, its accumulated killing intent suddenly becoming stronger than the sum of all the murderous energy in Slaughter City!

What that implied was self-evident.

Tang Chen was now scared to the extreme, struggling to prop himself up with his arms.

But the recent impact had broken two of his ribs, and the cheek he had used to break his fall was now swollen high.

He, who had just seemed like a devil, was now completely devoid of presence, with only the thought of clinging to life remaining in his mind.

"Spare me, I'll give you Slaughter City! The Ten-headed Solar Serpent is yours, too; I'll give you everything here. You can be the King of Slaughter!"

The title of "King of Slaughter" was of no interest to Lin Yi.

Approaching Tang Chen, Lin Yi positioned the Asura Sword at Tang Chen's neck, looking down and said, "You have one minute to recover, then head to Hell Road and bring back the Ten-headed Solar Serpent."


"Fifty seconds left."

Tang Chen looked up at Lin Yi's cold face, not daring to delay and immediately sat down with his legs crossed in spite of the pain.

The murderous aura around not only enhanced his strength but also helped him recover quickly.

In less than a minute, Tang Chen's pain had mostly subsided.

He opened his eyes and looked fearfully at Lin Yi, then vanished from the Slaughter Ground in a flash of red light.

Lin Yi thrust the Asura Sword into the ground, resting his right hand on the hilt, closed his eyes and waited quietly; the atmosphere around him seemed to fall into a momentary silence with his action.

Everyone was too afraid to speak, lest they anger this true god.

Davis stood timidly to one side. In such an environment, he dared not make any unnecessary movements; everything now awaited Senior Lin Yi's commands.

Suddenly, the whole Slaughter Ground shook violently. Lin Yi opened his eyes to see the ground directly in front shatter, and a massive figure ten meters in length thrown out.

Following it was a red figure; Tang Chen materialized and respectfully said to Lin Yi, "The Ten-headed Solar Serpent, I've brought it for you!"

The captured Ten-headed Solar Serpent looked around in confusion, emitting a series of croaking noises. Its wings flared then folded, displaying its sense of danger.

Soon, the Ten-headed Solar Serpent turned fierce, especially when it looked at Lin Yi.

Probably because it felt that out of everyone present, the murderous intent from this young man was the strongest.

Collection of the sample, begin.

Lin Yi took a step forward; no one could see his sword-drawing action, but in the next instant, he and the sword plunged into the ground disappeared.

A heavy sound of cutting the air rang out. Blood-red sword light flickered mid-air, and then Lin Yi's figure reappeared twenty meters away, gently landing while the Asura Sword turned into a light and faded from sight.


Behind him, the Ten-headed Solar Serpent, which had just been standing erect, now heavily crashed down to the ground. Its neck's thick scales had a neat gap, and at that moment, the serpent was on its last breath.

The Ten-headed Solar Serpent, which once took Tang San a great effort to defeat, did not pose any challenge to Lin Yi.

He stretched out his right hand towards Davis, his five fingers clenching in the air. The immense force warped the space between them, uncontrollably dragging Davis in front of Lin Yi.


Davis looked around in bewilderment; what the heck, how did he get here?!

"Go and land the last blow."

"Ah? Yes... Yes!"

There was actually no such setting, but Lin Yi had to play along since he had lied to them before.

Davis walked towards the dying Ten-headed Solar Serpent, picking up a long sword from the ground. He first stabbed at the serpent's belly, only to break the sword...

Davis stared blankly at the broken blade before wisely stabbing into the wound that Lin Yi had made, finally finishing off the Ten-headed Solar Serpent.

At the same time, a red inner core floated mid-air, to the delighted surprise of Davis as he caught it.

Outside the Space channel, Dai Ben shouted triumphantly, "Good!"

Lin Yi checked the System Space and noticed that his inventory instantly increased by fifty inner cores!

Awesome, the speed of the System's sampling and cloning was so fast; just a second apart, and such efficiency, wow.

But so far, Lin Yi's plan to come to Slaughter City has not yet ended.

He crushed the Golden Light Sphere in his hand, this random reward was really up to Lin Yi himself whether to give it or not, he could completely choose not to give it.

Right now, Lin Yi truly had no intention of giving this reward to Tang Chen, oh no, to be precise, the current Tang Chen was still the King of Slaughter.

He looked at Tang Chen and said coldly:

"I'm giving you a chance to kill me now, if you fail to kill me, I'll kill you."

What kind of demand???

Tang Chen was stupefied, standing in place with eyes wide open like copper bells.

Lin Yi's next sentence once again tightened his nerves.

"If you don't make a move, I'll still kill you."

Tang Chen dared not take it lightly, regardless of whether Lin Yi was playing with him or not, he had to satisfy his demand first! Otherwise, what awaited him was direct death!

The Asura Sword once again appeared in Tang Chen's hand, the murderous aura contained in the Spring of Sorrow surged toward Tang Chen.

Gradually, Tang Chen's swollen face returned to normal, and his broken ribs also went back into place, his condition was step by step returning to its peak.

The dark red Asura Sword gathered murderous aura.

Tang Chen charged at Lin Yi, the sword's glow on the Asura Sword carved out a long trench on the ground, he unfurled the bat wings behind him, and his body skyrocketed into mid-air in an instant.

The murderous aura from the Spring of Sorrow spread by twines and threads towards him.

Tang Chen held the sword with both hands, his eyes fiercely shining, the Asura Sword in his hands grew multiple times larger, and he swung it down towards Lin Yi.


Apart from the ground beneath Lin Yi's feet, the surrounding earth quickly covered with terrifying cracks.

Damage Rebound opened its maw like a man-eating beast, in the next moment, toward Tang Chen who was in mid-air!

Tang Chen, having only attacked twice, couldn't possibly be aware of the setting for Damage Rebound, he was caught once again, his whole body shooting towards the hard stone wall, emitting a thunderous noise.

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood loss: 557643]

[Remaining health: 899955116879]

[Damage Grade: Gold (High Level)]

[Random Reward: Asura God Experience Card*10 minutes]

[Host Reward: Asura God Experience Card*30 days]

Lin Yi didn't actually intend to kill Tang Chen, nor did he have any thoughts of destroying Slaughter City, he simply wanted to force Tang Chen to deliver a mighty blow through this method.

At this moment, another Golden Light Sphere appeared in Lin Yi's hand, but looking at the sphere, he still had no intention of granting it to this man.

He stored the light sphere into the System Space.

Before Tang Chen knew that attacking could result in losing treasure, Lin Yi completely regarded him as a worker, outrightly enjoying two instances of damage and Gold Level rewards without cost, who wouldn't like that?

At this moment, Tang Chen fell from the depression in the wall, lying on the ground. This time around, four of his ribs were broken again, along with a fractured right leg bone.

Tang Chen was breaking out in a cold sweat from the pain.

Seeing Lin Yi once again unscathed and approaching him, he completely snapped and quickly knelt down, begging for mercy.

"Divine King! I truly can't kill you! Please spare me, spare me! Please have mercy on my life!"

Both attempts resulted in the same outcome, it was totally clear that the youth could not possibly be killed!

Lin Yi approached Tang Chen and crouched down.

"Do you know who you were originally?"


Tang Chen lifted his disheveled face, even one of the horns on his head had broken off.

"Who am I? I am the King of Slaughter… oh no! No! You are the King of Slaughter! Now it's you!"

Tang Chen complimented Lin Yi tearfully, hoping to save his life.

Lin Yi said nothing, his expression calm as he took out a Crystal Stone from the System Space.