199. All-terrain self-propelled soul artillery battery? Haha, have you seen the Panther Tank? [Second update]_1

Thousand Waves finished speaking and, in front of everyone, pulled out a handkerchief.

He wiped the soot from Captain America's Shield with the handkerchief; this was a permanent reward given by Senior Lin Yi, and Thousand Waves was even reluctant to take it out.

This time it was to maintain the prestige of Senior Lin Yi, so he made an exception.

After cleaning the soot from the shield, Jing Hongchen craned his neck to take a glimpse of the shield surface, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

How could the surface of this shield not have any scratches at all!?

How was this possible??

"That... Senior, could you let me see what material this shield is made of? Its hardness is somewhat absurd. I suspect it is not an alloy that could be produced by the technological level of this era, and I suspect it also has the function of absorbing kinetic energy."

Jing Hongchen asked somewhat awkwardly.

Thousand Waves looked up at him and decisively refused, "No."

Jing Hongchen: "..."

Thousand Waves continued:

"I've said before, it's perfectly normal for something given by Senior Lin Yi to be not in line with the technological level of this era. It's not worth questioning or speculating about."


Jing Hongchen was slightly stunned.

Why does it suddenly feel like everyone's trust in this young man is absurdly high?

Thousand Waves put away his Captain America's Shield, getting ready to take out his Divine Angelic Holy Sword, when Bi Bidong called out from over there.

"Great Priest, use this!"

Thousand Waves turned around to see Bi Bidong tossing a long black object over to him.

Is that a Bullet!?

Thousand Waves looked at the black firearm in his arms; its streamlined pitch-black body seemed filled with danger and a lethal aura.

Bi Bidong revealed a crafty smile. Initially, she had been sniped by Senior Lin Yi with a Bullet from a kilometer away. Now, at such a close distance... hehe.

Jing Hongchen naturally did not recognize Bullet, his eyes widening slightly in astonishment.

He knew that hidden weapons of the Tang Sect were extremely popular in Soul Land, and this era should be the peak period of their popularity, right?

But was this a hidden weapon? He had seen records of Tang Sect hidden weapons, and this seemed to have a different style...

Jing Hongchen still tried to ask, "Is this, a Tang Sect hidden weapon?"

He hadn't studied the history of Soul Land extensively and really wasn't sure whether the Tang Sect had been established during this time.

"What Tang Sect? Never heard of it. This was given to me by Senior Lin Yi in a personal capacity, the thing is called Bullet!"

Thousand Waves frowned and corrected him seriously.

After saying this, he took the opportunity to caress the Bullet a few more times, enjoying the novelty of it.

This was Bi Bidong's treasure; Thousand Waves usually had no chance to touch it, and he didn't expect Bi Bidong would specially offer her treasure to uphold Senior Lin Yi's dignity this time.

"Are you ready?"

Thousand Waves smiled malevolently, mimicking the way Lin Yi had held the gun before, his hands positioned on the Bullet, looking surprisingly competent.

"Of course I'm ready, bring it on!"

Jing Hongchen picked up his imitation Silver Moonlight Shield with a sense of achievement.

This was something the Sun-Moon Royal Soul Master Academy had dedicated a lot of effort to developing over the past year, even going to the extent of concealing all messages and secretly researching without Kong Deming's knowledge.

Fortunately, the results were acceptable, although it did not compare to the genuine tenth-grade Silver Moonlight Shield.

And that dark, unremarkable weapon, probably some kind of hidden weapon, to be honest, Jing Hongchen didn't recognize it, but he didn't take it seriously.

The era represented a gap.

This was the insurmountable chasm that existed between the two sides.

Thousand Waves stood straight, dragging the front end of the Bullet with one hand, lightly touching the trigger with the other, the dark muzzle pointing directly at Jing Hongchen.

But for fear of actually killing him, Thousand Waves still pointed the sight far from Jing Hongchen's heart.

"Come on Senior! Let's see how your 'technology' fares, ha ha!"

Jing Hongchen sneered as he raised the Silver Moonlight Shield, unleashed his Soul Power, lit up the Inscription Array, and the shield suddenly radiated a brilliant light.

He couldn't wait to see the Ultimate Douluo across from him make a fool of himself!

Thousand Waves silently pulled the trigger.


The scorching 0.5 BMG bullets spun rapidly through the air, and with a "bang," shattered the Silver Moonlight Shield and penetrated Jing Hongchen's shoulder!

It wasn't over yet; the bullet blasted a bloody hole through Jing Hongchen's shoulder, then went through the thigh of a male student standing directly behind him, finally embedding itself deep in the ground.

The charred red muzzle of the Barret rifle emitted a wisp of white smoke as Thousand Waves lifted his proud eyes, smiling as he surveyed the scene before him.

At this moment, he couldn't help but caress the Barrett's barrel as tenderly as one would touch the smooth skin of a beautiful woman.

Damn, I really don't want to return this thing to Bi Bidong! I so want to own it…

The shattered remnants of the Divine Shield were cast aside by Jing Hongchen as he collapsed to the ground, looking at the bloody hole in his shoulder with an expression of extreme shock.

"My shield… my shoulder! Good heavens... how could this..."

Jing Hongchen was so flustered he was incoherent, unable to fathom that this could be the outcome!

Just then, countless teachers from the Sun-Moon Royal Soul Master Academy rushed out from the gold gates, shouting in horror:




The teachers and students alike were dumbstruck by the scene before them.

Jing Hongchen was quickly helped up by a few teachers and walked to the back, handed over to a Healing soul master, sitting on the ground sucking on a bottle of Soul Power, his face extremely pale.

At that moment, a woman immediately shouted to a man beside her, "Xuan Ziwen! Quick! Set up an all-terrain self-propelled artillery battery! Prepare to attack!"

The man named Xuan Ziwen hesitated for a moment, and in his panic, he could not afford to think but only to follow orders.

He promptly began constructing a self-propelled artillery battery with the students and teachers. Gears turned, metal collided, Inscription Arrays lit up one after another, soul masters also began releasing their Martial Souls and Soul Rings, the flickering lights ceaseless, as the Sun-Moon Royal Academy instantly went into a tightly armed defense.

It was apparent they had practiced this many times.

At this very moment, no less than ten dark barrels were aimed at the soul masters of Soul City, including Lin Yi standing on the platform.

The hostility was obvious.

Lin Yi looked at the scene before him and curved his lips.

Things are getting more and more interesting; the soul tool reserves of the Sun-Moon Royal Academy are indeed substantial.

But do you really think you're so formidable?

"Dare to act recklessly with just a little turret?"

At that moment, a clear male voice rang out.

Qian Renxue, masquerading as Xue Qinghe, stepped out of the crowd with a confident smile on her lips and then moved her hand across her waist, causing the storage soul tool to flicker with light.


Suddenly, the sound of a huge object landing on the ground reverberated, shaking the very floor, as huge cracks appeared and spread outwards.

As the dust settled, everyone on the side of the Sun-Moon Royal Academy was dumbfounded upon seeing the sight before them.

They looked at the colossal metal beast in front of them, with its long, dark muzzle pointing their way as if the gaze of Death itself.

Good heavens, what is that...

You're telling me this damn thing is from the Soul Land of ten thousand years ago?!

Qian Renxue walked up, placing her hand on the metallic hull of the Panther Tank, caressing its cold shell, while her gaze calmly fixed on the opposition.

"You want to compete with me in firepower?"

ps. Thank you for following the story.