214. Smoke Devil Fruit, Pirate Plane Settlement System Reward [First Update]_1

Bi Bidong was just about to release her Battle Armor for a second attack when she suddenly hesitated and looked towards Lin Yi.

"Senior, can you hide the dragon bloodline within your body?"

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and, after a brief moment of thought, he understood why Bi Bidong would ask such a thing.

"Are you going to use Dragon Subduing Palms to attack me?"


Bi Bidong nodded quickly, pleased that Lin Yi had grasped her intentions.

As a fixed damage Skill, Dragon Subduing Palms dealt a fixed 400,000 damage, but if the target possessed a dragon bloodline, the damage would increase by 200,000 to reach 600,000.

Last time, Bi Bidong's damage had been 380,000, so if she were to deal 600,000 damage this time, it would truly be the end of her.

What awaited her after that would only be a continuous downgrade of reward quality!

"Ignorant humans, can a dragon bloodline be hidden? At most, one can simply not utilize the power of the bloodline,"

Gu Yuena ridiculed, and her words instantly won the agreement of Di Tian and Zi Ji.

After hearing this, Bi Bidong, somewhat regretfully, prepared to release her Two-Word Battle Armor again. In just a few days, the accumulating damage had reached a level beyond what she could bear.

Alas, the maximum damage humans could endure was still not comparable to that of ferocious beasts.

"I can hide it, rest assured and use it,"

Lin Yi's words suddenly brought a gleam to Bi Bidong's eyes, while Gu Yuena looked shocked.

The Golden Dragon King's bloodline had clearly fused into his body, and he could still hide it? Unless you temporarily stripped the bloodline away!

Lin Yi curled up the corners of his mouth, knowing what Gu Yuena was thinking.

If the System could evenly split rewards, why couldn't it strip them away?

For instance, with his Adamantium skeleton, if he encountered someone like Magneto who targeted him, Lin Yi could simply command the System to strip the Adamantium from his body, and then re-fuse it whenever he wished.

This was the marvel of the System; its existence was much like Lin Yi's equipment slot.



At this moment, the Golden Dragon King's bloodline had been temporarily converted into a Golden Light Sphere and stored within the System Space.

Bi Bidong raised her fair palm, and immediately a mighty golden dragon clung to her body.

Lin Yi noticed that she had forgone the lengthy preparatory movements before releasing the Dragon Subduing Palms; surely, Bi Bidong had figured this out by herself the night before.

After all, with such a long wind-up before releasing a Skill, others would have executed their skills while you were still in the process of releasing yours, which was a disadvantage.

Furthermore, those lengthy preparatory movements were quite unseemly for a woman, and Lin Yi suspected that was Bi Bidong's main concern.

Bi Bidong pushed out a palm, and the release process of the Skill had been simplified greatly by her, but the high amount of damage had not changed in the slightest.


The golden dragon was fierce and stern, its golden, illusory body accompanied by a resonant dragon chant, its power making the entire platform tremble. After pushing out a palm with a serious expression, Bi Bidong did not dare to slack, immediately following up with another palm!

"Regret of the Arrogant Dragon!"


The Damage Rebound was easily shattered, but Bi Bidong on the scene noticed that this time, the Damage Rebound was different.

It was her first Red (High-Level) Damage, and the rebound of the damage was beginning to show a terrifying scale.

[Blood Loss: 400,000]

[Remaining Health: 899,949,699,146]

[Damage Grade: Red (High-Level)]

[Random Reward: Smoke Devil Fruit*1]

[Host Reward: Smoke Devil Fruit*3]

Lin Yi, looking at the rewards at the bottom of the panel, realized that the System had indeed not overlooked the Pirate World.

To prevent any magical modification, he specifically checked the System's notes.

"Damage 400,000, Red Advanced, your reward is a Smoke Devil Fruit."

Lin Yi said as he lifted the red light sphere in his hand and continued to explain:

"This is something from another plane of existence. After consuming it, any part of your body can turn into smoke, and if your body is shattered by any Physical Attack, it can reconstitute itself with smoke. Once transformed into smoke, you'll also be immune to all forms of Physical Attacks."

"Moreover, the amount and expansion range of the smoke are directly proportional to the user's abilities. With Your Holiness's formidable strength, it will surely have impressive effects when used by you."

Bi Bidong's face turned red, and she bowed: "You flatter me, Senior."

She extended both hands, and Lin Yi smoothly flicked the light sphere towards her.

The red light sphere transformed into a white, odd-looking fruit, which didn't seem very appetizing at all.

But since Lin Yi had said so, Bi Bidong, furrowing her brows, closed her eyes and bit into it.

"Cough cough cough!"

"Actually, just one bite would have been enough..."

Lin Yi had just finished speaking when he paused, surprised to find that Bi Bidong had already finished eating the fruit.

"Does it taste good?"

He asked curiously, as he had never eaten it before.

Bi Bidong shook her head with a bitter expression.

"...You can use the ability now."

Just one fruit to gain an ability? Everyone watched with curiosity as well.

Bi Bidong closed her eyes, and following her volition, her entire body quickly turned into a cloud of white smoke!


"She really turned into smoke!"

Everyone was astonished to witness the scene unfolding before them.

The white smoke drifted around the platform, purposefully swirling a few times around Lin Yi's body, now gathering then dispersing outward—it seemed very free.

Eventually, the smoke returned to its original position and reformed into Bi Bidong's shape.

She looked at Lin Yi with excited eyes, clearly having discovered a new world.

Lin Yi's expression remained calm and he did not speak. He picked up a pebble from the ground next to him and flicked it toward Bi Bidong's waist.

The small stone suddenly erupted with a force and speed surpassing that of a Bullet!

Bi Bidong, caught off guard, watched in shock as her body was pierced by the stone. Yet, in the next moment, the pierced area reconstituted itself from smoke, and the pebble ended up embedded in a stone wall a kilometer away.

The scene, witnessed by everyone present, elicited widespread astonishment.

Surely a powerful Red Advanced ability!

Bi Bidong happily exited the stage, and it was Thousand Waves' turn next.

"Have you seen it all? Be mindful of the Damage Rebound after the attack. I estimate your body can't fully withstand the rebound of damage at your level."

Thousand Waves lastly warned Tang Chen, then stepped onto the platform.

"Greetings, Senior. Here comes the first attack."

"Go ahead."

Thousand Waves felt some pressure because his last attempt at the Breath of Thunder, First Form, Six Consecutive Strikes resulted in a Damage Grade of 500,000, Golden Junior.

This was already the highest damage output among all the human Soul Masters present.

Despite the pressure, Thousand Waves believed he still had confidence.

After all, he possessed a Divine Artifact and Four-Word Battle Armor, whose joint damage enhancement was nothing short of terrifying.

After considering for a moment, Thousand Waves still decided to release his Four-Word Battle Armor.

Relying solely on the Divine Artifact's enhancement was clearly not enough, especially since he could only use the first and second soul skills with the Divine Artifact.

First soul skill + Divine Artifact + Four-Word Battle Armor, Thousand Waves was convinced this combination could steadily reach Golden Damage.