229, Gu Yuena uses 900,000 damage in exchange for reduced reward effect [Major Chapter]_1

"Soul Power, reset to zero."

The four words, imbued with the overwhelming force of the Law of Suppression, swept over the heads of the crowd, covering the entire Soul Land.

The power of elements in Gu Yuena's hands disappeared, and the dense thunder element also rapidly dissipated, as the sky returned to clarity.

As she watched the Martial Souls of the Elders shatter one after another, Bi Bidong, who had just been ready to pull the trigger, lowered her finger.

She looked towards Lin Yi in the stands with a puzzled expression.

The familiar ability to reset soul power to zero.

Apart from Gu Yuena, who had a one-hour limit on its use, only Lin Yi possessed this ability at the scene.

"Alright, everyone calm down."

Lin Yi's voice came from the platform.

"Senior, Ning Fengzhi must be punished! He used this ability without regard for the lives of other Soul Masters and what if someone didn't react in time, moving accidentally?"

Bi Bidong put away Bullet and walked towards Lin Yi, speaking seriously.

Ning Fengzhi, knowing he was at fault, glanced at her and then turned to bow deeply to Lin Yi:

"Senior Lin Yi, Wind Grace acknowledges his mistake. I indeed used this ability in haste. If you are to impose a punishment... Wind Grace accepts it!"

At that moment, Gu Yuena also came over with her three subordinates from a hundred meters away, walked beside Ning Fengzhi, and directly kicked him to the ground.

Even without Soul Power, ferocious beasts possess extremely strong physical qualities, far beyond what humans can compare with.

Chen Xin and Gu Rong looked at each other, shook their heads, and both stood aside without intervening.

They had just been protecting Ning Fengzhi at the risk of their lives, as it was their duty.

But as the fault did lie with Ning Fengzhi, they were willing to accept whatever punishment was meted out to him, as long as it did not involve killing him.

Gu Yuena looked at Lin Yi with a stern face, "I demand his reward be canceled."

Lin Yi shook his head slightly:

"Canceling the reward, I can't give back the damage he has suffered, so the reward will not be canceled. However..."

Lin Yi said, looking at the crowd:

"Seeing your performance, it seems the reward is not equivalent to the damage. The reward is too great, yet the Damage Level does not match it, so it is possible to appropriately weaken the reward."

The rewards are randomly drawn by the System from the reward pool, and Lin Yi has no script, so when the System offers an excessively outrageous reward, Lin Yi naturally has the ability to make temporary changes.

Gu Yuena, with intense eyes, glared at Ning Fengzhi, "Then weaken it!"

"Please, Senior, weaken it!"

Bi Bidong bowed her head, echoing the sentiment.





Gradually, more and more people began to raise their right hands, shouting these two words like a slogan.

Bi Ji turned to look at Di Tian, who was shouting so righteously, and she too lifted her little hand and began to shout.

Gu Yuena then said, "And for what he has just done, he needs to be punished. I propose that his first reward for today be weakened as well!"


Ning Fengzhi looked at Gu Yuena in surprise. Wasn't the weakening of the second reward already a punishment...

"Shut up, not killing you is already the most merciful thing I have done in my lifetime."

Di Tian raised his right hand, "Yes, I can testify!"

Gu Yuena turned her head and glared at Di Tian.

Ning Fengzhi bowed his head and closed his mouth. As the criminal on the scene, he truly had no right to comment.

Lin Yi's expression was nuanced:

"In my view, the first reward does not exhibit a mismatch with the damage, as the Tightening Spell does not leave permanent injuries, and it does not result in an inability to use skills or complete loss of mobility."

Lin Yi spoke matter-of-factly.

He then revealed a sly smile:

"However, if you want to weaken it, it's not impossible. Just pay a Gold-tier advanced damage here."

"Rest assured, this attack will be specially processed. Subsequent attacks, even if they are below this damage, will not result in a Downgrade of the reward, but you'll have to forfeit one attack opportunity today."

Lin Yi's face showed a sly, merchant-like expression.

These people's grudges had nothing to do with him; he just wanted rewards and to break the Shield, and getting rewards through freeloading was his favorite method.

Gu Yuena paused, her pretty face stern.

She privately digested Lin Yi's words, ensuring there were no subsequent disadvantages to herself, then scoffed:

"Hmph, do you think I don't have the boldness to forfeit one attack opportunity or that I can't inflict a Gold-tier advanced damage?"

Lin Yi looked amused, "The choice is yours."

"Then I'll attack! Today I must see both of this human's rewards weakened!"

Gu Yuena declared imperiously.

After speaking, her gaze suddenly caught Bi Bidong giving her a thumbs-up from behind.

Oh, mere human woman's praise... but well, Gu Yuena felt a little pleased inside.

Ning Fengzhi trudged off to the side, his spirits low. Ah, all for just that brief thrill... If only he hadn't been so impulsive!

"Reset to zero, release."

Lin Yi issued the command, and the Law of Suppression that covered the entire continent disappeared once more.

What he did not know was that every time Soul Power was reset to zero, it caused great distress for the Soul Master academies across Soul Land, Sea God's Island, and even the Douluo Second World outside the Spatiotemporal Gate.

And yet, they had no idea who was behind it!

Gu Yuena approached the platform. She spun around, a flash of silver light, and then she floated in mid-air.
