230, Earth Tiger Armor Fusion & Medusa's Gaze Black Advanced Level Edition [Large Chapter]_2


Davis turned the knob on his waist, and the skill seal appeared in midair. The crowd looked over with some surprise, realizing that this was how the armor's skill was activated.

But wouldn't it be too slow?

Davis raised the tip of the Earth-Splitting Sabre to touch the skill seal, and at the same moment, a voice appeared in his mind.

[Earth Sabre's Earth-Splitting Slash Seal: Punish the prison of darkness, destroy with furious earth, restart the land.]

He slashed diagonally upward, and the skill flew rapidly across the platform, hitting Lin Yi.

That familiar scene... Lin Yi almost thought he had turned into a beast with special abilities.

Good heavens! He was actually being chopped by the Earth Tiger Hero in Soul Land!

[Blood Loss: 54316]

[Remaining Health: 899944581467]

[Damage Level: Purple (Downgraded)]

[Random Reward: Smoke Bomb*10]

[Host Reward: Smoke Bomb*100]

The Earth Tiger Hero's ultimate move only inflicted a little over fifty thousand damage; Lin Yi was suddenly baffled. What was the point of this Black Advanced Level reward then?

Could it be that collecting all five sets of armor could be upgraded to Imperial Armor?

Lin Yi glanced at the system comments again. Damn! There really was such a clause!

He looked at Davis and said, "Damage 54316, below maximum damage. Reward quality downgraded to Purple."

Even though his head was covered by the armor, Lin Yi could still see a question mark and an exclamation point on Davis's face.

Fifty thousand damage?!

Davis was truly astonished.

"Senior, this—"

"There are four more sets of this type of armor remaining. Collecting all five sets can be exchanged for an Imperial Armor, which is relatively powerful,"

"Alright then... Armor off."

Back to his original form, Davis stood on the spot, his expression somewhat gloomy.

Lin Yi picked up the Purple light orb in his hand and glanced at it.

It had been a while, and nobody among them had ever received a Purple reward until Davis brought them on a tour of the Purple reward pool once again.

"This is your reward, ten smoke bombs. They don't have lethal power. In urgent situations, you can open the safety device and throw them out, using the smoke released to obscure the opponent's vision and facilitate combat,"

Lin Yi finished speaking and flicked the Purple light orb towards Davis who caught it in his hand, and the light orb quickly turned into ten smoke bombs.

Before the Blue Planet reward appeared in the Purple reward, it had only appeared in the Black and Red rewards. This made Lin Yi somewhat curious about what the Gold reward pool on Blue Planet would contain and whether the damage would be outrageous enough that he would have to make last-minute changes...

"Smoke? Just ordinary smoke?"

Davis confirmed once more.

"Of course, Purple-level rewards. The quality might seem somewhat lower for you guys who are accustomed to the Black and Red rewards."

Davis nodded with a touch of gloom, pocketed the ten smoke bombs, exchanged a look with his father, then stepped down from the stands.

Zhu Zhuyun was still walking the snail, and Davis went straight over and took the leash from Zhu Zhuyun's hands.

Little Snail turned its head, its expression turned fierce, and it started barking at Davis again.


Zhu Zhuyun had spent a lot of time the day before bonding with her New Martial Soul. She had also written a letter home, sent back to the Zhu Family of Star Luo, telling her family that her Martial Soul had evolved and was now a Dark Demon Tiger.

So far she hadn't received a reply, but she imagined her family must be quite surprised.

A cat Martial Soul becoming a tiger Martial Soul was considered a good omen even by the commoners in the Xingluo Empire.

Since the royal family's Martial Soul was also a tiger Martial Soul, this made all feline-type Martial Souls extremely popular across the entire Xingluo.

"Your Majesty, I'm ready,"


The Nine Yin White Bone Claw could combine with the claw-type soul skills of the Hell Spiritual Cat, and naturally also with the claw-type soul skills of the Dark Demon Tiger.

Now, all Zhu Qing's soul skills had been refreshed, and the first two soul skills were still claw-type, but the damage had significantly increased.

So her new attack mode was to use the first soul skill of the Dark Demon Tiger with the boost of the Nine Yin White Bone Claw.

For a stable damage base, Davis continued to use the White Tiger Intense Light Wave skill from last time.

This had been agreed upon the night before.

Therefore, as the attack began, both people on stage had their own considerations in mind.

"Second Soul Skill, White Tiger Intense Light Wave!"

"First Soul Skill, Dark Demon Stab!"

Two different tiger roar sounds came from behind them.

Behind Zhu Zhuyun and Dai Ben floated the ghostly figures of a white tiger and a black tiger, one holy snow-white and the other darkly evil, with the roar of the Dark Demon Tiger even carrying a stronger spirit intimidation than the white tiger's.

The phantoms of the two tiger Martial Souls blinked and then fused into their masters' bodies.

Zhu Zhuyun's entire body was shrouded in dark aura, her eyes flickered with scarlet light, and the skin subtly revealed markings similar to that of the Dark Demon Tiger.

She dashed towards Lin Yi with extreme speed, executing her piercing stab in an instant, then flipping her body to clear the way for a surging white beam of light that followed closely behind.

Zhu Zhuyun retreated to Dai Ben's side, and the two once again launched a combined attack, crushing the damage rebound with a single stroke.

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood loss: 174786]

[Remaining health: 899944413768]

[Damage Level: Black (Advanced)]

[Random Reward: Medusa's Gaze (Black Advanced Version)]

[Host Reward: Medusa's Gaze (Gold Advanced Version)]

Lin Yi knew that Medusa's Gaze could petrify people; he checked the specific explanation given by the System, and it seemed that this reward came in different tiered versions?

After reading the explanation, Lin Yi said to Zhu Zhuyun:

"Damage 174786, Black Advanced Level, your reward is Medusa's Gaze, a single-target control skill, currently in the Black Advanced version, with opportunities for upgrade later."

"Medusa's Gaze?"

Zhu Zhuyun repeated in confusion.

Lin Yi explained:

"A single-target control skill, it can control only one person at a time. The highest level it can control is two major levels above your current one—for example, since you are a Soul King now, Soul Sages and any Soul Masters below that level can be affected."

"Form of control: petrification. Duration: five seconds. Method of control: eye contact with the target during the casting. It follows the same principle—if the target avoids your gaze, they won't be affected."

This was the Black Advanced Level version of Medusa's Gaze.

After Lin Yi finished explaining, he flicked the black orb of light to Zhu Zhuyun, who would have the most authentic feeling after fusing with the reward.

Zhu Zhuyun digested everything Lin Yi had just said and personally experienced the feedback from the skill inside her body. Her eyes lit up—she liked this control skill!

"Wes, would you come up and let me test it out?"

Zhu Zhuyun called out to Davis below the stage.

"Will there be any sequelae?"

Dai Ben asked with concern.

Lin Yi shook his head, "No, the petrification lasts only five seconds. After that, it returns to normal. It's purely a control skill."

Dai Ben was then reassured.

Zhu Zhuyun had Davis stand in front of her, lifting her gaze as her pupils suddenly changed to the vertical slits characteristic of snakes.

And staring intently into Zhu Zhuyun's eyes, Davis suddenly froze and, to everyone's surprise, his skin along with his clothes began to petrify. After petrification, his body even started to fall backward, and Dai Ben quickly stepped in to support him.

After five seconds, Davis returned to normal. He touched his body in astonishment; he could clearly feel the changes happening to him right before he was petrified!

Lin Yi's reward was Gold Advanced Level.

And within the Gold-tier advanced reward pool, the effect of Medusa's Gaze was:

A group control skill, anyone who made eye contact with him would be instantly petrified.

The petrification effect was permanent and could ignore the opponent's level.

However, this Gold Advanced reward had a more user-friendly setting—the caster could actively lift the petrification, which effectively avoided accidentally harming allies.

"What did you feel just now?"

Zhu Zhuyun asked Davis curiously.

"I was aware of everything happening around me, but my vision and body were fixed, completely immovable. It was terrifying..."

ps. Thank you for following along.