235, hey dude, do you want the Black Swan to kiss you again? [Big Chapter]_1


"Golden Mid-Level Damage?"

The range for Golden Mid-Level Damage was between 800,000 and 900,000.

Excluding Gu Yuena's special attack that one time, the highest damage in a regular attack had already come out.

[Blood Loss: 801437]

[Remaining Health: 899940823974]

[Damage Level: Gold (Intermediate)]

[Random Reward: Complete Set of Four-Word Battle Armor - Silver Dragon Yi Lin]

[Host Reward: Complete Set of Four-Word Battle Armor*3 (Random)]

Lin Yi silently squinted his eyes into slits.

Four-Word Battle Armor, Silver Dragon Yi Lin?

Why did he remember that in the third part of Soul Land, the name of the Four-Word Battle Armor was clearly—Silver Dragon Dance Qilin.

What the hell was this "Yi Lin" at the end?

System, don't think I don't know that it's Lin Yi backwards, that damn's my name!

Lin Yi didn't quite understand the system's meaning, whether it was the system's sense of humor or if this set of Four-Word Battle Armor really was different from the original...

Anyway, once the reward was sent out, it had nothing to do with him.

He said to Gu Yuena, "Damage 801437, Gold Intermediate, your reward is a complete set of Four-Word Battle Armor, the Battle Armor's name is...Silver Dragon Yi Lin."

"A complete set of Four-Word Battle Armor?"

Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes immediately lit up, her tone revealing a hint of subtle anticipation and excitement.

While watching others attack, Gu Yuena might have scorned this so-called soul technology on the surface, but after witnessing the Battle Armor-assisted attack process so many times, she was gradually attracted by this technology.

First was the armor's appearance; Bi Bidong's full set of Purple Two-Word Battle Armor particularly caught her eye with its streamlined casing and the dazzling halo on the body surface, not to mention the wings!

Then there was the bonus; Thousand Waves, even with only two Four-Word Battle Armor parts, could still achieve a hundred percent damage increase on some attacks!

Gu Yuena, with somewhat old-fashioned ideas, couldn't help starting to like this high-tech stuff...

Now she finally had the opportunity to own a set for herself.

"Complete, with 11 parts."

Lin Yi nodded.

"Damn, I'm jealous!"

Thousand Waves, visibly excited, couldn't help but curse.

Even with only two parts of his Battle Armor, he was still doing well, and now Gu Yuena got the complete set!

High damage really did allow one to do whatever they wanted!

"Alright, then hand over the reward to me."

Sure enough, the Silver Dragon Princess even demanded her reward with a tone of command. Lin Yi snorted internally but decided not to haggle over this with her.

But the next moment, Gu Yuena suddenly interjected, "Wait!"

"You just said, what's my Four-Word Battle Armor called?"

"...Silver Dragon Yi Lin."

Gu Yuena repeated these four words softly, then suddenly furrowed her brows and looked at Lin Yi strangely:

"Yi Lin? Lin Yi?! I understand the first two words 'Silver Dragon' have to do with me, but why are the last two words related to you?!"

Facing her query, Lin Yi replied unfazed, "Because it's the reward I gave out, that's the name. You just decide if you want it or not."

"I'll take it!"

Gu Yuena, expressing opposite feelings with her words and actions, stretched out her fair little hand.

Lin Yi flicked the golden orb of light toward her. The orb landed in the palm of Gu Yuena's hand, and suddenly transformed into a layer of Silver Armor that adhered to her.

She watched in amazement as the Silver Armor gradually spread over her body from her arm, simultaneously producing a very strange sensation.

The armor seemed to have its own consciousness, "communicating" with her skin. After a shimmering moment, "click, click, click—," the Silver Armor fully adhered to every inch of her skin.

As the Silver-Purple helmet appeared, blending the two colors, the entire set of armor entirely merged into her body.

Gu Yuena looked at Lin Yi in surprise, "Why did it suddenly disappear?"

"What you just experienced was the ownership ceremony; now you can summon it anytime with your thoughts."

Gu Yuena nodded, and instinctively called out:

"Silver Dragon Yi Li...ugh! Silver Dragon Yi Lin!"

She blushed momentarily, hurriedly correcting herself.

Damn, that name. Wouldn't that mean every time she used the armor, the image of that annoying guy Lin Yi would pop up in her mind?

Twinkling star-like lights burst forth around Gu Yuena, and the Silver Armor instantly manifested. The streamlined look was designed for agility, with even a cutout shape at the waist area, revealing a hint of Gu Yuena's subtly beautiful midriff.


The wings on the Four-Word Battle Armor unfolded behind her, instantly dazzling onlookers with a breathtaking scene. Each part of the Battle Armor seemed to speak for itself with continually twinkling foggy luster, the overall impact definitely exceeding that of a Two-Word Battle Armor.

Bi Bidong, watching this scene from below, was slightly pursing her red lips, feeling envious.

Appearance was actually secondary; what mattered most was the damage bonus. A complete set of Four-Word Battle Armor was reputed to be equivalent to reaching a demi-god level upon wearing it.


Gu Yuena, floating above the ground, touched down and the armor smoothly receded, merging back into her skin.

Gu Yuena showed a pleased smile; she was very satisfied with the reward.

It was just that the name of the Battle Armor included that guy's name, which was quite annoying!


Gu Yuena turned her head and walked towards the stage below.

"Not helping Bi Ji attack anymore?"

The voice of Lin Yi came from behind.

Gu Yuena stopped with an embarrassed expression on her face, her mind had been so preoccupied with the annoying guy that she had forgotten about that...

"Bi Ji, come up."


Bi Ji immediately came running up with her Gourd Seed, her expression dimwitted.

"Why haven't you put away the Gourd Seed?"

Gu Yuena asked in surprise.
