241, Yearly draw from The Big Wheel, got the Skydream Ice Silkworm!_1

The Ice Emperor stepped onto the stage.

With her hands clasped behind her back, the little loli held her fair chin up, her expression feigning seriousness.

In her mind, she should have been an aloof and cool older sister figure, but unfortunately, her appearance severely contradicted her inner thoughts.

"Hi, Lin Yi!"

Lin Yi looked up.

Every time this sister duo appeared, it would be accompanied by wind and snow, and the area beneath the Ice Emperor had already formed a layer of white frost.

The air around this guy must be close to below zero; any Soul Master standing nearby would shiver uncontrollably, and a normal person definitely wouldn't be able to withstand it.

So when the sisters were standing below the stage, there were no Soul Masters within a ten-meter radius, which made the sisters, who were new to this place, think that the human Soul Masters disliked them.

"Begin with your first attack," Lin Yi said calmly.

The Ice Emperor was slightly dissatisfied with Lin Yi's indifference. She pouted, but the thought of receiving rewards just like others soon excited her, and her expectant smile returned.

Below the stage, the Snow Emperor was also paying one hundred and twenty percent attention.

The existence of Lin Yi was extremely novel to the sisters who had spent years in the far northern lands.

"Ice Emperor's Pincer!"

A clear voice emanated from the Ice Emperor.

Her slender, fair arms and hands instantly became incredibly hard. Her skin was covered with diamond-like granules that glittered under the sunlight, looking extremely beautiful.

The Ice Emperor charged towards Lin Yi. Her green twin ponytails waved in the air, and the ground where her feet touched rapidly formed frost, quickly cracking the surface of the platform underneath.

Upon reaching Lin Yi, the two exchanged a "deep and affectionate" gaze for a moment before the Ice Emperor immediately raised her diamond-bright fist and punched heavily into Lin Yi.

It was unimaginable how this little loli's body could exert such mountain-shaking strength! And there was a surge of bone-chilling coldness assaulting him!


At that moment, a virtual shadow of a scorpion, that seemed to be a blend of ice and emerald, appeared behind the Ice Emperor. It looked like a totem, with halos swirling around it, majestic and solemn.

The Icy Jade Emperor Scorpion!

After the attack finished, the Ice Emperor immediately crossed her arms in front of her, and a layer of fine ice crystals quickly formed on her fair skin.

A golden light in the form of Damage Rebound exploded on Lin Yi, sending the Ice Emperor's body hurtling backward.

"This is the moment when you should chain the attacks," Di Tian murmured, but his expression quickly changed.

"She actually... blocked it."

The Ice Emperor, covered in a layer of ice crystals, was blasted backwards, but frost quickly formed under her feet, anchoring her body to the platform and stopping her momentum.

Lin Yi nodded, "The Ice Emperor's Body Protection, a powerful defensive skill from the Icy Jade Emperor Scorpion. It seems it does work quite well."

The Little Scorpion immediately halted and asked in surprise, "You actually know the name of my skill?"

After she spoke, her mind paused for a moment. If he knew her sister's skills, it wouldn't be strange for him to know hers as well.

What a mysterious man. How did he come to know all this information?

Little Scorpion was puzzled.

Lin Yi looked towards the panel.

[Blood Loss: 364,678]

[Remaining Health: 899,936,671,764]

[Damage Level: Red (Intermediate)]

[Random Reward: Cultivation Extract The Big Wheel (one-month time limit)]

[Host Reward: Cultivation Extract The Big Wheel (one-month time limit) *3]

A time-limited The Big Wheel, hasn't appeared before, right?

Lin Yi checked the System's specific notes.

He then said to the Ice Emperor, "Damage 364,678, Red Intermediate level, and you've earned a Big Wheel reward."

It was Ice Emperor's first time and she stood there in a daze for a while, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

I really was looking forward to encountering this kind of reward, but I didn't expect it to appear first!

"What big wheel?"

"The Cultivation Extraction Big Wheel."

After saying this, Lin Yi flicked the red orb of light in his hand into the air, where it transformed into a wheel, and then he continued to explain:

"The Cultivation Extraction Big Wheel requires you to draw a designated soul beast from it and then bind with it to share Cultivation. In future assaults, you can extract Cultivation from it in increments of any number of years."

"One thing to note is that you're only extracting the years, not the abilities or skills, and this is a limited-time wheel. The binding time is only one month."

The Ice Emperor thought for a moment, then suddenly asked in confusion, "All on it are soul beasts... Doesn't that mean that soul beasts with thousands or hundreds of years of Cultivation might appear on it?!"

Lin Yi smiled and nodded, "You catch on quick. That's the uncertainty of The Big Wheel's rewards."

The Ice Emperor took a step back in shock, simultaneously raising her little hands to grab her two ponytails.

"Then I..."

Her face showed difficulty, and she hesitated.

At this moment, the Ice Emperor immediately turned around and hurriedly jumped down from the stand and ran towards Ju Zi (Orange).

"Human girl, quickly take advantage of this moment and use that little square for me!"

Even someone as proud as the Ice Emperor was now pleading with hands clasped together, speaking to Ju Zi in a low and begging voice.

Lin Yi's cool voice came from behind.

"You only have ten seconds."

Hearing this, Little Scorpion yelped with a jump, her pupils shrinking in fright. She immediately made a pitiful face at Ju Zi.

"Okay, okay!"

Ju Zi immediately took up the camera and snapped several photos of the Ice Emperor, pressing the shutter 15 times in ten seconds, although all fifteen photos captured the Ice Emperor's sorrowful expression.


After finishing the photos, Ju Zi handed them to the Ice Emperor, only to find she had already disappeared.

Ju Zi looked at the photos and smiled, putting them away for herself.


The Ice Emperor stood on the stage, looking towards Lin Yi with a look of melancholy.

"Not bad, my luck has increased by 1.5 percent."

Lin Yi looked at her with a half-smile.

"Damn it!"

The Ice Emperor clenched her fist and stomped over to the Cultivation Extraction Big Wheel angrily.

She grabbed the edge of the wheel, took a deep breath, and gave it a hard pull.

"Clang, clang, clang—"

One minute later, the wheel stopped.

The Ice Emperor bounced on the spot, raising her hands high, her ponytails swinging. But after a few jumps, she found her figure was too petite and she couldn't reach the pointer at all.

She stomped around the wheel angrily and looked at Lin Yi: "Hey!"

Lin Yi remotely controlled the pointer shutter to open, and the Ice Emperor, with her head held high and a slight frown, read out the four characters inside:

"Skydream Ice Silkworm!"

Below the name "Skydream Ice Silkworm" was its lifespan: one million years!

"Why is it this trash?!"

The Ice Emperor said discontentedly.

However, Lin Yi shook his head at this:

"Don't forget, during an assault, you're extracting its years of Cultivation, not its abilities or skills. A million years may not seem strong on it, but on you, it will be different."

The Ice Emperor's disdainful expression quickly turned to one of excited surprise!

ps. I'm feeling unwell today, here is a short 2,000-word chapter, updates will return to normal tomorrow.