243. Imperial Sword, Peerless Extreme Ice, Snow Emperor inflicts a gold level wound! [Major Chapter]_1

The Snow Emperor, naturally born, one in her clan, and at her single presence at the pinnacle.

Without a doubt, her bones were filled with an extremely proud bloodline, even if she hadn't shown it very prominently before.

But now it was her turn to attack, and at the moment the Snow Emperor emerged, she had already activated her own Extreme Cold Domain.

The ultimate low temperature, the rampant snowstorm.

Standing in front of Lin Yi, her aura fully unleashed, this was not only to prove her strength to Lin Yi, but also to leave a profound "first impression" upon everyone below the stage.

Snowflakes fluttered around the Snow Emperor's body, but when they reached Lin Yi's side, they vaporized, without any exception.

The Snow Emperor took note of this, and her brow furrowed almost imperceptibly. This Lin Yi, truly not a man willing to show weakness in terms of momentum...

However, pride did not mean blindness, and the Snow Emperor knew well that Lin Yi was the strongest person present, even on the level of a god.

She merely wanted to display her strength, yet she hadn't expected Lin Yi to be so ungentlemanly in this aspect, not willing to let her momentum surpass his...

If he wouldn't be gentlemanly, then she would be more of a lady.

A faint smile appeared on the Snow Emperor's face as she said in an ethereal and pleasant voice, "Hello, Lin Yi, it's my turn to attack."


The Snow Emperor nodded and took a few steps back. At that moment, she seemed to sense something and instantly turned her head to glance toward the Ice Emperor.

The Little Scorpion was currently staring blankly at Lin Yi. Sensing the Snow Emperor's gaze, she immediately shifted her attention to her sister, hesitated for a second, then put on a very well-behaved expression on her face.

The Snow Emperor was immediately puzzled and cocked her head, with a big question mark hanging on her forehead.

What were you just doing?

You weren't looking at a man, were you?

The Ice Emperor pouted, unsure of how to respond to her sister's gaze and could only let her head hang down in feeling wronged.

This wasn't her fault, was she supposed to go blind?


The attack began, and once again, snowflakes floated down from mid-air.

This time, Lin Yi did not stop the Snow Emperor's Domain from invading his own area.

After all, for him, attacking to hurt, yes, showing off, no.

The Snow Emperor looked towards Lin Yi and extended her pale, slender right hand, as the vast snow and wind converged toward the palm of her right hand.

The blade-sharp snowflakes, whether large or small, were all swept up by the cold wind to swirl on top of the Snow Emperor's right hand, like a compacted mini-blizzard, but the inner turbulence was terrifying enough to be discernible with the naked eye.

The Snow Emperor's ice-blue eyes then looked towards Lin Yi, and she pushed forward her hand, directing the bladelike snowflakes densely towards Lin Yi.

The temperature of the air was extremely low at this moment, and apart from Gu Yuena Emperor Heaven and Ice Emperor, the others all felt uncomfortable, huddling their bodies together.

But this was just an exploratory attack by the Snow Emperor; others knew their own Damage Level, but she did not.

The attack ended.

A layer of white frost had fallen below Lin Yi.

But soon, this layer of white frost was shaken into the air, as Damage Rebound could be large or small, but was never absent.

Golden luminance of Damage Rebound rushed towards the Snow Emperor, and although she had seen it many times, the Snow Emperor was still somewhat slow to react when facing it in person.

But as the tyrant of the Extreme North, how could she fear the Damage Rebound from a trial attack?

The Snow Emperor raised her hand again, her palm releasing the power of extreme cold, a stream of ice-blue aura instantly covering the Damage Rebound.

Just then, the speed of the Damage Rebound visibly slowed, and with another wave of her hand, a blast of cold wind howled through, shattering the Damage Rebound.

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Health loss: 394768]

[Remaining Health: 899935897463]

[Damage Level: Red (Intermediate)]

[Random Reward: Cultivation years increased by 50,000 years]

[Host Reward: Remaining lifespan extended by 100,000 years]

The content on the panel left Lin Yi dumbfounded; every time a ferocious beast received a reward for increased years, he would get a reward that extended his lifespan.

But this was heading straight for immortality!

Of course, it was unknown if it would hold true, after all, the verification period was too long...

But if it could really lead to immortality, that would naturally be the best!

Lin Yi was not as pretentious as others; what did it matter if one sought immortality so desperately? He found this world fascinating, and this System full of endless possibilities.

If the time comes when he is weary, then let him enjoy life until then.

Lin Yi said to the Snow Emperor, "Damage 394768, Red Intermediate, your reward is 50,000 years of cultivation growth, and this is a permanent increase."

At the time, the first Golden Junior reward Emperor Heaven received was 100,000 years of cultivation growth.

This increase in years might seem short compared to the natural lifespans of these ferocious beasts, but only a soul beast knew the struggles of cultivation.

50,000 years, gained in the blink of an eye, was an opportunity not easily found.

For ferocious beasts, an increase in years was basically the most precious reward.

The Snow Emperor showed a smile and gladly accepted!

Lin Yi flicked the orb of light towards the Snow Emperor, and after the reward was integrated, the Snow Emperor closed her eyes, delicately feeling the changes within her body. A burst of ice-blue aura was released from her body, causing the surrounding temperature to plummet!

The crowd unconsciously moved further away from the stands, to avoid becoming collateral damage.

"For other ferocious beasts, after an increase in years, the most noticeable gain is physical, but for you... to use the label on that panel, it seems that your Spell data is what really saw a significant boost, perhaps that's the special trait of the Ice World Snow Lady."