249. Children towards the stillness of time, how is this reward both precious and cheap? [Big Chapter]_2

[Health loss: 597843]

[Remaining health: 899932274365]

[Damage Level: Gold (Novice)]

[Random reward: Child-friendly Time Stop]

[Host reward: Adult-targeted Time Stop]

Time Stop… why differentiate between child-friendly and adult-targeted?

No, why is there such a heaven-defying ability like Time Stop!

Lin Yi went to check the System's notes and suddenly revealed an amused smile.

This System setup… quite playful.

He said to Thousand Waves, "Damage 597843, Gold-tier advanced, and the reward you're getting is the ability of Time Stop…"

"No way!"

Thousand Waves' eyes widened in shock. Time Stop?! Control over time?!

But Lin Yi continued swiftly, "Hold on, your Time Stop comes with a prefix, its full name is Child-friendly Time Stop."

A premonition of something undesirable instantly struck Thousand Waves.

"First of all, Time Stop is a permanent reward, but each instance of Time Stop can't last more than an hour, and it can only be used once a day."

"What does child-friendly mean?"

Thousand Waves immediately asked about the aspect that concerned him.

Lin Yi said with a half-smile:

"Child-friendly means that during the Time Stop, you cannot engage in any aggressive, bloody, lewd, thieving, or other morally dubious acts initiated by you. The moment you engage in such acts, the Time Stop effect will be immediately lifted, and your reward will be permanently forfeited."

Thousand Waves twitched his mouth.

Was he rewarded just to observe this halted world properly?

"By the way, your Time Stop doesn't work on me," Lin Yi reminded.

Thousand Waves twitched his mouth again.

Great, it's ineffective against Lin Yi, so that's even more reason not to misbehave, especially with Lin Yi watching.

"Alright, thanks, Senior Lin Yi."

This reward left Thousand Waves with mixed feelings, giving him a sense of something both precious and cheap.

Lin Yi appeared to smile nonchalantly, but inside, he was already bursting with joy.

Thousand Waves got the child-friendly version, while his own was the adult-targeted version — basically, Lin Yi could engage in all the behaviors forbidden to children.

Moreover, the rule that Time Stop could only last one hour was clearly meant for preventing children from being addicted to it. Since Lin Yi was an adult, he didn't have to follow that rule and could control time as he pleased.

He had just gained an ability he had always longed for in his childhood.

"So, can I try out this skill?"

Thousand Waves asked tentatively.

"As you wish."


The women at the scene suddenly spoke up to stop him, looking uneasily at Lin Yi: "Is it really… child-friendly?"

"An old man like me, could I really do anything improper to you..."

Thousand Waves said, slightly helpless.

In such a public place, with even his granddaughter present.

Besides, if he wanted to do something bad, it wouldn't be against these women. Thousand Waves had originally thought about using this ability to visit Sea God's Island...

Little did he know the child-friendly label would completely shatter this plan.

Lin Yi nodded, "Rest assured, what I said is true."

"With Senior Lin Yi here watching, you have nothing to worry about," Thousand Waves reassured them.

Likewise, Time Stop was an ability many men wished for as boys, and Thousand Waves was no exception; he too was curious about a world brought to a halt.

After integrating the reward, Thousand Waves looked at Lin Yi and started to use his ability.

An invisible law enveloped the entire continent.

The clouds and birds in the sky froze in place, the sound of conversation paused, and even the leaves maintained the traces of the wind that had just passed.

The scene instantly fell into complete silence.

Thousand Waves looked up at the people before him and let out a surprised laugh.

He quickly walked down the steps, curiously observing everyone he passed in front of the Martial Soul Hall.

Everyone's pupils were fixed in position, even the sound of breathing was gone, and Thousand Waves, like a child, poked Qian Renxue's cheek, laughing in astonishment when he confirmed his granddaughter really wouldn't budge.

"This is incredible! Is the entire continent stopped?"

Lin Yi nodded, "Yes."

Thousand Waves made a few more rounds and this time came in front of several ferocious beasts. Seeing Gu Yuena, usually fierce and aggressive, frozen in a single posture and expression, Thousand Waves couldn't help but feel secretly thrilled.

Impressive, aren't you? Have a big temper, do you? Aren't you just immobilized by one of my spells?

But Thousand Waves didn't dare to do anything; he just looked around and then returned to the stage.

He lifted the spell.

The wind blew, the birds moved, the clouds drifted, yet people looked at the stage as if nothing had happened.

"Why don't you start?"

Gu Yuena asked curiously.

Thousand Waves smiled without saying a word and feigned profundity with a few coughs before saying, "I've already tried it."

The Soul Masters on the scene instantly gave puzzled looks but soon understood.

Of course, if time stopped, they wouldn't feel anything!

"Damn, I want that ability too," Gu Yuena said discontentedly.

Not just her, everyone had the same thought, and even Qian Renxue's look toward her grandfather was filled with longing and admiration.

If she could use time stop too, she'd just stare at Lin Yi for a good half hour first! Ah, wait, it seems Lin Yi wouldn't be affected...

Then, seeing Thousand Waves wave to her, Qian Renxue nodded and immediately ran up.

It was her turn to attack!

Although the last time was just yesterday, Qian Renxue had a feeling that a long time had passed.

Especially... now that Lin Yi had suddenly become very handsome, she somehow felt he was strangely unfamiliar.

This made Qian Renxue unprecedentedly reserved.

Thousand Waves turned his head and, sure enough, saw his granddaughter's blushing face.

He couldn't help but sweat from his forehead.

He just knew girls couldn't resist a good-looking man.

And with someone of Lin Yi's caliber and aura, if that person was good-looking on top of that, then they would truly be invincible...

"Cough, cough, focus."

"Uh... Oh."

Qian Renxue gave an awkward smile, a flash of light in her palm, and the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda appeared in her hand.

Their combined attack last time had reached 530,000, and gradually it had reached a level beyond Qian Renxue's imagination. Now she too was treasure hunting in the Golden Junior prize pool.

This time their attack plan was the same as last time, but Qian Renxue would use two amplification skills.

The Divine Angelic Holy Sword was taken out again, but this time Thousand Waves didn't summon his Four-Word Battle Armor.

He stood at the forefront with the incantation from Qian Renxue behind him.

"Nine Treasures well known, one called Strength! Three called Soul!"

Two rings of differently colored amplification skills landed on Thousand Waves, he held up the Holy Sword and declared in a deep voice:

"Martial Soul True Body!"

The huge Six-winged Angel Phantom stood erect behind Thousand Waves, and in the next moment, the Angel Goddess turned into a golden light and entered his body.

"Light Blade Slash!"

Thousand Waves shone with three colors, floating mid-air, his eyes glinting with red and gold.

The Holy Sword expanded several times in size, the burning blade wrapped in True Fire of the Sun as it cut through the air, producing thunderous roars, and bore down on Lin Yi.

The air shook violently, with Qian Renxue behind first hit by the shock, stumbling slightly.

But Damage Rebound followed immediately, and with his granddaughter present, Thousand Waves's expression froze twelvefold.

He immediately summoned his Four-Word Battle Armor, increasing his speed and boosting his attack power to split the Damage Rebound in two.


Thousand Waves wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at Qian Renxue with lingering fear in his eyes.

"For a golden reward, grandpa is getting more and more out of his depth," he said.

He meant to express his feelings in hopes of seeking his granddaughter's admiration and comfort, but he noticed that Qian Renxue wasn't paying any attention to his words, still quietly observing Lin Yi while holding the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

"You really that afraid he'll die?" Thousand Waves asked with a stiff expression.

"Ah? No! How could I?!" Qian Renxue snapped out of it, gave an embarrassed laugh, and quickly stored away her Martial Soul, her expression becoming serious again.

Yet Lin Yi was as if he existed independently of the world, turning a deaf ear to everything around him.

He opened the panel...

ps. Thank you for the follow-up reading.