264, Dai Ben vs Wu Song [Major Chapter]_2

"The so-called 'Tag Critical Strike' means that you can specifically target a group, and any attacks you launch against this group will have a 30% damage bonus,"

"To target a group, you attach ten different tags to them. These ten tags must not share the same meaning nor be similar, and they can pertain to appearance, clothing, martial soul characteristics, personality traits, and so forth..."

This is such an odd reward... Zhu Zhuyun took a moment to process it, only somewhat grasping it after some thought.

But she quickly pinpointed a problem.

"Senior, if I define these tags too specifically, wouldn't that also mean the target group I can critically strike becomes smaller? Isn't that a kind of indirect weakening?"

Lin Yi looked at her, not having expected Zhu Zhuyun to be so perceptive. Indeed, that was the principle.

This was why Lin Yi's host critical strike reward only had one tag.

If he attached just one tag [Male]

Then Lin Yi would deal critical strike damage to all males in Soul Land.

But if he needed to attach two tags, like: [Male],[18 years old]

He could only critically strike males in Soul Land who were exactly 18 years old, effectively narrowing the attack scope, which means weakening the reward.

"Indeed, so while making sure each tag is different, you must also keep each one slightly vague to expand the screening range as much as possible. That way, the number of people you can critically strike is sufficient,"

Zhu Zhuyun immediately nodded and started to think about the ten tags she would assign.

"The first tag, alive!"

She said with a laugh.

Lin Yi was astonished.

Well, it seems you have completely grasped the rules of this reward; almost every creature on the continent is 'alive.'

Lin Yi imprinted [Alive] on the system panel.


"The second tag, has eyes."

Lin Yi: "..."

Impressive... virtually all creatures have eyes.

"The third one, has a mouth!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi shook his head: "It's similar to the previous tag, this one won't work."

Zhu Zhuyun grinned and nodded: "Okay then."

She continued thinking: "The third tag, shorter than 100 meters."

Lin Yi almost wanted to give her a thumbs-up. Three tags in and she could still critically strike virtually everyone on the continent!

"The fourth tag, weaker than Senior Lin Yi."

Zhu Zhuyun seemed to suddenly realize this and quickly added it.

Lin Yi silently agreed; it would be pointless for Zhu Zhuyun to be able to critically strike those stronger than himself when facing them.

However, this tag had a drawback: it meant Zhu Zhuyun couldn't enjoy this critical strike benefit when attacking Lin Yi.

Since Lin Yi couldn't possibly be weaker than himself.

But Lin Yi didn't plan to remind her of this.

"The fifth tag, capable of breathing."

Upon hearing this, Dai Ben instinctively held his breath. It seemed that if he competed with Zhu Zhuyun, as long as he didn't breathe, her attacks couldn't critically strike.

"The sixth tag, erm, all creatures that have seen me!"

Lin Yi's eyes lit up. This was brilliant, as encountering the opponent would definitely be a prerequisite!

"The seventh tag, has experienced sleep."

"The eighth tag, born from a mother."

"The ninth tag, has any kind of emotion."

"The tenth tag..."

Zhu Zhuyun suddenly hesitated at this point, her prior smooth thought process now genuinely strained.

After all, this was a bit like an impromptu quiz. If she had time to think about it, she probably could come up with a dozen more.

"The tenth tag... is... all creatures that have heard of Senior Lin Yi's deeds."

Senior Lin Yi's fame would eventually spread across the whole continent, wouldn't it? No creature would be unaware of him... Zhu Zhuyun silently thought to herself.

After affixing the tag [those who have heard of Lin Yi's deeds] to the system panel as a reward, a red orb of light formally congealed.

Lin Yi took it in his hand and flicked it to Zhu Zhuyun.

At that moment, Lin Yi opened the system panel and also affixed the only designated tag to his own reward.

Imitating Zhu Yun's first tag [Alive], he stuck it on and it quickly fused.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, even a god would surely fit the "Alive" tag.

Zhu Zhuyun's attack had officially ended, she stepped down from the stage, and at that moment, seeing Davis, Zhu Yun's smile vanished instantly, her face becoming expressionless, then she immediately snatched the leash of Little Snail from Davis's hand.

"Zhu Yun... forgive me, I know I was wrong, I will definitely love you well, love you sincerely from now on,"

Davis said dejectedly from behind.

But Zhu Zhuyun ignored him.

Seeming to sense its master's mood, Little Snail, squirming forward on the ground, twisted its head to look at Davis, glared, and bit down on Davis's calf.


On stage, Dai Ben looked back at his son's scream, then turned away with an expressionless face.

It was his turn to attack.

Dai Ben glanced at Lin Yi, then at the crowd, coughed slightly awkwardly, and then flipped the mental switch.

"Fold a Thousand Paper Cranes, tie on a red ribbon—"

He immediately said, "In fear that the damage isn't sufficient, I will need to release a Domain, everyone please bear with it for a while."

Lin Yi nodded, "Attack."

This song actually had a festive atmosphere, which unconsciously reminded Lin Yi of celebrating the New Year on the Blue Planet.

Alas, he wondered what time it was now on the Blue Planet, was it almost New Year's too?

It was just a pity that no one could tell him, and he could only continue with the Lottery Shield day after day.

This time, Dai Ben's attack mode was the fifth soul skill White Tiger Demon God Transformation combined with the fourth soul skill White Tiger Meteor Shower.

The Martial Soul True Body was considered a trump card, not yet to be used in haste.

"Fifth soul skill! White Tiger Demon God Transformation!"

Dai Ben shouted, and unlike the White Tiger Diamond Transformation, this time a purple glow rippled around his body, even the phantom White Tiger that appeared behind him was shrouded in a light purple mist, as if it had undergone a sort of Demon God Change.

The White Tiger phantom grew further, crouched forward, its thick forelimbs powerfully pounding the ground.

At that moment, stars blazed with incandescent light rapidly condensed in the sky.

A dense meteor shower burst forth towards Lin Yi's direction, each bearing the momentum of a cannonball.

The White Tiger Demon God Transformation was not dissolved; Dai Ben stood up straight, merging with the White Tiger phantom behind him, his frame instantly becoming tall and robust. He let out an earth-shattering tiger roar and charged forward, concentrating all the power gathered in his muscles into one punch, shattering the Damage Rebound with a single hit!

The Red Level damage rebound was very different from the Black Level, and Dai Ben was gradually becoming personally aware of it.

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood loss: 241364]

[Remaining health: 899924212369]

[Damage Level: Red (Junior)]

[Random reward: Challenge Prop Card*1]

[Host reward: Challenge Prop Card*3]

It was another Prop Card; the purpose of the Prop Card is to enhance the quality of rewards, upgrading them by one level, thus turning a Red Junior reward into a Red Intermediate one after success.

The task Prop Card from Emperor Xueye was quite special, as it required leaving Soul City to carry out a task, and the difficulty was higher, so it would upgrade the reward by two levels.

This Challenge Prop Card required the system to randomly select a character and give Dai Ben a set time to defeat it.

Lin Yi looked at Dai Ben and said, "Damage 241364, Red Junior, your reward is a Challenge Prop Card."

"A character will appear randomly to compete with you, it may be from the Douluo plane or from other planes; defeat them within five minutes, and your challenge will be considered successful, upgrading your reward by one level."

Dai Ben nodded upon hearing this.

Lin Yi then performed character draw for him on the system interface.

Moments later, a name appeared on the panel.

[Wu Song (Magically Modified Version)]

ps. Thank you for following.