Chapter 23 Lei Emperor's Art: Lei Emperor's Finger_2

Long Gong: ⊙▃⊙.

He gave in.

He dared not talk recklessly anymore.

"Watch, maybe a miracle will really happen."


"Lei Emperor's Finger, still not right."

"If the Titan Ape had received a real Lei Emperor's Finger, it should have already knelt."

However, despite causing such damage to the Titan Ape, Qin Xiao felt unsatisfied.

He was embarrassed to say that this was Lei Emperor's Finger...

Of course, the target was none other than the Titan Ape.

If it were any Titled Douluo of the same level as Qin Xiao who endured such a blow, they would either die or be seriously injured.


Seeing the fresh blood and broken teeth on the ground, the Titan Ape's eyes turned red.

It roared up at the sky.

The blood made it even more ferocious.

"If baring teeth and snarling were useful, I would have run away long ago."

Qin Xiao mocked with a smile, then provocatively gestured to the Titan Ape by crooking his finger.

Without a doubt, this was a gesture understood by both humans and soul beasts.

The Titan Ape instantly understood, this human was telling it to come over.

Mader!, bullying an ape too harshly!

As the overlord of the Aquipeia Forest, it couldn't remember how long it had been since it was so provocatively challenged by someone.

The next moment, it took steps that covered dozens of meters, rushing to Qin Xiao's side, and threw punches in a messy, uncoordinated manner.

"Too slow."

"And you only know brute force attacks, with no skill in exerting force."

"In this aspect, Tang Hao has left you behind by who knows how many streets."

The Titan Ape's attack power was not weak, but in Qin Xiao's eyes, it posed no significant threat.

After all, it was hitting air, not Qin Xiao.

No matter how the Titan Ape attacked, Qin Xiao could easily dodge. In terms of speed, Qin Xiao completely overwhelmed it.

Furthermore, after each dodge, Qin Xiao would casually point out with a finger, continuously refining his Lei Emperor's Finger.

Clearly, he was using the Titan Ape as a sharpening stone.

He was having a great time.

The Titan Ape, on the other hand, suffered, with lightning strikes making it howl in pain.

"So cool."

"Facing a hundred-thousand-year soul beast, there are still people who can be so at ease, it's just too cool!"

Meng Yiran watched the battle from afar, her eyes filled with admiration.

Qin Xiao's graceful figure was indelibly etched in her heart.

It seemed it would never fade, even for a lifetime!

"Too monstrous!"

"Such a young person can actually beat the Titan Ape, the fairy tales I heard as a child didn't dare to tell such a tale."

Seeing this, Long Gong kept clicking his tongue in wonder.

Looking at Qin Xiao, then at himself.

He felt he had lived all his years for nothing.

Snake Granny also numbly nodded: "If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I could not imagine that there would be such a prodigy in Soul Land. It's incomprehensible how far he will go and what achievements he will have in the future."

Hearing this, Long Gong replied with a bitter smile, "Right now, he is already someone we look up to. In the future, we may not even be qualified to glimpse his shadow."

It had to be said, this was a despairing thought.


"Xiaosan, I think it's very possible that Er Ming is no match for Qin Xiao, let's go. Let's not provoke him anymore."

In the canopy two to three hundred meters behind the Titan Ape, Xiaowu's eyes were already shimmering with tears.

Er Ming was her family.

But, she had just watched as Er Ming's teeth were broken by someone.

She couldn't help feeling heartache and boundless guilt. If it weren't for her request, Er Ming wouldn't have troubled Qin Xiao.

And wouldn't be in such a sorry state now.

"No, it's not possible. I don't believe Qin Xiao is without any issues!"

"My father was so badly injured, I don't believe he can still perform at his peak! It's on purpose. This must be Qin Xiao showing us on purpose."

Tang San's eyes glowed with a purple light as he closely watched the fight between the Titan Ape and Qin Xiao.

At this moment, Xiaowu's words were unacceptable to him.

Even now, he still firmly believed that his deductions couldn't be wrong.

"Xiaosan, didn't you see that Er Ming can't even touch the hem of Qin Xiao's clothes? And every one of Qin Xiao's attacks has caused Er Ming no small injury. If this continues, I'm afraid Er Ming really won't be able to hold on," Xiaowu said with a pained expression.


Tang San didn't listen to Xiaowu's words at all, frowning and pondering for a while, his face suddenly showed realization.

"Xiaowu, I know where the problem is!"

"It's a soul skill!"

"From the start of the battle until now, Qin Xiao has not used a single soul skill. He must be unable to use soul skills due to some limitations."

"I knew it, to contend with my father at the level of a ninety-two Titled Douluo, how could he not pay a price?"

Tang San firmly believed that Qin Xiao was using a self-created soul skill similar to the Exploding Ring Secret Technique described by Tang Hao.

"Is that really the case?" Xiaowu was confused.

Tang San nodded vehemently, "As long as we keep going, Er Ming will definitely win! Teacher said, a Soul Master without soul skills is like a bird that has lost its wings!"

"Well, then..."

Xiaowu nodded doubtfully.


"No, that's not right."

"Still not quite there."

"The arrangement of the runes is still unstable."

Qin Xiao was lost in a moment of realization.

He kept casting Lei Emperor's Finger over and over again, his entire being had gone numb.

Even the cries of the Titan Ape couldn't reach his ears anymore.

He didn't know how much time had passed.

Then, suddenly, he saw the light.

"I understand it now, I get it; the problem was right here!"

A knowing smile unconsciously appeared on Qin Xiao's lips.

In his ceaseless practice, he had finally grasped the hand technique within the Lei Emperor's Art, Lei Emperor's Finger!

The next moment, with a shift in his stance, he had already retreated a hundred meters away.

The Titan Ape was stunned.

What's happening?

Why aren't they fighting anymore?

"You helped me comprehend Lei Emperor's Finger."

"To repay you for this favor, I've decided to give you a swift end."

Qin Xiao sneered, and the electric arcs swirling around him transformed.

They twisted into mysterious runes.

Then, these runes seemed to be drawn by some special force, aligning and combining together.

Boom Crack!

A thunderclap reverberated across the skies of the Aquipeia Forest.

A terrifying scene unfolded.

Streams of pale white electricity coalesced without dissipating, and began to converge towards Qin Xiao.


The Titan Ape looked up at Qin Xiao and swallowed hard.

Too terrifying!

At that moment, the power gathering on Qin Xiao instilled a chilling fear even in the Titan Ape.

Explosion, terror, destruction...

Waves of these auras burst forth from Qin Xiao, and soul beasts within a ten-mile radius couldn't help but prostrate themselves.

"It's too terrifying."

"This presence isn't even directly aimed at us, yet it makes my soul tremble."

"It's hard to imagine what kind of pressure the Titan Ape, facing 'Your Highness,' is under."

In the distance, Long Gong, Snake Granny, and Meng Yiran were also supporting each other just to barely keep standing, stopping themselves from collapsing.

"Too strong, with this one strike, the Titan Ape probably won't be able to withstand it!"

Snake Granny was also wide-eyed in astonishment.

"Er Ming, get out of there."

At this moment, Xiaowu could no longer restrain herself and yelled hoarsely at Er Ming.

The Titan Ape turned its gaze to Xiaowu, and Xiaowu looked back at it.

Eyes meeting eyes, no words were necessary; they had read the meaning in each other's gaze.

The Titan Ape appeared both helpless and desperate.

"Xiaosan, Er Ming told me there is a force in the dark that has locked onto it. Qin Xiao's soul skill is sure to hit! More importantly, the power within this soul skill is something Er Ming simply can't resist. What do we do? What can we do? Xiaosan, please save it!"

Xiaowu spoke frantically, tears rolling down uncontrollably.

"What? Er Ming can't withstand it either?"

Tang San was shocked.

His brain began to rapidly process, "Xiaowu, let's go. It's no longer safe here. If we're late, it will be too late; Qin Xiao won't spare us."

He was starting to panic.

Anyone with half a brain knew, once Qin Xiao dealt with Er Ming, he definitely wouldn't let them go.


Xiaowu shook her head, "I won't leave; I can't let Er Ming be here alone."

"Xiaowu, you've seen it, the soul power fluctuation ahead is really too strong. We can only be throwing our lives away if we go there. Therefore, the best choice is for us to leave this place," Tang San tried to persuade her.

What? Leave?

Xiaowu was stunned: "Xiaosan, how can you say such a thing? Er Ming is our companion. You actually want to abandon it?"

Tang San furrowed his brow and tried to reason: "Xiaowu, calm down. Right now, Er Ming would also want us to leave. After all, staying here is just waiting for death, and if we live, we can definitely avenge Er Ming in the future."