Chapter 33 Qin Xiao's Great Battle with Sword Douluo (4000-word Mega Chapter)_2

At this moment, Sword Douluo laughed heartily, "I took one of your hammers just now, now it's your turn to take one of my swords."

Qin Xiao even keenly sensed that Sword Douluo's fifth soul skill was lighting up.

"It must be 'Domineering Quadrants,' a soul skill with extremely strong attack power!"

He instantly remembered the effects of this particular soul skill of Sword Douluo.

Moreover, Sword Douluo had laid so much groundwork just for the use of this soul skill, which clearly showed his immense confidence in it.

"Thinking you can kill me with a fifth soul skill in a second? Naïve!"

"I won't let you even fully unleash it!"

Perceiving Sword Douluo's intentions, Qin Xiao reacted even faster.

At some point, his two hands were already pressed against each other, finger to finger.

At the same time, his second soul ring was already glowing.

Second Soul Skill: Thundering Shockwave.

Effect: Upon activation, a thundering sound bursts from the palms, and all living things covered by the ripple will suffer varying degrees of dizziness.

Of course, if the opponent is weak, they might be shocked to death instantly.

At this very moment, his hands suddenly clapped together!


A clap of thunder sounded in an instant, reverberating throughout the arena.

Simultaneously, an invisible ripple radiated from the center where Qin Xiao was, covering Sword Douluo in the blink of an eye.


The next moment, Sword Douluo felt as if he had gone deaf, and darkness descended before his eyes.

The fifth soul skill that hadn't been released yet was abruptly aborted!

Wake up!

But after all, he was a level-96 powerhouse and instantly thought of a countermeasure. He bit the tip of his tongue, which snapped him back to awareness.

However, where was Qin Xiao's shadow to be seen?

"Fourth Soul Skill: Wrath of the Thunder God!"

At this time, a voice came from the sky.

Sword Douluo looked up, only to see Qin Xiao floating in midair. He also noticed the pitch-black cloud that had appeared over his head out of nowhere.

"This thing does not bode well at first glance."

Sword Douluo had a bad feeling rising in his heart.


In his hesitation, a bolt of lightning had already struck down.

"What kind of sorcery is this?"

Sword Douluo was stunned – the bolt of lightning was as thin as an embroidery needle.

"Is this some kind of mockery skill? Looking down on someone?"

Sword Douluo casually swung his Seven Kill Sword at it.


Something strange happened – it passed right through?

The lightning still accurately struck his body.

The next moment, Sword Douluo stiffened, a numb sensation spreading throughout him, and he found himself unable to muster any strength.

"What soul skill is this? It actually attacks the soul."

Sword Douluo cried out in alarm once again.

Fortunately, his soul was incredibly powerful, so the effects lasted less than half a second before passing.

"Wrath of the Thunder God calls forth the intangible lightning, attacking directly at the soul."

"The cultivation level of the senior is indeed profound. If it were an ordinary Titled Douluo, they probably would have lost all ability to resist by now!"

Qin Xiao couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

"Hmph! Boy, I'm not some ordinary Titled Douluo you can compare to. Not just one hit, even if you hit me three more times, what of it?"

Sword Douluo snorted coldly, and feeling that it wasn't boastful enough, he added, "Even if you hit me three more times, I can take it."

"Is that so..."

Qin Xiao counted on his fingers, "Wrath of the Thunder God has a total of nine attacks. Excluding the one just now, there are eight left. Senior, be careful!"

What the heck?

That strange lightning from just now, there are eight more?

Damn, that skill is way too bizarre!

After hearing Qin Xiao's words, Sword Douluo's face immediately turned green.

If there really were nine soul-attacking lightnings raining down, even he would have a tough time handling it.


However, there was no time left for complaints as another faint bolt of electricity came crashing down.

"Can't strike back, can't I dodge then?"

Facing soul attacks, Sword Douluo also felt somewhat at a loss.

"Third Soul Skill: Sword Wings in Flight!"

He pointed, and the Seven Kill Sword landed at his feet, causing his speed to suddenly skyrocket.

"You want to compete with lightning for speed?"

"Even if you were ten times faster, it probably wouldn't be enough."

Qin Xiao shook his head slightly.

He decided not to pay him any more attention and began to prepare the next attack.

Seventh Soul Skill: Thunder Emperor's True Body!

Eighth Soul Skill: Thunder Beast!

Meanwhile, Sword Douluo, who had escaped to a distance, also let out a cry of anguish at this time.

There was no choice.

He couldn't help it, as being struck by lightning was not a pleasant experience.


"Kid, you've successfully angered me!"

"Seven Kill Real Form!"

As Sword Douluo's voice fell, he once again grasped the Seven Kill Sword in his hand.

However, at this moment, the Seven Kill Sword had grown significantly larger, and its sword energy had become even more formidable.

At the same time, Sword Douluo's overall attributes had greatly increased.


Another soul-piercing bolt of lightning struck down.

But this time, Sword Douluo merely let out a muffled grunt.

Fully showcasing the terrifying state he was in!

"What terrifying soul skill is this kid brewing up now?"

"No good! I can't let him succeed any longer."

"He who strikes first has the advantage, he who strikes late suffers the consequences, I can't keep being so passive!"

Sword Douluo made a decision in an instant, and his eighth soul ring lit up.

"Move Mountains and Seas!"

At this moment, he let out a clear shout, crazily brandishing the Seven Kill Sword in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, he struck with twelve swords!

Twelve meters-long sword energies, assailing Qin Xiao who was suspended in mid-air.

At that moment, Qin Xiao also made his move, violently pushing both hands toward Sword Douluo.

Nine thunderballs transformed into nine ferocious Thunder Beasts, charging at the sword energies.

"This attack is already comparable to level 96!"

"This kid is truly a monster!"

Sword Douluo felt extreme shock in his heart from the pressure brought by Qin Xiao.

His attacks were probably on par with the Elder Yue Guan of the Martial Soul Hall.

He's only eighteen, what will the future hold?

After unleashing the sword attack, Sword Douluo did not continue.

He believed that now that he had used his eighth soul skill, there was no possibility for Qin Xiao to prevail.

"Unless there are twelve Thunder Beasts, they won't be enough to be slashed by my sword energy."

He thought thus.

Indeed, it was just as he expected.

Crack, crack, crack...

Sword energy and Thunder Beasts collided, continuously, sword energies were extinguished, and Thunder Beasts dissipated.

In a moment, only three out of the twelve sword energies remained.

Yet, none of the Thunder Beasts released by Qin Xiao remained.

"Sword Douluo truly lives up to his name; a peak level-96 Titled Douluo is indeed incomparable to a weakened Tang Hao."

Seeing his soul skill shattered, Qin Xiao wasn't too surprised.

"Thunder Emperor Armor!"

Finally, his ninth soul skill lit up, with countless bolts of lightning enveloping Qin Xiao.

Intense lightning that even Sword Douluo found somewhat blinding.

"So, you finally used the ninth soul skill huh?"

"I want to see what tricks you have up your sleeve after this."

Sword Douluo wasn't alarmed but delighted, he knew Qin Xiao must have run out of options.

Crack, crack, crack.

The next moment, Qin Xiao clad in Thunder Emperor Armor appeared in front of Sword Douluo.

Palms like knives, he slashed thrice in succession, instantly shattering the remaining three sword energies from Sword Douluo's eighth soul skill.

The price he paid was merely a slight dimming of the armor.

"What a strong presence!"

Sword Douluo looked at Qin Xiao, who reappeared before his eyes, slightly surprised, "You really surprise me; right now, you give me the feeling you're not any weaker than me, and you're even stronger in soul power!"

"You're a real monster; I'm curious about how you grew up!"

Sword Douluo couldn't stop shaking his head.

This youngster before him was simply too dazzling!

Compared to him, it seemed like his own age had been lived in vain.

"Elder, shall we continue the fight?"

Qin Xiao asked intently.

"Why not?"

"Kid, I admit you're strong, but I still have a trick up my sleeve!" Sword Douluo snorted discontentedly, "When I use my ninth soul skill, even I am afraid. You better be careful."

"To tell you the truth, no one besides old bones has seen my ninth soul skill and lived to tell the tale."

"But, I can give you a chance, if you can't hold on, just say the word!"

Eh? Qin Xiao was stunned, then gave a bitter smile, "Then please be merciful, elder."

Sword Douluo really got carried away...

"Don't worry, I'll try not to kill you!"

Sword Douluo declared sternly, "God Devil....Two Cuts!"


The next moment, a gigantic Seven Kill Sword over ten meters tall ripped through the sky and descended.

Then, a giant larger than the sword itself reached out and grabbed the hilt.


I'm going to drink, no time to split the chapter.

Wishing everyone a happy National Day.
