Chapter 41 Qin Xiao's Plan, Tang Xiao Defeated {4000 words}_2

"With my assistance, even if Tang Xiao has used Ring Explosion, he would not be your match,"

Ning Fengzhi whispered from behind Sword Douluo.

This time, Sword Douluo furrowed his brows tightly, no longer speaking.

The battle between the mighty was unpredictable and ever-changing, he had to watch closely.


Just at this moment, Qin Xiao made a strange move; his hands continuously formed seals, one mysterious and arcane symbol after another appeared.

Without a doubt, what Qin Xiao was using was the Lei Emperor's Art - Lei Emperor's Finger!

"What the hell is this?"

Tang Xiao frowned.

Subconsciously, he had a bad feeling and knew that he must not allow Qin Xiao to complete this bizarre skill.

He bent his body and launched himself like a meteor, charging towards Qin Xiao.

And at this moment, Qin Xiao was already enveloped by countless magical runes before he gently pointed his right index finger towards Tang Xiao.


A finger, formed by the convergence of lightning and resembling the Pillar of Heaven, crushed down ruthlessly upon Tang Xiao.

In front of this finger, the figure of Tang Xiao seemed incredibly minuscule!



The first thing to come into contact with the Lei Emperor's Finger was the Hao Tian Hammer in Tang Xiao's hands.

However, what shocked Tang Xiao was that his Hao Tian Hammer, the Tool Soul he had taken pride in since childhood, was crushed to pieces by a single press?!

"How is this possible?"

"It can't be!"

"He was already at the end of his rope, how could he still possess such combat power?!"

He was shocked beyond measure.

But, in the next moment, an irresistible force slammed him ruthlessly into the dust.


"What kind of soul skill is this?"

"How can it be so powerful?"

Everyone who witnessed this was dumbfounded.

No one expected the tide of battle to turn so swiftly, the previously haughty Tang Xiao was beaten down into the dust.

"Uncle Jian, that wasn't very nice of you. Qin Xiao has such a powerful soul skill and you didn't tell me?"

Ning Fengzhi complained somewhat.

In actuality, it wasn't his fault.

Just a moment ago, he had been sweating profusely over Qin Xiao's safety.

A little grumbling was nothing.

"Sect Master, you are wronging me there. I honestly don't know what's the deal with his soul skill. When he faced me in battle, that kid who got struck by lightning didn't use this soul skill..."

In response to Ning Fengzhi's complaint, Sword Douluo looked innocent.

But, in the next moment, he suddenly remembered something Qin Xiao had said.

"Wait, could this be the soul skill he said even scares himself?"

The more Sword Douluo thought about it, the more he believed it, "I didn't expect that kid wasn't just boasting, but actually had this strength!"


The dust on the field had settled.

The figure of Tang Xiao reappeared before everyone's eyes.

He was kneeling on the ground in a state of collapse.

With his meridians shattered, even if he survived, he would be a cripple in the future...

Tang Xiao was well aware of the severity of his injuries.

Step by step, Qin Xiao walked towards where Tang Xiao was.


Tang Xiao asked with a hoarse voice.

"Are you asking why I didn't use such a powerful soul skill to attack Tang Hao?" Qin Xiao laughed.

However, his smile was filled with coldness.

Tang Xiao was silent.

Because Qin Xiao was right.

Qin Xiao spoke indifferently, "Tang Xiao, actually you have been mistaken about one thing from the very beginning. That trash Tang Hao was never my target."


"You and he have deep-seated grudges, how could it be possible that you don't want to kill him?"

Tang Xiao was first shocked, utterly disbelieving what Qin Xiao said.

"Do you think I need to lie to you?"

Qin Xiao glanced at Tang Xiao with disdain.

"Tang Sect Master, he indeed hasn't lied to you..."

At that moment, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo approached the center of the arena.

"Given a choice to remove one person, a level 95 titled Douluo who is severely injured or a level 95 titled Douluo with astonishing combat power and is also a Sect Master, how would you choose, Tang Sect Master?" he asked, looking towards Tang Xiao.

So that's how it is!

The spectators see the chess game better than the players, and with Ning Fengzhi's hints, how could Tang Xiao not realize that the so-called 'latter' was himself?

Ning Fengzhi said indifferently, "I believe the Tang Sect Master also has his answer. If it were up to Mr. Ning to choose, he would definitely get rid of the latter."

"Wrong, I've been wrong from the start..."

Tang Xiao's heart suffered yet another blow.

"However, Little Hao successfully escaped from your clutches, and one day, he will seek revenge on you."

The one thing Tang Xiao felt fortunate about was this very matter.


what Qin Xiao said next made him feel even worse.

"Here's another thing for you, if Tang Hao had not left, then today's defeat would have been mine."

"Thunder Titan, I can only summon it twice. The first time I injured you, and the second time scary Tang Hao away, forcing you to use the Ring Explosion."

And although Lei Emperor's Finger doesn't consume much Soul Power, it wears down my mental will, and I can only use it once in a short period, making my current combat ability equivalent to that of an average Titled Douluo..."

"Honestly, if Tang Hao had decided not to leave, I definitely wouldn't have used the Lei Emperor's Finger. Today, the one fleeing would have been me."

This secret was conveyed to Tang Xiao by Qin Xiao using a method of private verbal transmission.

The look of relief disappeared from his eyes.

First shock, then regret.

"Little Hao, do you hear that?"

"If you had run a bit slower, today would have had a different outcome."

Now, Tang Xiao regretted everything deeply.

Had he known this would happen, he would never have told Tang Hao to leave first.

Was this not courting disaster?

"In your next life, make sure to choose your words more carefully. Find a good family, and don't meddle with those you shouldn't."

Seeing the regret on Tang Xiao's face, Qin Xiao was quite satisfied.

Killing Tang Xiao outright would have been too easy for him.

To break Tang Xiao's spirit, that was what Qin Xiao wanted.

Now, his goal was achieved.

"What did you say, you want to kill me?"

Tang Xiao was stunned, and then began to panic.

"The murderer must be prepared to be killed."

Qin Xiao's voice was cold, and his palm was already swirling with electrical light.

"No, don't!"

Tang Xiao panicked, "I am the Haotian Sect Master of the Number One Sect in the world; I can give you anything you want. And my Haotian Sect has many powerful members. If I die, you'll be in big trouble!"

Even someone like Tang Xiao was filled with terror at the prospect of death.

"A cowardly turtle of a sect, do you think I would be afraid of you?"

"Even if they don't come for me, I would strike at the Haotian Sect on my own!"

Qin Xiao shook his head, showing no regard for the Haotian Sect at all.

After all,

according to the records in the original story, inside the Haotian Sect, apart from Tang Xiao, there were several Elders.

Plus, there was the ancestor Tang Chen, who was far away in Slaughter City.

However, now that they were enemies, Qin Xiao would not show any mercy.

What if they were powerful?

With the System and knowledge of the plot, there were always ways to bring them down.

At the very least, Qin Xiao believed there probably wouldn't be anyone within the Haotian Sect capable of withstanding his assassination.

As for Tang Chen, although powerful, he was not lucid, which made him less difficult to deal with.

"Besides, I'm not necessarily the Haotian Sect's biggest enemy, right?"

Qin Xiao suddenly smiled.

Seeing this smile, Tang Xiao felt a chill down his spine, sensing that something bad was about to happen.

"You said that because of Tang Hao's plot, a large number of Sect Disciples died, and ultimately the Haotian Sect had to seal off its gates and play turtle."

"And now, having plotted the death of their Sect Master, do you think those Elders will forgive him?"

Qin Xiao smiled, "Perhaps, you should be looking at how the Haotian Sect might need to cleanse its own house."


Tang Xiao's pupils contracted sharply.

He knew that what Qin Xiao said was not impossible.

Within the sect, from Elders down to Disciples, the dissatisfaction towards Tang Hao, the sect's outcast, was high.

If another incident occurred, the sect might indeed take action to cleanse its own house.

"No, I can't die, I must not die!"

"Otherwise, the Haotian Sect, Little Hao, it's really all over."

Tang Xiao no longer looked at Qin Xiao, his desperate gaze turning towards Ning Fengzhi as if he saw his last lifeline.

"Sect Master Ning, Sect Master Ning, you must save me."

Tang Xiao said frantically, "The upper three families are closely related, as close as one family."