Chapter 50 The Innocent Poison Douluo, I'm Helpless Too_1

"Headmaster, don't you think this treatment is a bit too generous?"

Zhao Wuji approached Flander and whispered.

Afterward, Li Yusong, Lu Qibin, and Shao Xin also had expressions of satisfaction on their faces.

Yet, Flander stealthily glanced at Qin Xiao.

All the while, Qin Xiao maintained a composed demeanor, eyes on his nose, nose on his heart, lost in thought.

"Normally, it would be reasonable to offer us Sky Dou level teaching positions, but the special assistance applied for everyone, along with the promise of a position on the education committee for me, were all considered in view of His Highness."

Flander was well aware of this.

"What about us now?"

Zhao Wuji was taken aback.

"Since His Highness hasn't spoken, it's for us to decide," Flander said.

"I choose to accept his offer!"

The conditions given by Sky Dou Royal Academy were better than expected, Flander really had no reason to refuse.


Just at that moment, a voice came from outside the education committee room.

"President Meng, our Sky Dou Royal Academy isn't a refuge. It's not a place where any Tom, Dick, or Harry can come in."

As the voice faded,

Three people walked in.

In the middle was an elderly man.

He wore fine clothes, was somewhat overweight, but had a distinguished appearance.

However, at this moment, his brows were tightly furrowed, giving off an intimidating aura without showing anger.

Even in the presence of President Meng, Bai Baoshan, and Zhi Lin—three members of the education committee—his demeanor was one of condescension, as if he stood above them all.

By the side of the well-dressed elder was a young man.

"It's him!"

Flander, Zhao Wuji, and the others immediately recognized the youth as one of the individuals who had blocked their way at the academy's gate earlier.

But what drew everyone's attention the most was the last of the three.

He was a lean old man in a green robe. His dark green pupils swept over the crowd, sending chills down their spines.

One couldn't help but feel like they were being watched by a venomous snake.

"Such a terrifying cultivation level, he must be at least a Douluo Strong Warrior," Zhao Wuji thought to himself.

In fact, President Meng and the others also felt a surge of anxiety.

"Such a formidable cultivation level, could he be the legendary Douluo who is titled 'Poison'?"

It was rumored that within the Prince's Mansion, there was such a guest elder.

He was also the only Titled Douluo serving as a guest elder in the Tiandou Empire.

"It seems that today's affairs may not be settled smoothly."

Casting a glance at Avalanche, who was still sporting a bruised face, President Meng had an ominous feeling.

"Prince His Highness, before you arrived, you must have received some misinformation about Shrek Academy?"

President Meng spoke out, pointing at the people from Shrek: "They are not teachers and an academy without strength; Teacher Qin Ming is a graduate of Shrek Academy. If they join our Sky Dou Royal Academy, they will definitely boost the strength of our academy, even that of the entire Empire."

Of course, what he didn't specify was that the strength of Sky Dou Royal Academy would surge because of the people from Shrek.

The rise in the Empire's strength would be due to Qin Xiao.

This was, in fact, quite normal.

President Meng, Bai Baoshan, and Zhi Lin, all three members of the education committee, supported Crown Prince Xue Qinghe.

When such a new Titled Douluo appeared within the Empire, the first to be informed was naturally the Crown Prince so that Xue Qinghe could attempt to win him over.

If the Crown Prince also had the support of a Titled Douluo Strong Warrior, he would have the capacity to face Prince Xue Xing head-on.


Xue Xing raised an eyebrow; the praise President Meng had for Shrek Academy was beyond his expectation.

"The more you value them, the less I can leave them be. Wouldn't that just increase the strength of the Crown Prince?" he resolved in his heart. "It seems I've been too hasty. But President Meng, what I want to say is, to join our Sky Dou Royal Academy, one needs not only strength but good moral character as well.

Even if Prince Avalanche has a somewhat unruly temperament, he should not be disciplined by just anybody. To have Prince Avalanche slapped in the face is an insult to the Empire's dignity, and for this, they must give an explanation," Xue Xing said with a grim face.

"An explanation?"

President Meng was taken aback, not at all anticipating Xue Xing's persistence on the matter with Avalanche, clearly looking for trouble.

"Gentlemen, I'm terribly sorry. Prince Xue Xing has been appointed by His Majesty to manage some affairs of the Sky Dou Royal Academy. Allow me to communicate with him first."


He planned to appease Flander and the others first.

However, instead of calming things down, his explanation led to an even greater backlash.

"What? This guy is the head of Sky Dou Royal Academy?"

"Isn't that just over? Even if we stay, won't we constantly be given a hard time?"

"We'll have to put up with so much."

Zhao Wuji immediately got angry and started yelling loudly.

He was like that, never one to tolerate sand in his eyes; otherwise, he wouldn't have made so many enemies.

In fact, not just him—Flander, Li Yusong, and others all had gloomy expressions on their faces.

Zhao Wuji's words were rough, but the logic was sound.

No one was a fool; they could all see that Prince Xue Xing was deliberately targeting them.

"How insolent! Do you think you can challenge Prince His Highness?"

Avalanche's face changed instantly as he said shrilly, "Uncle Wang, see? I told you! These people are just a bunch of uncivilized troublemakers!"

"I can hear what they're saying; I don't need you to remind me."

Xue Xing looked at Avalanche with irritation.

Ahh, such a measure of bearing truly falls far short of Qinghe's.

Although he was disappointed, he couldn't scold Avalanche in front of so many people.

"Mr. Dugu, please take action."

He slightly turned around, speaking to the green-robed elder beside him.

"A trifling matter."

Mr. Dugu nodded lightly, and in the next moment, he stepped forward in front of Prince Xue Xing.

His gaze swept over the Shrek group, roughly assessing their strength.

The older-looking teachers probably didn't even rank as Soul Douluo.

As for the students...

Did he need to concern himself with their strength?

The next moment, he activated his Soul Power, and nine Soul Rings emerged from beneath his feet.

"Titled Douluo strong warrior!"

"He really is Poison Douluo Du Gu Bo!"

Now, Dream Divine Machine could confirm it.

"Titled Douluo strong warrior!"

Zhao Wuji, Flander, and the others also focused their gaze.

They had speculated that this green-robed elder was extraordinary, but they hadn't imagined he was this exceptional.

Had it not been for the significant number of Titled Douluos they had recently seen, their reactions would have been even less composed.


Suddenly, a very abrupt voice sounded in the midst of the gathering.

It broke the tense atmosphere that hung in the air.

Qin Xiao stood up and walked forward step by step.

Initially, he had wanted to see if the development of the situation would take a turn, but it seemed that it was still heading down that same old path...

"Who are you to say it's enough?"

Avalanche called out dissatisfied. He hadn't yet seen those who had bullied him before kneeling and begging for mercy. How could he be satisfied?

"Do you think you have a say here?"

Qin Xiao gave Avalanche a cold glance, with sparks flashing in his eyes.

An invisible force brutally struck Avalanche.


Avalanche let out a scream and was sent flying backward.

Even Xue Xing could hear the cracking sounds of bones breaking coming from Avalanche's body.

"What's going on here?"

Xue Xing was dumbfounded as he turned to Du Gu Bo, "Mr. Dugu, why didn't you help?"

But Du Gu Bo also looked muddled and innocent as he replied, "Your Highness, you misunderstand me. I did try to stop it, but I couldn't."

Then, he turned to look at Qin Xiao. Who is this kid, and why is he so otherworldly?


That's all for today; starting from tomorrow, I will increase the number of updates.

Thank you for your support.
