Chapter 52 Du Gu Bo, you don't want anything to happen to your granddaughter, right?_1


"Hahaha, scared now, are you?"

"Not so arrogant anymore, huh?"

Hearing Dean Flanders' words, Avalanche laughed.

At the same time, he released the hand that was gripping Prince Xue Xing's sleeve, swept his gaze over Dean Flanders and others, and said in a deep voice, "Men will become slaves, women will be maidservants, and as for that person who just made a move against me..."

When he brought up Qin Xiao, the hatred in Avalanche's eyes intensified, "If I don't have him flayed and dismembered, it won't quell the hatred in my heart."

He spoke softly.

After hearing Avalanche's words, everyone was rendered silent by his sheer audacity. Is this what they call the ignorance of the fearless?

At the same time, they were also curious, how does one go about flaying and dismembering a Titled Douluo? In how many steps...…


What the hell, you dare say anything, even flaying and dismembering a Titled Douluo?

If you're so impressive, why don't you ascend to heaven?

Not even your father would dare to utter such words, let alone you!

Prince Xue Xing was infuriated beyond endurance and could no longer hold back. He raised his foot and viciously kicked Avalanche.

In contrast, Avalanche only felt as if he had been whisked through the clouds and then flown out of the Education Committee building.

"Make sure he is well guarded..."

After a moment of thought, Prince Xue Xing still felt unsure and yelled at the guards outside, "Seal his mouth too. I don't want to hear any sound from him starting now."


Outside the Education Committee, the guards awaiting Prince Xue Xing responded solemnly.

"Uncle Wang, why is this happening... wu...."

At first, people could still hear Avalanche's wails, but soon his voice was completely cut off.

"A good-for-nothing, more than capable of ruining things than achieving them!"

Prince Xue Xing felt that Avalanche was completely useless now.

He had once instructed him to play the fool, but now he was more of a fool than a genuine one.

Immediately, he looked at Dean Flanders with an apologetic face, "Dean Flanders..."

"Prince His Highness, after careful consideration, we've concluded that we're just a bunch of country bumpkins, unfit for the public eye. A pastoral life, tending to horses and fields, suits us better..."

As Dean Flanders spoke, he also fist-bumped the Dream Divine Machine in thanks, "Thank you three commissioners for your warm hospitality. Goodbye."

With that, he left without looking back.

Zhao Wuji and the others followed closely behind.


The Sky Dou Royal Academy was vast, and Qin Xiao easily found a deserted spot.

Du Gu Bo followed closely, "My lord, there is no one around, you can speak freely now."

Du Gu Bo frowned slightly, actually quite curious in his heart what Qin Xiao meant.

Now he faintly believed that Qin Xiao had come prepared.

"To be frank, I intend to make a transaction with you."

Qin Xiao didn't beat around the bush and spoke directly to Du Gu Bo.

Although he was no saint, he had his own principles. He would not stoop to robbery or theft.

Besides, those who read the original work know that there's a Pot of Ying-Yang in Sunset Forest. But the forest is so vast; where would he go to find this Pot of Ying-Yang?

"A transaction with me?"

Du Gu Bo raised his eyebrows, quite astonished by Qin Xiao's proposition.

"What do you want to get, and what do I get in return?"

Even though he didn't want to engage in any transaction with Qin Xiao, he was very eager to know Qin Xiao's true purpose.

Qin Xiao said, "I can help you cure the Green Kirin Snake Poison in your body."


How does he know my secret?

Upon hearing this, Du Gu Bo was first shocked. Then a flash of murderous intent appeared in his eyes, "What do you mean? I don't quite understand."

"You don't understand?"

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "Then let me ask you. Every time it's cloudy and rainy, do you feel an itchy sensation on both sides of your ribs? And late at night, around the third watch, do you experience a stabbing pain like needles on the top of your head and the soles of your feet, with your whole body cramping?"

"How... how do you know that?" Overwhelmed by surprise, Du Gu Bo couldn't contain himself and blurted out subconsciously.


He couldn't imagine how this youth, whom he had only met once, knew him so thoroughly?

But, after the shock had passed.

The intent to kill within his heart grew even stronger.

He couldn't allow his secrets to be held by an unrelated person; it was a fatal threat.

"I advise you to think twice about whether you can truly threaten me before you make a move," Qin Xiao said.

Qin Xiao watched Du Gu Bo's expressions closely, fearless and nonchalant, even turning away to gaze into the distant forest. "The Sky Dou Royal Academy really is a wonderful place..."


Compared to Qin Xiao, who was observing the distant forests, Du Gu Bo's heart was anything but calm, or to put it better, he was struggling internally:

One voice kept saying, "Kill him, as long as you kill him, no one will know your secrets..."

Another voice argued, "Don't be rash, you're probably no match for him, and what if what he says is true? Besides, even if you do make a move, you can't defeat him."

But, could Qin Xiao really be trusted?

Du Gu Bo wasn't sure.

"Du Gu Bo, my time is limited, you don't have much time to consider," Qin Xiao mentioned, feeling it was time to put some pressure on Du Gu Bo.

In fact, he was absolutely determined to obtain the precious Immortal Herbs within the Icefire Polarized Eyes.

Firstly, Qin Xiao believed the Immortal Herbs could also boost his cultivation level.

Secondly, since he had already become an enemy of Tang Hao and his son, Tang San, it was even more imperative not to leave them any resources.

After getting his hands on the Immortal Herbs from the Icefire Polarized Eyes, the Boundless Universe Shield, the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire, would be his next target.

"Oh, right..."

Qin Xiao felt it was time to deliver a heavy blow to Du Gu Bo. "Du Gu Bo, you wouldn't want anything to happen to your granddaughter, would you?"


At that instant, Du Gu Bo's mind was thrown into disarray.

Subconsciously, an image of Dugu Yan with a charming smile appeared in his mind.

"Yes, Yanyan is still so young, she has her whole life ahead of her, I can't let her walk the same path I did," he thought.

The softest part of Du Gu Bo's heart was touched, and he began to resist Qin Xiao less.


"That is, if you can cure me, what must I give in return?" Du Gu Bo asked indifferently.

"Du Gu Bo, congratulations on making the wise decision," Qin Xiao said, turning around slowly, "Let's be clear, I've heard that you own a mansion filled with many precious Spiritual Medicines..."

"How do you know that?" exclaimed Du Gu Bo, his face turning pale with shock. "So, you're after the Spiritual Medicine in my mansion?"

Those medicines were, after all, crucial to his life.

If he really gave them to Qin Xiao...

Just the thought made him feel so heartbroken that he could barely breathe.

"Haha, you've misunderstood," Qin Xiao said with a chuckle, shaking his head.


"That's a relief..." Du Gu Bo muttered, letting out a sigh of relief.

But his relief lasted less than two seconds.

The next sentence out of Qin Xiao's mouth almost dropped Du Gu Bo's jaw in astonishment:

"To be honest, I think your mansion is quite nice..."

Du Gu Bo was stunned, "What, you actually want my mansion?"

"Is it that difficult?" Qin Xiao queried.

"This, isn't that like asking for my life?" Du Gu Bo protested.

"Du Gu Bo, you wouldn't want anything to happen to your granddaughter, right?" Qin Xiao pressed.


There is one more chapter, but it will be late. Everyone can go to sleep early and read it tomorrow.