Chapter 61: Prince Xue Xing Admits His Mistake, Qin Xiao's Attitude_1

"Avalanche, do you have any objections to this place?"

Without waiting for anyone else to speak, Prince Xue Xing noticed Avalanche's small gesture and looked at him with cold, slanted brows.

Rage was already rising in his heart.

Useless trash that can't be propped up against a wall, have you grown so used to comfort and honor that you've forgotten the purpose of today?

We are here to ask for help!

Your attitude must be lowered, understand?

The more he thought about it, the angrier Prince Xue Xing became, realizing that his teachings from last night were akin to playing the lute to a cow.

"Ah, no..."

Hearing this, Avalanche belatedly lowered his hand, his face flashing with panic, "Uncle Wang, I just couldn't help myself in the moment, I couldn't control myself. And this place really is too poor."

This is damn hopeless—he's so immersed in playing the wastrel that he can't extricate himself and has truly become one!

Prince Xue Xing was at a loss for words. Were it not for the fact that Emperor Xue Ye only had two sons left alive, he truly would have wanted to support someone else.


The path laid beneath one's feet is one's own doing. Avalanche is my choice, the only choice; even if he is useless, I must prop him up.

Thinking this, Prince Xue Xing gave Qin Xiao a slight smile and said with a hint of apology, "Mr. Qin, Avalanche... he is just a child, and born into the imperial family, he has been spoiled and doesn't know manners. Please disregard him."

"The matter at hand will proceed the same without him."

Having said that, he also looked towards Flander and the others.

"Dean Flanders, teachers and students of Shrek Academy, I, Xue Xing, am here to apologize to you."

"Yesterday, it was we who were at fault."

Prince Xue Xing said with a sincere face, even suddenly bowing deeply.

Clearly, as a Prince of the Empire, his willingness to lower himself so far truly showed his attitude.

Seeing this, Avalanche had ten thousand reluctances in his heart, but still awkwardly followed Prince Xue Xing's lead in giving a bow.


The people from Shrek did not speak; they all watched Qin Xiao's back, waiting for his response.

It was clear to everyone that Prince Xue Xing and Avalanche were actually apologizing to Qin Xiao.

In the simplest terms, without Qin Xiao, they would not be worthy of such treatment from Prince Xue Xing.

"I, Dai Mubai, swear to become someone like Qin Xiao, someone who makes the Princes of Empires bow their heads."

Dai Mubai's eyes shimmered as he secretly vowed in his heart.

"If I had the elegance of Qin Xiao, would Ning Rongrong look at me in that way?"

Oscar's expression darkened.

In contrast, Ma Hongjun, looking at Qin Xiao's silhouette, was filled with longing and envy, "If I had Qin Xiao's strength, by just beckoning my finger, what type of woman couldn't I have?"

After all, both Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were covetable in his eyes.

Women he could only dream of but never reach.

A hundred times better than Cuihua!


In the face of the courtesies extended by Xue Xing and Avalanche, Qin Xiao said nothing, simply watching them quietly.

"Ha ha, look at this memory of mine."

Suddenly, Xue Xing laughed, a flash of light from a ring on his hand revealing a black card.

Even from a great distance, Flander, with sharp eyes, managed to see some numbers on the card.

"My goodness, this card is all zeroes!" he thought, envious beyond words.

"I wonder if I might have the opportunity to sit down and talk with Mr. Qin again?"

Prince Xue Xing asked, holding the card in both hands with a smile on his face.

He handled the card with care, much like Qin Xiao had seen people in his previous life handing out business cards.

Very polite, and it allowed one to clearly see the numbers on the card at a glance.

"Worthy of a high-ranking Prince His Highness, when he moves, it's five million golden soul coins—truly generous!"

Holding the card, Qin Xiao easily deciphered the numbers on it.

What? Uncle Wang, the mighty Prince of the Empire, was actually offering Qin Xiao five million golden soul coins? Avalanche was shocked; he had never heard of Xue Xing planning to do so before.


Is this the transcendence of a Titled Douluo?

Even the Prince His Highness of the Empire had to come bearing soul coins in search of favor!

The people of Shrek Academy's understanding of the powerful was refreshed once again.

And they also recognized what was meant by the power of money!

Even for someone like Dai Mubai, a prince of the Xingluo Empire, five million golden soul coins was an astronomical figure.

In the room, perhaps only Ning Rongrong was as indifferent to the sum as Qin Xiao.

"Mr. Qin, please don't misunderstand, this money is merely intended to express our apologies for before."

Prince Xue Xing, seeing Qin Xiao was slow to accept the black card, clenched his teeth and added, "Mr. Qin, if only you are willing to sit down and talk again, you can set any conditions you like. If I can fulfill them, I will; if I cannot, I will still find ways to satisfy them!"

The voice of Prince Xue Xing was resounding and earnest.

Heh, to curry favor with me, the Tiandou Empire—or should I say, Prince Xue Xing—is actually so determined?

Qin Xiao's gaze flickered but he still gave no reply.

After all, he still had his eye on the Boundless Universe Shield of the Tiandou Empire.

As the saying goes, since Tang San and his son are enemies of Qin Xiao, then Qin Xiao must cut off their way out completely, leaving them with no road to take.

Of course.

If he could solve the problem from the root, all the better.

However, he had no interest in getting involved in the disputes of the Tiandou Empire.

"Who goes there?"

However, just at this moment, a series of exclamation came from outside the door:

"Prince His Highness is here; bystanders, keep your distance."

"Do not come any closer."


Yet, compared to the clamor of the crowd, a gentle voice seemed inconsequential.