Chapter 62 Emperor Xue Ye's Arrangement, Liu Erlong's Shock (4000)_2

His face showed a righteous indignation, "I'm going to find Xue Xing for the antidote right now."

"That's useless. What you need to do now is to grow quickly, to take on the heavy responsibilities of the Tiandou Empire. After all, I don't have much time left."

Emperor Xue Ye stopped the 'impulsive' Qinghe.

"Your son understands."

"I'm going to talk to Qin Xiao right now!"

Qinghe said so.

Emperor Xue Ye nodded, "That's a wise choice."


"Blue Tyrant Academy!"

In Tiandou City, at the end of a bustling street, Qin Xiao stopped.

In front of him was a grand and majestic academy.

"Dean Flanders, is the old friend you mentioned the dean of Blue Tyrant Academy?"

Behind Qin Xiao, Ning Rongrong read out the name on the academy's signboard.

Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and the others were also curious.

They hadn't thought that their penniless dean could know such a wealthy person.

After all, land in Tiandou City was worth its weight in gold; to own an academy here meant you were rich.

"Haha, you got that right. Back in the day, I, along with two other good friends, were known as the Golden Iron Triangle, and we made quite a name for ourselves on the Soul Land."

Flander couldn't help laughing aloud.

Despite his current destitute lifestyle, he still showed undeniable pride when recalling those glorious days.

"What, the Golden Iron Triangle!"

Ning Rongrong's face suddenly showed a look of shock.

"Could it be that you've heard of my fame in the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, too? Then you should know how formidable your dean is, right?"

Flander looked at Ning Rongrong with a smile, ready to have her share his glorious deeds with everyone.


Ning Rongrong shook her head, "What I mean is, what Golden Iron Triangle? I've never heard of it at all."

Flander: "!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ!"

Then what are you so surprised about? You made me think you knew me.

"Who are those people outside?"

Suddenly, a voice inquired from within Blue Tyrant Academy.

The group looked over to see a man in his forties or fifties.

He appeared to be a teacher at Blue Tyrant Academy.

"Please inform your dean that an old friend, Flander, has come to visit."

Flander greeted the man inside the academy gate with a clenched fist.


To everyone's surprise, the middle-aged man was unexpectedly straightforward.

"Teacher, aren't you afraid he's an impostor?"

Ning Rongrong asked curiously.

"An impostor?"

At that question, the teacher laughed, "There have been people who came to claim kinship with the dean, but each one was beaten so badly, nobody tries that approach to see the dean anymore."

Everyone: "..."

Although they had yet to meet him, they had already formed some guesses about this mysterious dean.


It's very likely he's a burly, broad-waisted man full of violence and muscle!

"You guys wait here, I'll be right back."

After saying that, the teacher ran off quickly.

"Dean Flanders, how come people are so different even though we're all humans?"

"Yeah, both of you run academies, yet one is thriving while you are on the brink of closing."

Needless to say, such grumbles could come only from Flander's old buddies, Shao Xin, Li Yusong, and the rest.

"Considering I'm at level 78, did you ever think about why there's such a gap between people?"

As Flander spoke, he rubbed his wrists, making a series of crackling sounds.

"We've considered it; people have different physical constitutions..."

Lu Qibin muttered before falling silent.


"Old Master Fu, you really came!"

The group didn't have to wait long before an excited voice rang out from inside the academy.

Qin Xiao had already noticed a woman in a green cloth gown hurrying over.

Beneath that gown was a figure that no ordinary girl could match, with waves that surged turbulently as she moved swiftly.

Soon enough.

She emerged from the academy and approached the group.

A look of surprise appeared on the delicate and moving face, and a pair of black eyes fixed on Flanders, "Old Master Fu, after all these years, you finally came to see me yourself."

As she spoke, she threw a punch at Flanders' shoulder.

Thump, thump, thump.

Flanders staggered back several steps, "Cough cough, Er Long, after not seeing you for so many years, your way of greeting... is still so special. And your strength, it's gotten even... bigger."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong felt a bit embarrassed, "I got a little excited; I couldn't help it. Old Master Fu, you're a magnanimous person, you won't mind this little issue, right?"

"Alright, don't butter me up. You know that using the phrase 'magnanimous' on me is ironic..."

"Wait a minute!"

Flanders felt that something was wrong and sized up Liu Erlong, "You're not trying to mock me, are you?"

"Ha, hahaha..."

"How could I."

Liu Erlong let out a dry laugh, and with an easy-going glance at the people behind Flanders, swiftly changed the subject: "Old Master Fu, either you don't come, or when you do, you bring so many people with you. You're not thinking about merging into my Blue Tyrant Academy, are you?"

Although Liu Erlong hadn't seen Flanders for a long time, they had kept in touch through letters.

She also knew that his Shrek was not very populous.

Of course, she was joking when she said this. She had once invited him, but Flanders had refused, knowing that he too had his pride.


Flanders' answer left Liu Erlong standing there dumbfounded.

"Haha, Er Long, you actually guessed right."

"What? I guessed right?" Liu Erlong's eyes widened in surprise, "Old Master Fu, you're not kidding me?"

"Of course." Flanders nodded emphatically, "But it's not something that can be explained in a word or two; I'll tell you about it later."

"This isn't the place to talk; you all come inside with me." Liu Erlong nodded and led everyone into the Blue Tyrant Academy.


In the spacious reception room.

Liu Erlong arranged for the guests to sit down.

"Let me first introduce the members of our Shrek to you."

Flanders pulled Liu Erlong over to Qin Xiao, "This is His Majesty the Thunder Emperor, Qin Xiao, who just turned eighteen this year and is a freshman at Shrek."


Liu Erlong nodded nonchalantly, then said, "Old Master Fu, pardon me for saying this, but shouldn't you have introduced Shrek's teachers first? Why start with the students?"

"Eh, that's not right. Old Master Fu, what did you say his name was?"

Liu Erlong, belatedly realizing, sensed that she had missed something just now.

"I said, this is His Majesty the Thunder Emperor, Qin Xiao!"

Flanders repeated.

"Your Highness!"

"Old Master Fu, are you saying he is a Titled Douluo?"

Liu Erlong looked at Flanders, seeking confirmation again.

"That's right, His Majesty the Thunder Emperor is of course a Titled Douluo, and a strong one among them."

Flanders said solemnly, "And furthermore, Your Highness just turned eighteen this year and is a freshman at Shrek."

"Eighteen, freshman, Titled Douluo?"


Liu Erlong couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Old Master Fu, after all these years, you still know how to make me happy. I have to say, you've succeeded, I admit I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time. Hahaha."

But, while laughing, Liu Erlong suddenly couldn't laugh anymore.

In the reception hall, aside from her, everyone wore a serious expression.

What's this...

Could it be that what Old Master Fu said was true?

This young man, he is really an eighteen-year-old Titled Douluo?

As this thought dawned on her, Liu Erlong felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet to the crown of her head.

In an instant, all the mirth in her heart dissipated.

"May I have the honor of witnessing Your Highness' elegance?"

Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes landed on Qin Xiao, her expression full of seriousness.

Qin Xiao didn't speak, yet a powerful Soul Force Pressure burst forth from him, bearing down on Liu Erlong.

The others had no reaction, but Liu Erlong's face changed instantly.

She felt as if she was carrying a mountain on her back.

"This pressure, it can only belong to a strong person above the Soul Douluo!"

However, the pressure lasted for less than a breath before Qin Xiao retracted it.

Liu Erlong felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted.



She took deep breaths, looking at Qin Xiao in shock and said, "Your Highness, I didn't mean to show any disrespect just now..."

"It's really astounding and incomprehensible—a Titled Douluo at eighteen."