Chapter 63 Xue Xing's Plan, Requesting Poison Douluo to Take Action (4000)_2


"He is no match for Qin Xiao,"

Avalanche knew it very well, don't consider Du Gu Bo's status as a Titled Douluo; when it came to combat power, if he dared to claim he was second to last, no one would dare to claim the last spot.

On the other hand, Xue Xing simply shook his head, "Avalanche, you must remember, the strength of Soul Masters is never solely determined by Soul Power. If that were the case, Soul Masters wouldn't need to compete in soul fights at all, they could just reveal their Soul Power, couldn't they?"

"Don't just look at Du Gu Bo's personal combat power as weak, what he excels at is poison. A person who can easily slaughter an entire city is something many Titled Douluos can't do."

"Besides, although he can't defeat Qin Xiao head-on, if he applies his poisoning techniques in secret, I don't believe Qin Xiao won't fall victim?"

Upon hearing this, Avalanche's eyes lit up, and he suddenly became spirited, "Then we must have Du Gu Bo prepare some potent drugs for Qin Xiao, cause his strength to plunge, and turn him into an ordinary person.

Then, will he still be able to act so arrogantly?

I want to crush his head fiercely under my feet."

Avalanche grew more excited as he spoke.

Xue Xing couldn't bear it any longer and had to interrupt him, "Remember, from now on, all you need to do is not provoke Qin Xiao. Don't let even a whisper of this plan leak out, after all, the retaliation of a Titled Douluo is not something you and I can withstand."

On hearing this, Avalanche nodded like a pecking chick, indicating he understood.

Actually, even if Xue Xing hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have had the courage to flaunt himself in front of Qin Xiao even if he had ten times the bravery.


"Dean, dinner is ready."

As dusk approached, the door to the reception hall was knocked upon.

"Ah, has it already come to this time?"

In the practice of cultivation, time flies; after Flander finished his introduction, Qin Xiao had entered into a state of cultivation.

Through the window, he saw that the lights had already been turned on outside.

"Your Highness, may I know your decision?"

Flander asked Qin Xiao.

"You all go ahead and eat,"

Qin Xiao said with a slight smile.

"Couldn't it be that Your Highness looks down on the fare at Blue Tyrant Academy?"

"No worries, whatever you want to eat, I can arrange it,"

Liu Erlong said in surprise.

"It's not that, I just have another engagement."

Qin Xiao's lips curved up slightly, revealing a charming smile.

He hadn't forgotten Ning Fengzhi's invitation.

Liu Erlong was taken aback for a moment.

But soon returned to normal.

"That was rude of me,"

Qin Xiao shook his head, indicating it was alright.

Then, he looked towards Flander and the others, "Aren't you going to go?"

He remembered that Ning Fengzhi had invited them, too.


Flander shook his head.

Only Ning Rongrong wriggled out from the crowd, "Your Highness, I'll go, you must take me with you."

Qin Xiao nodded slightly, "Let's go."


After Qin Xiao and Ning Rongrong left one after another and disappeared from sight, Liu Erlong couldn't resist asking, "Old Master Fu, who exactly is hosting... him?"

"That's a very important person,"

Flander said solemnly.

"Can't you stop being so mysterious? Have you forgotten that I'm an impatient man?"

"Or do you think my fists are too light?"

Without Qin Xiao's presence to keep him in check, Liu Erlong's natural disposition was unleashed.

The Liu Erlong that preferred to act first and talk later had returned.


Flander said helplessly, "It's the Sect Master Ning Fengzhi from the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect who is hosting Qin Xiao in the most luxurious hotel in Tiandou City."


"Ning Fengzhi!"

Liu Erlong was shocked.

Indeed, as Flander said, this person was truly a prestigious figure.

A player who could shake the Soul Masters realm with a stamp of his foot.

"It seems that this Qin Xiao is quite something..."

Liu Erlong said with a complex expression.

"More than just a bit, you can say that what you know about him is not even the tip of the iceberg."

"By the way, it sounds like Ning Fengzhi had invited you guys as well; turning down such a big figure without showing any courtesy, I think Old Master Fu, you are even more formidable,"

After listening to Liu Erlong's words, Flander said with annoyance, "Stop kidding me. I know my own weight, and so do these guys behind me."

Sect Master Ning Fengzhi sincerely invited Qin Xiao, while inviting us was more like an afterthought—a mere courtesy. If we actually went to the banquet, it would only make us look less respectable."

After listening to Flander's words, teachers like Zhao Wuji nodded in agreement.

Ma Hongjun and the others also appeared to be deep in thought.

Liu Erlong chuckled and said, "Old Master, after so many years, you're still as shrewd."

"Don't worry, I have also prepared a feast today to welcome you and clean away the dust from your travels."


"What is Du Gu Bo up to?"

"It's been so long, why hasn't he come out to meet me?"

Prince Xue Xing was getting a little anxious.

With his hands clasped together, he paced back and forth in front of the manor gate.

Fortunately, the streets in front of the Du Gu Manor had been sealed off by the guards, so no one could see his restless demeanor.


Suddenly, the heavy wooden door was pushed open, and Du Gu Bo, dressed in dark green, came out.

"Hahaha, I was so engrossed in researching medicinal formulas that I lost track of time. I apologize for making Prince His Highness wait; it's truly my bad."

Immediately, Du Gu Bo greeted Xue Xing with a cupped fist and a smile.

In his voice, there was a hint of apology.

"No matter, I haven't been waiting long," said Xue Xing with a smile, but the next moment, his pupils suddenly constricted. "Mr. Dugu, you... how did you become..."

"Become what?"

"You look younger!" exclaimed Prince Xue Xing in disbelief.

Although Du Gu Bo's attire hadn't changed at all, his face looked more than ten years younger than before.

"By a fortunate coincidence, I came upon a Spiritual Medicine. After using it, I ended up looking as you see me now," said Du Gu Bo casually, then added: "If Prince His Highness doesn't mind, shall we discuss your matter inside the manor?"

Prince Xue Xing thought it over carefully, then slowly nodded and said, "Alright, then I'll trouble Mr. Dugu. Indeed, I have a favor to ask of you."

Shortly after.

Prince Xue Xing followed Du Gu Bo to a pavilion in the back garden.

The two sat facing each other.

After pouring a cup of hot tea for both Prince Xue Xing and himself, Du Gu Bo spoke softly, "Your Highness knows I'm a straightforward person and I don't like beating around the bush. Please speak frankly about what you need."

"Haha, that's precisely why I admire a forthright man like you, Mr. Dugu."

Xue Xing laughed heartily, then said, "To be honest, the reason I'm here is to ask you to help me eliminate someone."


Du Gu Bo's eyes flashed as he asked, "May I know who Prince His Highness wishes to kill?"

He spoke as he picked up the teacup beside him and took a gentle sip.

After looking around to make sure no one was nearby, Xue Xing leaned in a bit closer to Du Gu Bo and said in a low voice, "Mr. Dugu, you've met this person before—the Titled Douluo Qin Xiao whom we met that day at Sky Dou Royal Academy."


Immediately, Du Gu Bo sprayed the hot tea in his mouth all over Xue Xing's face.

Xue Xing hurriedly stepped back and wiped the tea from his face with his sleeve.

"Mr. Dugu, what are you doing..." His voice carried a hint of dissatisfaction.

Ignoring Prince Xue Xing's emotions, Du Gu Bo asked again, "You say you want to kill who?"

"Shrek Academy's Qin Xiao!"

Xue Xing's response was emphatic.

After confirming he hadn't heard incorrectly, Du Gu Bo's eyes widened as he exclaimed, "Are you mad? Kill him?"

Was that someone ordinary people could kill?

Du Gu Bo certainly remembered Qin Xiao's lightning that countered toxins, as well as his formidable strength.

Indeed, he also believed that Qin Xiao had considerable insight into medicine and poisons; otherwise, how could he have cured him?

More importantly, although Du Gu Bo was no gentleman, he understood the importance of repaying kindness.

Qin Xiao had tricked him but also saved both him and Dugu Yan's lives. To him, the favor was weightier!

How could he possibly bring himself to harm Qin Xiao?

"I'm sorry, Prince His Highness, but I cannot help you with this matter," said Du Gu Bo, shaking his head in refusal without much hesitation.

He was even considering giving Qin Xiao a warning after Xue Xing left.


"He refused me so bluntly?"

Xue Xing looked shocked and puzzled.

He completely did not expect Du Gu Bo to refuse him outright, without another word.

Was it because of Qin Xiao's strength?

"Mr. Dugu, perhaps there's a misunderstanding. I do not wish for you to fight and kill Qin Xiao in open combat. Even if your strength can't match his, you can still use your expertise in poisons surreptitiously," Xue Xing said.

"As long as you can kill him, the method does not matter to me. As long as Qin Xiao dies, my purpose will be achieved."