Chapter 64 Various Thoughts, Courting Qin Xiao (4,000)_2


"If it weren't for the set of soul bones you sold to Sect Master Ning, I don't know how long it would have taken me to find the breakthrough opportunity," Bone Douluo said to Qin Xiao with a smile.

"Senior, please don't misunderstand; my relationship with Sect Master Ning is purely transactional, without any emotions involved," Qin Xiao replied.

Ah, this...

Upon hearing Qin Xiao's words, Ning Fengzhi's expression stiffened, and soon after, he couldn't help but give a wry smile.

"Brother Qin, you really are so astute; nothing gets past you," Ning Fengzhi stopped pretending and laid his cards on the table, "Alright, I indeed have something to discuss with you, but it's definitely a good thing for you."

"Oh?" Qin Xiao drawled, waiting for him to continue.

"By killing Tang Xiao, the Haotian Sect Master, you've made a formidable enemy of the Haotian Sect. I wonder, what are your plans for your next step?" asked Ning Fengzhi.

Mentioning this matter caused Qin Xiao's smile to instantly disappear, and he responded indifferently, "Sect Master Ning, there's no need for you to worry about this issue for now."

"Ha ha, Brother Qin, please don't get me wrong. I have no intention of interfering in your matters. I just want to say, if you encounter any difficulties, my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect will definitely support you with all our strength," Ning Fengzhi said with a laugh.

"In that case, I thank Sect Master Ning," Qin Xiao replied, giving Ning Fengzhi a cupped fist salute.

He understood that Ning Fengzhi was showing his resolve.

He was willing to stand with Qin Xiao on the same battleship, opposing the Haotian Sect.

Qin Xiao would not refuse this. After all, the purpose of selling Tang Xiao's soul bone to Ning Fengzhi was also to set the two major sects against each other, wasn't it?

Now, his goal had been achieved.

"Sect Master Ning, Senior Bone, don't just drink. Have some dishes too."


Imperial Palace.

Within the Crown Prince's Sleeping Palace,

"Your Highness, Qin Xiao has gone to the appointment,"

"It seems that Ning Fengzhi also wishes to draw him to his side,"

Dream Divine Machine conveyed the latest news to Xue Qinghe.

"Since ancient times, who wouldn't want to recruit such an unparalleled genius?"

"No, my Uncle Wang and younger brother have turned away such a talented and powerful individual from our door."

Xue Qinghe sighed, "They can have him if they want; I'm not competing with them. Continuing this struggle only weakens the strength of the Empire."

"Forgive my presumption, Your Highness, but you are wrong to think this way,"

Dream Divine Machine spoke passionately, "You are the successor designated by His Majesty, and no one is more qualified than you to control the power of the Empire. Xue Xing and Avalanche should not be fighting against you, you should strike back hard."

"But to fight among our own..."

A hint of hesitation flashed in Xue Qinghe's eyes.

"Your Highness, take action. If you can recruit Qin Xiao under your command, it will definitely be a tremendous boost. Coupled with the full support from Sky Dou Royal Academy, Xue Xing and Avalanche will not be of any concern!"

"Then shall I invite Qin Xiao to Yue Xuan tomorrow for a chat?"

"I will go and send the message for you right away,"

Dream Divine Machine's face was full of joy.

He felt that His Highness was excellent in every way, just too kind and benevolent.


Late at night.

Qin Xiao returned to Blue Tyrant Academy.

Surprisingly, at the entrance of the academy stood a graceful figure who seemed to have been waiting for quite some time.

As she saw Qin Xiao approaching from a distance, her pretty face showed a look of delight.

"Your Highness, you're back?"

Zhu Zhuqing called out joyfully, quickly walking up to Qin Xiao.

"Why are you up so late instead of sleeping?" Qin Xiao asked.

"Instructor Liu Erlong allocated a place for us to stay, and I was worried you wouldn't be able to find it when you got back, so I've been waiting here," Zhu Zhuqing answered earnestly.

"What if I didn't come back today?"

"Then I would have waited for you until you did come back."

Touched by Zhu Zhuqing's words, Qin Xiao felt a warmth in his heart.

He was just about to say something more when he paused, his gaze shifting as he looked into the distance where a trio had appeared.

The man in the middle was burly like a tower.

On either side of him were two younger men, similar in stature.

Clearly, flunkies.

"Boss, the pretty new girl from the academy today is over there!"

"See? I didn't lie to you," someone pointed at Zhu Zhuqing and said.

"But there's someone with her," another person added.

The towering young man in the middle declared, "So what if she has a man? I have the right to pursue her unless she's married. Besides, with my strength, if you were a woman, how would you choose?"

"Heh heh, never mind if I were a woman, even if I were a man, I'd choose you, boss..."

One of them snickered suggestively.

However, he was promptly sent flying by a kick from the towering youth.

"Your Highness, that person in the middle, named Tailong, bothered me before. Later, Teacher Zhao helped me out,"


Zhu Zhuqing whispered to Qin Xiao.

"Oh? Tailong?"

Qin Xiao was first taken aback, then asked, "From the Clan of Strength?"

He remembered that the Clan of Strength was Tang Hao's loyal lackey, providing a lot of help to Tang San in Gengxin City and with manufacturing hidden weapons.


They've got to be wiped out.

Qin Xiao made his decision in an instant.

"Haha, you kid actually know about the Clan of Strength? Not bad, young master I am from the Clan of Strength, named Tailong."

With a laugh, Tailong said, "Kid, I've taken a fancy to this girl. If you hand her over to me, from now on, you'll be a friend of mine, Tailong."

[Ding, mission released.]

[Rookie, as a Soul Master, you must never lose your fervor. When facing the humiliation of a companion, you must stand up even if you know you're outmatched and fight with all your might.]

Mission requirement: Try every means to hold off Tailong for five minutes.

Mission reward: Third soul ring's age increased by 5000 years.]

"There's a mission?"

"Even if there were no mission, I couldn't let him off."

"However, an increase of 5000 years for the third soul ring is quite good. As expected, the rewards for missions are getting higher and higher."

Qin Xiao was startled, thinking to himself.

"Hey, you kid, are you deaf? Our boss is talking to you, can't you hear?"

At that moment, one of the youths beside Tailong, clenching his fists, charged out.

Zhu Zhuqing, with an icy expression on her beautiful face, struck out swiftly and sent the youth flying.

"I like this girl more and more the more I look at her."

"So spicy!"

Seeing this, Tailong's eyes brightened, and he stuck out his tongue, excitedly licking his lips.

In contrast, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes shimmered with a cold light, but a broad, sturdy hand landed on her shoulder.

"You're not his match right now. Let me handle this."

As Qin Xiao spoke, he had already stepped in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing, however, was taken aback.

In her heart, a warm current unfurled.

Is this the feeling of being protected?

"Haha, kid, you have some spine, not hiding behind a woman. I'll go easy on you in a bit and won't beat you to death," Tailong said with a laugh upon seeing Qin Xiao step forward.

However, Qin Xiao didn't want to say a word to Tailong.


With a flick of his fingers, an invisible force burst forth, and Tailong was immediately sent flying over ten meters before crashing down like a sandbag, hard.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

"Heavens, what kind of strength does this person have?"

One person was dumbfounded.

Another quickly ran to Tailong's side and helped him up: "Boss, how are you?"

"It's nothing, I'm fine."

Tailong struggled to stand up, but suddenly spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Boss, you're spitting blood yet say you're okay?

Do you take me for a fool?

"Kid, playing the pig to eat the tiger, eh? You're cruel enough. This feud, we've established it. Just wait for the Clan of Strength's revenge," Tailong viciously threw down these harsh words, but promptly turned and ran away.

"Your Highness, do you want me to chase after him?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

"No need."

Qin Xiao shook his head, and the next moment, he had vanished from the spot.


Clang clang clang.

The hefty gates of the Clan of Strength were knocked upon.

"Is the young master back?"

"He's back earlier than usual."

The gatekeeper mumbled to himself as he opened the mansion gates, but what he saw left him stunned.

"Young master, what happened to you?"

He saw Tailong standing outside, his body covered in blood, even showing signs of inhaling less and exhaling more.

In a panic, he hoisted Tailong onto his shoulder and hurried into the mansion, crying out, "Clan Leader, something terrible has happened to the young master!"

"You disgrace, getting drunk and causing trouble again, needing to be carried back by someone?"

As the voice fell, an even more imposing Tainuo appeared, frowning and speaking in a deep tone.

What nonsense?


If it's false, I wish it were true. The gatekeeper quickly said, "You might want to see for yourself."

What, did he grow flowers on his body?

Tainuo replied irritably.

However, when he saw Tailong's condition, he was struck dumbfounded!

"What's going on, why do I feel like Tailong is breathing less and exhaling more?"