Chapter 70 Tang San: Qin Xiao really deserves to die! (5500)_3

It's really him!

This Qin Xiao truly is like a specter that refuses to dissipate, why is his shadow present everywhere?

Tang San's mentality shattered.

He was in the Aquipeia Forest, and in Tiandou City; now he's even involved in the harvesting of Immortal Herbs?

He truly deserves to die.

Tang San's teeth were practically grinding to dust.

After accepting this reality, Tang Hao's first reaction was to look down at Tang San and say, "Xiaosan, it seems we can only put the matter of the Immortal Herbs on hold for now."

"Our top priority should be to leave this place."

By now, Tang San had also calmed down significantly and wouldn't refuse Tang Hao's suggestion.

In fact, after regaining his composure, he was eager to leave as well.

Who knows when that demon Qin Xiao will show up.

They decided to leave posthaste.

The father and son duo didn't even say a single goodbye to Du Gu Bo.

"Hey, aren't you two acquainted with Qin Xiao? Why don't you give it a try?"

Du Gu Bo yelled at the retreating figures of Tang Hao and his son.

Tang Hao's body jolted, he stopped in his tracks and retorted, "Du Gu Bo, have you never heard a certain saying?"

"What saying?"

"Acquaintances upon meeting grow extra envious."

Having said that, Tang Hao no longer paid any attention to the bewildered Du Gu Bo, pulling Tang San as they walked out of the valley.

Don't be fooled by their seemingly calm departure.

But with each step they took, they covered a distance of twenty to thirty meters, almost catching up to the speed at which Du Gu Bo would flee for his life.

"Hold on, 'acquaintances upon meeting grow extra envious'? That's definitely the grudge of enemies."

Du Gu Bo suddenly realized.

But by then, Tang Hao and Tang San were no longer in sight.

"Qin Xiao's soul power fluctuation is around level 92 to 93, but Tang Hao may very well have reached level 95..."

"But why is Tang Hao so afraid of Qin Xiao?"

Du Gu Bo stroked his chin, pondering.

However, he couldn't come to any conclusion no matter how much he thought about it.

Then, he felt a wave of relief.

How fortunate that it was him who came today, not Qin Xiao. Otherwise, wouldn't it have meant aiding the enemy if he allowed Tang Hao and Tang San to take an Immortal Herb?


"How lucky it was Du Gu Bo who came today, and not Qin Xiao, otherwise, we, father and son, wouldn't have made it out of that valley!"

Elsewhere, after Tang Hao and his son had walked a considerable distance, Tang Hao finally took a deep breath.

He absentmindedly wiped the sweat from his forehead, his tone filled with relief of having survived an ordeal.

"Indeed, we've escaped yet another disaster."

Tang San also sighed deeply.

Ever since he had offended Qin Xiao, he felt that living an extra day was a bonus.

There was no helping it.

Qin Xiao was just too fierce.

Even the Sect Master of the Hao Tian Clan couldn't stop him.

Tang San was acutely aware of the immense gap between him and Qin Xiao.

"Dad, are we really doomed to skulk and hide for the rest of our lives?"

"Qin Xiao's pressure is making me feel like I'm running out of air."

Tang San expressed his feelings of powerlessness to Tang Hao.



Facing Tang San's question, Tang Hao clenched his fists tightly.

"No, he won't be able to strut around for much longer."

He looked at Tang San and said solemnly, "Xiaosan, believe in me, there will come a day when I'll personally slay him."

Tang San didn't quite believe what Tang Hao said.

After all, Tang Hao had said this more than once.

Tang San asked, "Dad, where do we go now?"

Tang Hao said, "Let's go to the Xingluo Empire. I refuse to believe Qin Xiao can extend his reach there."

"If he really has so much power that even the Xingluo Empire can't shelter us, then I'll take you far away overseas. Soul Land is vast; there will always be a suitable place for us to thrive."

In truth, what emerged in Tang Hao's mind was an island called Sea God's Island.

That was his last resort.


"Your Highness, President Liu has arrived."

Outside Qin Xiao's room at Blue Tyrant Academy, Zhu Zhuqing's voice could be heard.

"Liu Erlong is here again, I wonder what kind of surprise she's bringing me today?"

Qin Xiao's eyes lit up, filled with curiosity.


He pushed the door open, and the figures of Zhu Zhuqing and Liu Erlong came into view at the same time.

One mature, one youthful, they prompted bewildering thoughts.

However, Liu Erlong today had toned down quite a bit and reverted to how Qin Xiao had first met her.

Qin Xiao crossed his arms, asking, "President Liu, is there something you need?"

Facing Qin Xiao's gaze, Liu Erlong's face showed an unnatural expression.

She hurriedly averted her gaze before saying, "It's not me looking for you; it's someone else."

"Who?" Qin Xiao dropped his frivolous demeanor and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In his heart, the image of Xue Qinghe had already begun to take shape.

"The Crown Prince of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe. Alongside him is the commissioner from Sky Dou Royal Academy, Dream Divine Machine. I have settled them in the reception hall," Liu Erlong said.

Qin Xiao nodded, "Alright, then I'll go and see them."


"Qinghe has seen Mr. Qin."

In the reception hall, Xue Qinghe looked at Qin Xiao with joy in his eyes.

Qin Xiao smiled faintly, waving his hand, "Your Highness, Crown Prince, there's no need for formalities."

Xue Qinghe asked, "How have you been of late, sir?"

Qin Xiao retorted, "Your Highness, surely you haven't come specially to chat about mundane affairs, have you?"


Xue Qinghe's face stiffened, then he forced a smile and said, "Mr. Qin is right. There is indeed a result regarding the matter you mentioned before.

I have obtained the Emperor's permission and brought the Boundless Universe Shield for you."

The Boundless Universe Shield has arrived!

Qin Xiao's eyes sparkled.

He had indeed been eager to witness the marvel of the so-called heart of the Sea God.

And at that moment,

Xue Qinghe had already handed a squarely shaped box to Qin Xiao.

"Sir, please have a look."

Without another word, Qin Xiao reached out and took the box into his hands.


When the box opened, a palm-sized, sapphire-like triangular object, carved into three dimensions, appeared before Qin Xiao.

Radiant light exuded from it, and on its surface rippled water-like patterns that did not seem carved but rather as if they were alive.

"It must be correct, just like the original records," he thought.

Qin Xiao held the Boundless Universe Shield in his hands, examining it carefully. He could feel a mysterious power residing within it.

He knew it was highly possible that this was the remnant spirit of the Sea God causing trouble.

If there were no heart of the Sea God, could Tang San still ascend to godhood?

Qin Xiao thought about it and felt it was unlikely.

Even to say that Tang San could obtain a God Rank trial was debatable.

"Your Highness, Crown Prince, you are thoughtful."

"I am deeply grateful."

Qin Xiao toyed with the Boundless Universe Shield for a while, then subtly put it away.


He was genuinely thankful to Xue Qinghe.

After all, if it weren't for Xue Qinghe's help, it would've been more difficult for him to obtain the heart of the Sea God.

"Sir, there's no need for thanks," said Xue Qinghe.

He asked, "Then, are you willing to talk with me now?"

"Indeed, it's time for a proper discussion," Qin Xiao nodded and added, "Rest assured, no matter what, I will not side with Xue Xing."

"Thank you for your righteousness, sir!"

Before Xue Qinghe could speak, Dream Divine Machine, who had been observing, excitedly broke in.

Wasn't Qin Xiao's support what they were after?


Qin Xiao's next words struck him like thunder.

"Besides, I owe His Highness, the Crown Prince, a favor."

Qin Xiao's calm voice spread throughout the hall.


"Just for a favor?"

Dream Divine Machine found it hard to accept.


I intended to write an extra 2,000 words, but I'm not feeling well today, so I'm going to rest.