Chapter 72: Hao Tian Clan Is Shaken, Must Slay the Enemy by Hand (4000)_2


Upon hearing Tang Yuehua's words, the steward subtly wiped the sweat from his cheek.

"Go and pass the word within the sect, the death of Titan is suspected to be related to Qin Xiao, and behind Qin Xiao, there might be a powerful figure highly esteemed by the Tiandou Empire."

"Whether that strong figure killed Titan is not something we can investigate; we must ask the powers within our sect to take action."

Tang Yuehua instructed.

"Understood." After hearing Tang Yuehua's words, the steward hurriedly excused himself.


Rugged mountains and steep ridges.

Peaks upon peaks.

This place was hundreds of miles away from Tiandou City, neither too far nor too close.

But few in the world knew that the former Number One Sect was hidden here.

At that moment, within an imposing ancient castle, five elders dressed in luxurious robes gathered together, each sitting in a wide stone chair.

"Elder Brother, what's so urgent this early in the morning that you've called us here?" asked the seventh elder of Hao Tian Clan, puzzled, from the seat at the very end.

"Seventh Brother, when will you ever change that impetuous temperament of yours? A man of your age, and a Titled Douluo Level powerhouse, shouldn't you be more mature and stable?" The third elder frowned sternly from the adjacent seat.

"Heh heh, Third Brother, as you know, I'm just impulsive by nature. It's an old habit that won't change in this lifetime." Seventh elder responded, slightly embarrassed, and scratched his head.

The other elders shook their heads upon seeing this.

Clearly, they were somewhat helpless about this youngest brother.

At this time, the second elder spoke solemnly, "I've just received news that a person related to the extermination of the Clan of Strength has surfaced."


Once these words were spoken, everyone immediately fell silent, with only the sound of heavy breathing rising.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly became tense.

After a moment of silence, the hot-tempered seventh elder couldn't hold back, "Second Brother, stop keeping us in suspense. Attacking without seeing the master first is like slapping the face of our Hao Tian Clan, right?

Who was it that took action? I'll extinguish them right now."

As he spoke, the seventh elder stood up from his seat, his emotions heating up as he aggressively waved his fists.

"Seventh Brother, calm down. Can you stop being so childish and rash? And besides, the message conveyed by Tang Yuehua has already made it clear. Titan was killed with a single blow. Are you sure you're capable of handling such a powerful foe?" The fourth elder furrowed his brow.


The seventh elder's expression froze, and he questioned himself—he couldn't instantly kill Titan with his full strength.

Instantly, it was as if cold water had been poured over his head.

"Fourth Brother..."

"I won't talk anymore."

The seventh elder said weakly and awkwardly sat back down.

"I suppose everyone is eager to know who this person is. I won't keep you all guessing any longer."

"This person is named Qin Xiao, a teenager in his teens."

"But behind him, there's a strong likelihood of a Titled Douluo Level power, the mysterious figure who is probably the real culprit behind Titan's death."

The second elder stated the latest information succinctly, then swept his gaze over everyone and asked calmly, "Who is willing to follow this lead and investigate thoroughly in Tiandou City?"

As soon as his voice fell, the seventh elder immediately responded.

"Second Brother, I am willing to go."

The seventh elder stood up once again.

"Second Brother, I am also willing to go."

The speaker was the fourth elder, who had previously reprimanded the seventh elder.

"Second Brother, me too..."

The fifth elder sitting beside him also spoke up.

Then everyone eagerly awaited the second elder's decision.

After a brief silence, the second elder finally made a decision, "Third Brother, you are sensible and your strength is the highest after mine. You and Seventh Brother go together."

"With both of you joining forces, even if faced with a level-95 Titled Douluo, you could put up a fight, and that would put my mind at ease."

Hearing this, the third elder stood up and gave the second elder a fist clasp, sparing his words and simply uttered, "Good."

The second elder nodded, not forgetting to give an extra admonition, "And one more thing, you must remember the most important aspect is your own safety. If you encounter an adversary too powerful, retreat back to the sect."

"If they are strong enough to pressure even the sect, then it's best to try to minimize the situation. After all, our Hao Tian Clan is already in a precarious state and can't withstand more blows."

"We could forsake a living Tang Hao, let alone a dead Titan."

The third and seventh elders nodded in unison, "Elder Brother, I understand."

"Proceed with your journey immediately." The second elder gestured.


Why does this feel odd?

The third and seventh elders exchanged glances, instantly understanding the meaning in each other's eyes.

But second brother was second brother, not only elder by age, but also in the absence of the Sect Master...


Whether the Sect Master was present or not, he was the one with authority, and none of them, as younger brothers, could contradict him.


Tiandou City.

Blue Tyrant Academy.

When Qin Xiao pushed open the door and walked out of his room, the first thing he saw was Zhu Zhuqing standing outside.

Her outfit today wasn't much different from usual.

But Qin Xiao still noticed that it seemed her clothes had changed from a round neck to a V-neck.

Hehe, the silly girl is growing up, and she's even starting to be cunning? Qin Xiao thought to himself with a chuckle.

But he didn't say anything.

After all, it's better to leave certain things unsaid for everyone to remain good friends.

"Your Highness, you've come out."

Zhu Zhuqing seemed slow to react, several beats too late, looking as if she was just waking up to the situation.