Chapter 73: Du Gu Bo's Shock - Are You the One Who Strikes Fear into Tang Hao? (4K)_2

Right after that, Qin Xiao heard Du Gu Bo openly declare, "I've thought it through. If I want to take back control of this medicinal garden, relying on myself is hopeless. I need to change the approach..."

"If we become a family, won't everything be different? By then, what's yours will be Yanyan's, and what's Yanyan's will be mine. Round it up, and doesn't that make the garden mine again?"

"Heh, lad, you openly tricked me before, now I'm openly tricking you. I've already sent Yanyan back to get ready; I hope you can withstand her temptation."

"Hehehe, keep dreaming, just because of what you said, I won't give Dugu Yan any chance to get close to me," Qin Xiao said with a cold laugh.

"We'll see about that!" Du Gu Bo was not to be outdone.

There was no doubt he was extremely confident in his granddaughter.

"Hey, Du Gu Bo, I've noticed that quite a few medicinal herbs are missing lately. Could it be that you're skimming off the top?"

"And here I trusted you so much," Qin Xiao suddenly said.

He didn't want to change the subject, but after a few glances, he indeed noticed that quite a lot of Spiritual Medicine was missing.

"Hmph, Qin Xiao, your words are somewhat insulting," Du Gu Bo snorted.

"Let me tell you, I, Du Gu Bo, am a man of my word, I would never stoop to embezzlement," he declared with a cold face.

"Otherwise, would your garden still have any Spiritual Medicine? I would've taken it all and run away long ago!"


Wasn't that my original plan?

Feeling a bit sheepish, Qin Xiao touched his nose, "I was just saying, look how seriously you're taking it, geez, so petty."


So now it's my fault?

Du Gu Bo was even more frustrated and didn't feel like arguing with Qin Xiao anymore.

Because he realized that he had never won a verbal fight with Qin Xiao.

"Well, don't say I'm cheating you. There are One Million Gold Soul Coins on this card, which I got from selling your medicinal herbs," Du Gu Bo said while taking out a Black Card and handing it to Qin Xiao. "Some of it is for the Spiritual Medicine that Emperor Xue Ye currently needs, including a partial advance payment."

"You sold these Spiritual Medicine to Emperor Xue Ye?" Qin Xiao asked, somewhat taken aback.

"Emperor Xue Ye is gravely ill and can only rely on a large quantity of Spiritual Medicine to keep him alive."

"Given the richness of the medicinal herbs here, even the imperial palace can't compare. Naturally, he looked to me to buy them," Du Gu Bo said, his face suddenly twisting with discomfort.

Qin Xiao understood; it was a look of pain over the loss.

Sure enough, Du Gu Bo continued, "Thinking about it, I've been providing these Spiritual Medicine to Emperor Xue Ye all these years for nothing. It's a damn big loss."



Qin Xiao couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"What, something funny?"


"Do you still want this money?" Du Gu Bo asked coldly.


Qin Xiao then refocused his attention on the Black Card in Du Gu Bo's hand, "This is so embarrassing."

His mouth said no, but his body honestly and quickly snatched the Black Card from Du Gu Bo's hand.

Du Gu Bo: '....'

If I ever believe you again, I'm a dog!

He cursed silently.

"Nice, keep up the good work. How about this, for every batch of Spiritual Medicine you sell, I'll give you a ten percent commission. Hmm, starting with the next transaction," Qin Xiao quickly came up with another idea, his eyes flickering.

With such a vast field of medicinal herbs, if he really managed to sell them all, wouldn't it amount to billions of Gold Soul Coins?


Even Qin Xiao, who was always indifferent to money, couldn't help but be moved by such an enormous figure.

"Hehe, you're really thinking of shearing wool and reaping leeks, huh?

"Beautiful dream you have there, but I'm afraid I have to tell you some unfortunate news. Emperor Xue Ye has decided to give up on treatment."

The tone in Du Gu Bo's voice was full of discouragement.

He had realized that Qin Xiao never got involved in any affairs related to others.

"Huh? Emperor Xue Ye made such a decision?" Qin Xiao was startled; according to the original story, although Emperor Xue Ye was always sick, it was still too early for his death.

"All thanks to your doing..."

Du Gu Bo said irritably.

Qin Xiao was taken aback for a moment then understood. This was after Emperor Xue Ye himself refused to continue the expensive treatment.


Getting something for free is everyone's shared dream...

"No wonder Xue Qinghe could offer me the Boundless Universe Shield to win me over, it turns out that Emperor Xue Ye knew his end was approaching and was helping Xue Qinghe increase his strength,"

"But what would he think if he knew that Xue Qinghe is actually Qian Renxue?"

Qin Xiao muttered to himself in silence.

Of course, to reveal such a thing, Qin Xiao was still not going to do it.

After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

In the original story, once Avalanche becomes Emperor Tiandou, Tang San becomes the Imperial Tutor...

So, it's not about fearing the probable but the improbable. No matter what, Qin Xiao would not allow Avalanche to become the emperor.

Having understood the crux of the matter, Qin Xiao smirked inwardly, "If Xue Qinghe really becomes Emperor Tiandou, he would indeed need to thank me."

"Qin Xiao, besides that, there's another matter,"

"What is it?"

"Do you know Tang Hao?" Du Gu Bo suddenly asked.

"You mean, Tang Hao!"

Qin Xiao's eyebrows knitted slightly as a powerful aura burst forth.

Thump, thump...

Even Du Gu Bo, with his cultivation level, couldn't help but step back two paces to withstand this momentum.

Looking back at Zhu Zhuqing behind Qin Xiao, she fared even worse, having retreated more than a dozen meters away.

"Of course, I know Tang Hao; he is my enemy,"

After a slight pause, Qin Xiao added, "An enemy with whom I will not rest until death."


An enemy!

After hearing Qin Xiao's words, Du Gu Bo couldn't help but draw a sharp breath, "You kid, you really dare to provoke anyone. With Tang Hao's strength, you dare to provoke him?"

"Qin Xiao, I advise you to run away quickly,"

Now Du Gu Bo somewhat understood why Tang Hao and his son acted so oddly after finding out the master of this place was Qin Xiao.

"Run? Why should I run?" Qin Xiao asked, puzzled.

"Because yesterday, Tang Hao came here with his son, and after failing to get the so-called Immortal Herbs, they left. Before they left, they found out that you are the master here."

"And also...."

But Du Gu Bo found himself unable to continue.

"And what?"

Qin Xiao asked calmly.

"And they know you're in Tiandou City. Since they didn't come for you, I suspect they're probably around here, preparing to ambush you,"

Du Gu Bo urged, "Qin Xiao, you'd better run now; it's not safe here."

"Me, run?"

Qin Xiao pointed to himself, then couldn't help but burst into laughter.

It sounded like he'd heard a good joke.

When had Tang Hao ever crossed hands with him without being defeated and fleeing in embarrassment?

Eh? Could it be Qin Xiao was stunned? Du Gu Bo was perplexed, feeling something wasn't quite right.

Qin Xiao was even stronger than him, so even if he couldn't beat Tang Hao, it was not necessarily the case that Tang Hao could stop him from leaving. "Are you all right?"

Qin Xiao shook his head and asked, "Do you still remember the expressions on the faces of Tang Hao and his son when they found out I am the master of this place?"

"It's not the time for this; running away is more important..." Du Gu Bo urged hastily.

It was evident that he was truly concerned about Qin Xiao.

"Don't worry, just think about it carefully, and you'll understand,"

Qin Xiao said with a smile, crossing his arms.

"At first they were startled, confused, shocked...."

"That's right, and panicked!"

Du Gu Bo listed, "So, that means their hurried steps weren't so much about seeking revenge but more like... fleeing for their lives?!"

After thinking it through again, Du Gu Bo nodded vigorously, "Yes, they were running for their lives!"

Could it be that they were avoiding Qin Xiao?

Du Gu Bo's heart skipped a beat at the conclusion he'd just come to, shocked.

But how could that be possible?

Tang Hao was a renowned powerhouse in Soul Land, and Qin Xiao was so young.

Alright... Even if he was stronger than himself, could he really stand up to Tang Hao?

No, not just stand up to him but make Tang Hao so scared that he'd run away in fear?

Could such strength really belong to Qin Xiao?

The more he thought about it, the more shocked he became!

Not wanting to waste any more brain cells, Du Gu Bo asked gravely, "Qin Xiao, stop boasting. Tell me the truth, is Tang Hao really no match for you?"