Chapter 74: Qin Xiao's Boldness, Facing the Two Great Elders of the Hao Tian Clan (4K)_2

It was indeed so...

The third elder and the seventh elder almost simultaneously nodded slightly.

"I'll ask you again, is there someone named Qin Xiao in Shrek Academy? Where is he? Have him come out and meet me!"

The seventh elder asked again.

Qin Xiao?

Isn't he the same person as His Majesty the Thunder Emperor? If His Majesty the Thunder Emperor is here, can Qin Xiao be here too?

Could it be that if His Majesty the Thunder Emperor is not here, Qin Xiao will be?

Upon hearing his words, everyone felt a sense of strangeness.

What kind of bizarre question is this?

"To answer Your Highness, Qin Xiao is also not here..."

Flander responded once more.

His answer was smart; he replied exactly to the question asked, without an extra word.

"What, not here either?"

The seventh elder furrowed his brows upon hearing this, and he subconsciously looked towards the third elder, transmitting a message secretly, "Third brother, can this be confirmed? Qin Xiao and that Titled Douluo have obviously fled because they fear our Hao Tian Clan will hold them responsible."

"Hmph, it seems he's just a coward without the guts."

The third elder nodded lightly, responding via transmission, "It looks like we will have to go through some trouble to find them."

But at that moment, the two of them realized that everyone was looking behind them with strange expressions.

What's happening?

With such curiosity in their minds, they also turned to look.

They saw a young man and woman who were slowly walking towards them.

The youth was handsome and elegant; the girl was cold and beautiful.

It was Qin Xiao returning with Zhu Zhuqing.

"You're looking for Qin Xiao, right?"

Qin Xiao grinned, "That's me."

"Hahaha, good lad, who would've thought you'd walk into the trap on your own."

The seventh elder was overjoyed.

"Seventh brother, this is not the place to speak,"

The third elder interrupted what the seventh elder was about to say, then he looked towards Liu Erlong and asked, "May I ask if you could provide us with a space to talk?"

Liu Erlong bit her red lips, a rare sign of hesitation, and nodded slightly, "Your Highness, please come with me."

Her voice was loud, even Qin Xiao, who was a distance away, could hear her.

In fact, her goal was to remind Qin Xiao, telling him these two were Titled Douluo experts.

She believed that with Qin Xiao's intelligence, he would surely understand the deeper meaning in her words.

However, to her irritation, Qin Xiao actually spoke to her,

"President Liu, please arrange a place for us as well."

Ah, this...

It really was like trying to talk sense into someone begging for death!

Liu Erlong was completely speechless.

"Follow me."

Liu Erlong said, leading the way into the academy.

"You all just wait here,"

Qin Xiao addressed the eager crowd first.

If a fight were to break out soon, these people would not be of help; instead, they would be a burden.

After a short while.

By a man-made lake in Blue Tyrant Academy.

The seventh elder could no longer hold back and snorted coldly, "Young man, do you know why we're looking for you?"

Qin Xiao was taken aback, "Should I know what you're looking for me for?"

At that moment, the third elder spoke up, "I ask you, is the annihilation of the Clan of Strength related to you?"

Qin Xiao casually nodded, "Yes, that's right. I eliminated them."

"It was you indeed."

The seventh elder had a look of 'I knew it all along.'

But after pondering for a moment, he felt something was off!

"Wait a second, lad, you said you took action? Not the powerful figure behind you?"

The seventh elder's voice was much louder than before.

"Do you have a problem with your hearing?" Qin Xiao frowned, "Someone of your age who has become a Titled Douluo ought not be so senile, right?"

"Third brother... he, he...."

The seventh elder felt his integrity was insulted.

"Seventh Brother, stay calm," the third elder motioned for him to calm down.

Then he looked at Qin Xiao seriously and asked, "How can you prove it?"

"Why should I prove anything?" Qin Xiao spread his hands in an indifferent manner, as if to say whether they believed him was their problem.

Third brother, I can't stand this kid's attitude. Since the matter involves him, let me disable him first!

The seventh elder shouted angrily, a powerful aura surging towards Qin Xiao like a tsunami.


You must know, in the face of this oppressive aura, even Soul Kings must crawl!

He believed that without lifting a finger himself, he could easily crush Qin Xiao!


Qin Xiao's response was even simpler, just a casual wave of his hand.

This terrifying momentum instantly crumbled to pieces!


Witnessing this scene firsthand, both the third elder and the seventh elder were struck as if by lightning.

"Third brother, he, he might really be a Titled Douluo!"

"Only a Titled Douluo could so effortlessly disrupt the aura I've gathered!"

A moment later, the seventh elder incredulously messaged the third elder through a sound transmission.

"This person is not to be underestimated!"

"Stop talking for the moment, let me clarify the situation first."

The third elder's voice was heavy as he responded to the seventh elder.

In his heart, he had already categorized Qin Xiao as a dangerous individual.

"I do not know why you have taken action against the Clan of Strength."

"Simple, because they provoked me. I have many faults but only one merit – I hold grudges. To eradicate the roots is my principle," Qin Xiao said, flashing a frigid smile, "Of course, I did give them a chance. They were unwilling to change their allegiance, so they left me no choice but to act on my principles."


What a terrifying person!

Both the third and seventh elders could feel the iciness in Qin Xiao's words, and they involuntarily sucked in a breath of cold air.

But, the dignity of the Hao Tian Clan cannot be cast aside!

After hearing Qin Xiao's words, the seventh elder could no longer restrain himself and asked in a deep voice, "Since you're aware that the Clan of Strength was once a subordinate sect of our Hao Tian Clan, isn't eradicating them a bit too much?"

"And, to not take our Hao Tian Clan into consideration?"

"Hao Tian Clan?" Qin Xiao laughed upon hearing this, "Sorry, but I never even considered the Hao Tian Clan to begin with."


To have never considered the Hao Tian Clan!


The seventh elder was stunned; he never dreamt Qin Xiao would utter such arrogant words.

After all, how many in this world dare to dismiss the Hao Tian Clan?


Suddenly, the third elder burst into uproarious laughter, "Young man, you've gone too far. Even the Pope of the Martial Soul Hall wouldn't dare to make such outlandish claims."

"The Pope of the Martial Soul Hall?" Qin Xiao shrugged, "It seems the Hao Tian Clan has really been living in their own world for these years. Here are four words for you: exceedingly overestimating yourselves!"


The seventh elder bellowed angrily, "The Hao Tian Clan is not something you can scorn! Looking for death!"

As his voice fell, the seventh elder disappeared from his spot, his fist as big as a sandbag smashing towards Qin Xiao's face.

The power of this punch was enough to split metal and shatter stones.

Had it landed on a person, it would not kill them, but they would be gravely injured.


He saw Qin Xiao shaking his head.

Right after, a voice rang beside his ear: "Too weak, like a turtle crawling."

Qin Xiao!

He glanced sideways and instantly felt his hairs stand on end, noticing Qin Xiao had appeared above him at some point, then fiercely stomped down with his foot.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the ground shook.

After a plume of dust carried away by the wind had cleared, Qin Xiao's figure appeared before the third elder.

"Seventh brother..."

The third elder's pupils contracted sharply, and he couldn't help but cry out.

Below Qin Xiao's foot, a human-shaped pit had formed, and the seventh elder was at the bottom, pinned under Qin Xiao's foot.

Defeated the seventh brother with a single strike?

What kind of strength was this?

Surely, not even a Title Douluo of the Ninety-Fifth Rank could accomplish this with such ease!

The third elder's emotions were tumultuous, like turbulent waves.

"Cough cough..."

"Third, third brother, save me."

At that moment, the seventh elder beneath Qin Xiao's foot began to cough violently, speaking in panic,

He could never have dreamed that he would be defeated with one blow!

"If you release the seventh brother now, I can assure you that we will no longer pursue the matter with the Clan of Strength,

and our Hao Tian Clan will stay out of your way in the future."

The third elder remembered the instructions from the Second Elder before leaving the sect.

In his view, this was already a gesture of yielding.


Qin Xiao just shook his head, "You need to recognize the reality. Is this how one asks for a favor?"