Chapter 78: Tang Hao Vomits Blood from Being Hammered, Qin Xiao Wants to Poach Bluesilver Emperor (6k)_3

"No good."


"Elders, are you really pushing me into a corner?"

"I truly don't understand what benefits Qin Xiao has given you to make you so dedicated to serving him."

Surrounded by the four great Elders, Tang Hao also seemed to be struggling immensely.

After all, he had Tang San, a burden, on his hands.

"Benefits, what benefits could we possibly have?"

"He annihilated the Clan of Strength, making him an enemy of our Hao Tian Clan!"

"We also have our own reasons for having to take you down."

The voice of the Second Elder rang in Tang Hao's ears.

But as he spoke, he didn't delay his attacks, as he saw the massive Hao Tian Hammer swinging down ruthlessly towards Tang Hao, not holding back at all.


Tang Hao was forced back several steps again before he could barely steady himself.

"What reasons could you possibly have that you must act against me?"

"If you say so, can't I just change?"

After a brief gasp for breath, Tang Hao quickly called out.

"Change? How would you change?"

The Seventh Elder sneered with disdain, "Qin Xiao wants us to exchange you for brother San!"

"What? The Third Elder?"

Tang Hao's pupils suddenly contracted as he came to a realization.


Something felt off, and now I realize the Third Elder is missing!

By now, he was too exhausted to point out how clueless these old folks were, daring to challenge Qin Xiao without even one Titled Douluo of level 95 or above?

Who gave them such courage?

Do they really think Qin Xiao is a pushover, someone to knead and twist at will?

Even in Tang Hao's mind, dealing with Qin Xiao was more troublesome than when the fighters from the Martial Soul Hall had pursued him.

After all, those people gave up if they couldn't catch him.

But now, he lived in the shadow of Qin Xiao.

"It seems there's no chance of negotiations anymore, even with bodily harm, I've got to break out."

Tang Hao glanced at his ninth soul ring, which had just recovered a couple of days ago, with a determined look in his eyes.

"Not good, he's going to use Ring Explosion!"

"Retreat quickly!"

The faces of the several Elders from the Hao Tian Clan all showed shock.

They all scrambled back!


They were still a step too late.

"Nine Absolutes of the Azure Sky, Break!"

Tang Hao's combat power soared after the Ring Explosion, the Hao Tian Hammer tracing shadows in the air as it smashed towards the four Elders.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The four Elders fell to the ground like shooting stars.

As for Tang Hao, without so much as a backward glance, his face turned deathly pale. He didn't check the result of the battle as he picked up Tang San and fled into the distance.


After a long while.

Tang Hao finally stopped a hundred miles away from Hao Tian Clan.


He spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, and his entire spirit wilted along with it.

He was even somewhat unsteady on his feet.

Fortunately, Tang San was quick to react and reached out to support him.

"Dad, how are you doing? Please don't scare me?"

Tang San was visibly panicked.

He held Tang Hao's hand, feeling the pulse was incredibly weak and the intervals between beats were alarmingly long...

No matter how you looked at it, it wasn't a good situation.

"Xiaosan, don't panic; I'm not going to die yet,"

Tang Hao gently patted Tang San with his other hand, signaling him not to worry, "Back when I fought with the Pope, my injuries were even more severe than this. Didn't I survive that? Cough cough."

As he spoke, he coughed up another two mouthfuls of blood.

"Dad, you should rest for a while; please don't talk anymore."

As Tang San said this, he tried to help Tang Hao sit down.

But Tang Hao stopped him.

"We can't rest now. The power of the strike following my Ring Explosion was too scattered. The four Elders were only lightly injured at most; I'm afraid it won't take them long to catch up."

"Then what should we do?"

Hearing that the four Elders might catch up, Tang San went numb.

Titled Douluo were formidable opponents; not something he could handle at present, and with Tang Hao severely injured, if they were caught, wouldn't it all be over?

Tang Hao said, "I know a place with overlapping ridges and rarely any human trace. There, hidden among them, is a secret refuge. Once we're there, we can consider ourselves safe."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's start moving immediately."

As he spoke, Tang San bent down and lifted Tang Hao onto his back.

Under Tang Hao's guidance, Tang San headed west.

"Ah Yin, if you could see our child, now so grown up, would you be happy?"

"Don't worry, I'll bring him to see you soon."

Tang Hao murmured softly, lying on Tang San's back.

"Dad, what are you saying?"

Tang San, with his sharp senses, quickly picked up on Tang Hao's unusual behavior.

But, even as he asked, his pace didn't slow down in the slightest.

"I mean your mother. She would be so happy to see you,"

Tang Hao repeated his earlier words and continued, "Actually, your mother has died, but not completely. She left behind a seed which has now taken root, sprouted, and grown into a patch of Blue Silver Grass. I have placed it in our destination."


Upon hearing this, Tang San couldn't help but exclaim, "Does that mean mom isn't dead?"


"This trip, you can also pay your respects to her."

Talking about Ah Yin, Tang Hao felt a wave of sorrow and couldn't help but sigh, "Alas, I just don't know if I'll have the chance in this lifetime to see her again."

After a brief silence,

Tang San responded solemnly, "Dad, don't worry, I will find a way for you to be reunited with mom."

"It's almost impossible now..."

Tang Hao had no expectations of it happening in his lifetime.

"How can it be impossible? Dad, do you know? The Icefire Polarized Eyes that Qin Xiao ordered Du Gu Bo to guard is an extraordinary treasure. Plants grow there at ten or even a hundred times the normal speed. If we transplant mom there, it's not impossible for there to be a reunion."