Chapter 81 Xue Qinghe's Imminent Succession, The Fate of Xue Xing and Avalanche (6k)_2


This time, Flander didn't hesitate, "About two years."

Two years, that's still quite a while...

Qin Xiao's expression became a bit distant, "Right, besides me, reserve another spot. I have another candidate for the competition, her name is Meng Yiran."

Meng Yiran?

Flander paused, then he remembered, the girl Qin Xiao had hidden away as his cherished companion.

After Qin Xiao left.

Liu Erlong asked in a low voice, "Old Master Fu, do we still need to arrange a substitute team member?"

Flander shook his head, "What substitute team member? More people would just be a burden. If it weren't for the minimum number of participants required by the competition, I'd say the Shrek squad would be unbeatable with just 'Your Highness' on their own."

Liu Erlong also nodded his head in strong agreement. Indeed, with a Titled Douluo entering the fray, it would be an overwhelming advantage.

Not to mention teams formed by Soul Elders, Soul Ancestors, or Soul Kings, even teams composed of Soul Douluos would not be a match for Qin Xiao.

No need to mention anything else, the two Elders of the Hao Tian Clan were the best example.

"Ah, Er Long, you don't think I'm dreaming, do you?"

"'Your Highness' is actually willing to participate in the Soul Master competition."

Even now, Flander had a sense of disbelief.


Suddenly, Liu Erlong swung his fist and floored Flander.

"Er Long, what are you doing?"

Flander got up, still staggering.

He kept rubbing his head.

Quite annoyed.

Liu Erlong asked indifferently, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts," Flander replied without a second thought.

"If it hurts, then you're not dreaming...."

After hearing Liu Erlong's words, Flander felt a sense of helplessness, "Was I doubting? It was awe, awe, you understand?"

"Ah, this..."

Liu Erlong felt a bit embarrassed.


Qin Xiao had already returned to his residence.

As soon as he pushed the door and entered, she had already come up to Qin Xiao.

She had wanted to throw herself into Qin Xiao's arms, but she restrained this impulse.

"Your Highness, you're finally back." Meng Yiran showed a relieved expression on her face.

She had heard from Liu Erlong about Qin Xiao's predicament, but despite knowing he was the victor, she couldn't help worrying.

Now, it felt like a huge stone had fallen to the ground in her heart.

"It's okay now."

Qin Xiao walked forward two steps, gently embraced Meng Yiran, and patted the girl's back with his hand.

He had no ulterior motive, it was simply an act of comfort.

Meng Yiran leaned gently into Qin Xiao's embrace.

After a moment.

Qin Xiao let go of her, "You haven't fallen behind in your training these past few days, have you?"

"Not for a single moment," Meng Yiran broke free from Qin Xiao's embrace and said earnestly.

She even showed off her strength as if presenting a treasured possession.

"Not bad, keep it up," Qin Xiao nodded.

Indeed, Meng Yiran's strength had improved.

But this pace was still too slow and her method of training in isolation was not advisable.

Qin Xiao immediately made arrangements for Meng Yiran, "From today, you will train with the members of Shrek like Zhu Zhuqing does. After the training sessions, I will temper both of you individually. This should increase your strength considerably faster."

"I understand," Meng Yiran nodded lightly.

She had no objections to Qin Xiao's plans.

"Go and find Flander or Liu Erlong now, they're at the academy's plaza."

"Understood." Meng Yiran acknowledged and turned to leave the room.


After Meng Yiran left, a box appeared in Qin Xiao's hand.

It was the reward for completing a task.

To open the box was to obtain a hundred-thousand-year-old soul bone.

"I already have the left arm bone of a Titan Ape, the evil killer whales can produce a left leg bone, the Azure Oxpython is a right arm bone, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale gives a torso bone...."

Qin Xiao fell into contemplation, "There's also the skull, which position should I choose? If it conflicts with a future position, that would be a waste."



Heaven Dou Imperial Palace.

Outside the sleeping chamber of Emperor Xue Ye.

"Father, your son requests an audience."

Xue Qinghe's voice resounded solemnly from outside the palace.

Soon after.

The voice of Emperor Xue Ye came from inside the chamber.

"Come in and speak."

As the voice faded, the doors were opened by the attendants.


Inside the chamber.

Emperor Xue Ye was half reclining on the bed.

Weakness could be seen on his face.

"What happened again?" he asked, summoning his energy.

"Father, Qin Xiao has returned," Xue Qinghe got straight to the point.

"He entered Tiandou City openly and honorably and hasn't ventured out since returning to Blue Tyrant Academy."

Xue Qinghe went straight to the heart of the matter.

He knew that Emperor Xue Ye disliked people who were wordy.

After all, every day for Emperor Xue Ye was worth hundreds of thousands of golden soul coins.


Upon hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye made a light sound of acknowledgment, "This means that the Hao Tian Clan really has no way to deal with Qin Xiao."

He had also been closely following Qin Xiao's affairs and was aware of the attack by the Haotian Sect Elders.

And he knew that Qin Xiao had detained an Elder of the Hao Tian Clan...

Originally, he and Xue Qinghe believed the Hao Tian Clan would not let things rest easily.

But now, it seemed the Hao Tian Clan's bark was worse than its bite.

"It seems the Hao Tian Clan has indeed declined..." Xue Qinghe also couldn't help but remark.


Emperor Xue Ye shook his head, disagreeing with Xue Qinghe's view, "You're wrong there. The Hao Tian Clan is far from declining; they've actually grown stronger."

Huh? Xue Qinghe was taken aback.

"Since the old Sect Master of the Hao Tian Clan died, they've been known for 'a Sect with two Douluos,' Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, both at the Titled Douluo Level. But now, even the Elders within their sect include two Titled Douluos, hasn't their strength increased?"
