Chapter 87: Tang Hao Makes a Mistake, The Minor Flaw Left by Tang San (7k)_3

As he kept calling out, he passed out, completely losing consciousness.

"How could he possibly die when he was just fine?"

At that moment, Tang Hao's face appeared in front of him.

Tang San quickly propped himself up with his hands and stood up, shaking his head to clear it a bit. He then asked, "Dad, is it over?"

Tang Hao nodded at his words and revealed a rare smile, "The process of abolishing the Martial Soul went better than I had imagined. After your Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul was abolished, it had no effect whatsoever on your Hao Tian Hammer.

That is to say, with your inherent Spirit Full Power Hao Tian Hammer Martial Soul, your future prospects are boundless. It's not impossible for you to become an unparalleled figure like Elder Tang Chen, the ancestor who revitalized our Hao Tian Clan.

Compared to this tremendous success, the slight imperfection on your body is almost negligible."


My path to becoming a Titled Douluo isn't cut off!

After hearing Tang Hao's words, Tang San was immersed in immense joy.

What he had been most worried about was that after the abolition of his Martial Soul, there would be limits to his future development. Now it seemed that such thoughts were unnecessary.

"It's okay without the Bluesilver Emperor. At least I don't have to worry about an imbalance in my Martial Soul and can continue to cultivate with peace of mind.

Moreover, with the peerless heart method of Tang Sect and the top-tier hidden weapons, even with just one Martial Soul, I'll be able to become a supreme fighter on Soul Land!"

Thinking so, Tang San clenched his fists tightly.

Excitement and joy filled his heart.

The vast sea allowed the fish to leap; the boundless sky let the birds fly.

At this moment, that was his state of mind.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely make Qin Xiao and those Elders of the Hao Tian Clan pay!"

Once he had calmed down, Tang San said to Tang Hao earnestly.


"You're truly my son, Tang Hao!"

Tang Hao patted Tang San's shoulder heavily, his face full of relief.

"By the way, Dad, what did you mean by a 'small defect'?"

Suddenly, Tang San remembered Tang Hao's words and asked with confusion.


Tang Hao's gaze flickered, his expression somewhat strange.

Uncommonly, he also seemed hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Tang San became puzzled, "Dad, you said it was a small defect. Just tell me, I can handle it."


At his words, Tang Hao let out a sigh and nodded, "Alright."

"So let me ask you, do you feel anything uncomfortable in your body?"

Uncomfortable? Tang San shook his head, "No, I feel quite good."

"Ah, as I guessed, you really don't have any sensation."

Tang Hao let out a melancholic sigh.

"No sensation?"

"Dad, what do you mean by that?"

Tang San's heart sank with a very bad premonition.

"Ah." Tang Hao breathed out another sigh, "You'll understand if you feel it for yourself."

There really isn't any good news, is there!

The ominous premonition in Tang San's heart grew stronger, and he began to move as Tang Hao suggested.

Head, neck, no problem.

Both hands, no problem.

Both feet, also no problem.

"Isn't everything fine?"

He asked, even more puzzled.

But as he thought about it, he noticed something was amiss...


There was a problem between his legs!

Tang San immediately panicked, feeling an emptiness in that area.

"It couldn't be gone, could it?"

Startled, he hurried to feel.

"It's still there..."

"But why is there absolutely no sensation?"

He was stupefied and looked at Tang Hao blankly, "Can you give me an explanation?"

"Xiaosan, listen to me, let me explain... erk."

"Listen to my explanation."

Tang Hao's face was full of embarrassment: "It all started when I was removing your Martial Soul. It was an extremely complex process, requiring me to use my Soul Power to shatter your Martial Soul...

I hesitated for a moment and lost control of the Soul Power, leading to your being affected. However, the silver lining is that I managed to control the Soul Power in time, or it would have exploded!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After Tang Hao finished speaking, Tang San felt as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt.

His mind went blank.

He slumped to the ground, kneeling in defeat.

In short, not only did Tang Hao abolish his Martial Soul, but he also ended up crippling him in the process!

"Is this the 'small defect' you mentioned?"

Unable to suppress the anger within, Tang San challenged Tang Hao, "I have no future prospect of having children now, and you call this a small defect? Do you realize, I am still a child!"

Tang San's voice was tinged with a sob; his heart was nearly collapsing.

Any man would be unable to accept such a blow.

Furthermore, having lived two lives as a bachelor, the damage inflicted by Tang Hao was doubled for him.

"Xiaosan, you have to understand, this was truly just an accident."

Tang Hao frowned and said in a deep voice, "You are my son, I would never intentionally harm you."

Tang San: "o(╥﹏╥)o."

In fact, he was already questioning whether Tang Hao had done it on purpose.

"You might as well have let it explode; at least then I wouldn't have any lingering thoughts."

"What now, a decoration?"

"But it pains my heart every time I see it."

Tang San could no longer hold back, and tears of grievance started to fall from his eyes.

At that moment, he no longer felt the exhilarating freedom of a vast sky or sea.


It was just too damn suffocating.

Even then, he was tempted to let Tang Hao experience the feeling of utter despair if only he could defeat him.