Chapter 101 Helping Qin Xiao Ascend to Godliness_2

Qin Xiao laughed, "When you said that, you forgot Ning Fengzhi's identity, didn't you?"

"He is the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect." Poison Douluo answered without much thought.

Qin Xiao shook his head, "He is also a businessman. What's it to him to turn against the Hao Tian Clan if there is enough benefit?"

"Remember, there are no eternal enemies or friends, only eternal interests."

Interests above all else?

Du Gu Bo was stunned.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked Qin Xiao, "If one day, someone offered you a price that tempted you to betray me, what would you do?"

Qin Xiao was first taken aback, then he smiled, "Don't worry, that day will never come."

"Haha, I knew you were a reliable kid."

Du Gu Bo laughed heartily.

He was very satisfied with Qin Xiao's response.


Qin Xiao's next words were like a bucket of cold water splashed over his head.

"Don't get overexcited."

"Nobody would bring out a treasure tempting enough to trade for you."

Ah, what...

Du Gu Bo was dumbstruck.

"Hey, don't just stand there. What's going on with Ah Yin?"

Suddenly, Qin Xiao saw the girl sitting cross-legged next to the Icefire Polarized Eyes and asked, puzzled.

"After you left, she entered a state of enlightenment. Her cultivation level should have advanced again."

"She is transformed from the Bluesilver Emperor, surrounded by spiritual medicines and Immortal Herbs, and with the special properties of the Icefire Polarized Eyes, her cultivation here is advancing by leaps and bounds!"

Du Gu Bo said, his voice laced with envy.

He felt like he was entering a mountain full of treasures while inside the Icefire Polarized Eyes.

He longed to also receive the cultivation speed benefits of the Icefire Polarized Eyes like the Bluesilver Emperor.

"Think about what you should, and don't think about what you shouldn't."

Seeing through Du Gu Bo's thoughts, Qin Xiao couldn't help but say, "Apart from the plant-based soul beasts, no one else can enjoy this kind of treatment."

"Hmph, I do not have such thoughts."

Having his thoughts exposed, Du Gu Bo snorted coldly to cover his embarrassment.

"Still, it might take a few days for Ah Yin to finish her cultivation."

Qin Xiao stroked his chin and silently speculated.

Three days later.


In the Imperial Palace Hall of the Tiandou Empire.

Qian Renxue put down the memorial in her hands and looked outside the hall.

Three figures approached side by side.

Snakelance Douluo, Qianjun Douluo, and Jiangmo Douluo.

"Qian Jun."

"Jiang Mo."

"Snake Spear."

"We've seen the Young Master."

After entering the hall, the three of them respectfully saluted Qian Renxue.

"Who would have thought that two guest elders would come together this time?" Qian Renxue asked indifferently.

"Young Master, the Great Priest sent us to see how you are doing."

"Also, inside this Spatial Soul Guidance Device is a gift the Great Priest asked us to bring."

Qianjun Douluo replied softly.

At the same time, he handed a bracelet-like Spatial Soul Guidance Device to Qian Renxue.

"Grandpa has left seclusion?"

After receiving the soul guidance device, Qian Renxue's face showed a trace of joy.

After all, the person she cared about the most in the Martial Soul Hall was Qiandaoliu.

"The Great Priest has left seclusion, and his cultivation level has also improved."

"The Great Priest also said that he is happy for you for successfully taking the throne of the Tiandou Empire."

Jiangmo Douluo grinned.


Qian Renxue nodded lightly and then asked, "I suppose the two guest elders didn't come just to fulfill Grandpa's request to see me, right?"

It was a simple fact.

If it was truly just to send little gifts through two guest elders, then it would indeed be a case of using talented individuals for trivial tasks.

Qian Renxue believed that the two Great Priests had come for other matters, and these matters were likely related to Qin Xiao.

"Young Master has an eye for talent."

Qian Jun Douluo praised, and then said, "The Great Priest has indeed sent us brothers here with a task, which is to recruit Qin Xiao into the Martial Soul Hall."

"So it's about recruiting Qin Xiao."

Qian Renxue's heart stirred, and at the same time, Qin Xiao's face involuntarily surfaced in her mind.

Suddenly, she became somewhat annoyed.

"What is it?"

"Does the Young Master have some grudge against this Qin Xiao?"

With his high cultivation level, Qian Jun Douluo keenly detected the trace of something off on Qian Renxue's face and asked in a deep voice.

Next to him, Jiangmo Douluo, upon hearing Qian Jun Douluo's words, erupted with an astonishing killing intent.

"If Qin Xiao has made any disrespectful moves towards the Young Master, I will cripple him right now, to let this ignorant boy know that, even with his extraordinary talent, he is insignificant in front of the Martial Soul Hall."

"Elder, it's not like that."

Seeing this, Qian Renxue quickly shook her head and explained, "In fact, what I'm trying to say is, you may not know that I have already attempted to recruit Qin Xiao, but I failed."


"What sort of terms did the Young Master offer?"

Qian Jun Douluo suddenly realized, no wonder the Young Master's expression was such; she had been rejected.


The Great Priest's words were correct; Qin Xiao was no ordinary person, and ordinary items would hardly tempt him.

"I promised Qin Xiao the position of Title alongside King in the Tiandou Empire, allowing him to have the same rights as me within the Tiandou Empire."

Qian Renxue didn't hold back, revealing the conditions she had originally offered.


"Even with such terms, that kid Qin Xiao refused?"

Jiangmo Douluo was stunned.

If he were to put himself in Qin Xiao's shoes, with the cultivation level of a Titled Douluo at such a young age, he might not be able to resist the temptation offered by Qian Renxue.

Grasping the power to rule the world when awake and lying in the lap of a beauty when drunk, isn't that every man's dream?

Of course,

If he were aware of the lurking dangers in Soul Land, he probably wouldn't think the same way.

"Heh, now I'm somewhat appreciating this kid, Qin Xiao."

Qian Jun Douluo smiled faintly and added, "However, I believe he won't be able to refuse the conditions offered by the Great Priest."


Qian Renxue frowned slightly, "I'm very curious, grandfather, what makes you so confident that you can get Qin Xiao to join the Martial Soul Hall?"

"Two conditions."

Qian Jun Douluo held up two fingers, then folded one and said, "The first condition is that if Qin Xiao enters the Martial Soul Hall, he will immediately be granted the status and position of a guest elder without having to perform any guest elder duties, but the Martial Soul Hall will provide him with all the protection he needs."

"Directly become a guest elder, and without the need to fulfill the duties of a guest elder?!"

Qian Renxue was taken aback; wasn't that the same as saying the Martial Soul Hall would be responsible for Qin Xiao, but Qin Xiao wouldn't have to be responsible for the Martial Soul Hall?

Wasn't this too obvious an overture?

"But still, I feel this won't be enough, after all, you haven't seen Qin Xiao like I have..."

"Extremely confident, even arrogant. He has absolute trust in his own strength. It's only others who need him; I doubt he has ever had any intention of needing someone else in his life."

"You might as well tell me the second condition, because if I can't even get past this point, I think the two Elders should not bother looking for Qin Xiao."

Clearly, Qian Renxue harbored deep resentment towards Qin Xiao.

But say it or not, Qin Xiao had that level of ability.

"Alright, since the Young Master asked, I will not keep you guessing any longer."

Qian Jun Douluo nodded, then brought his second finger together.

"The second condition was added by the Great Priest before we left Spirit City. To be honest, even I was shocked at the time.

Alright, I won't keep you in suspense any longer, the second condition is that once you inherit the godhood, you will use the power of the Martial Soul Hall to help Qin Xiao..."

Qian Jun Douluo paused here, his expression becoming solemn, and he then pronounced gravely the two words, "become a god!"


Become a god!

As Qian Jun Douluo's voice fell, both Qian Renxue and Snakelance Douluo were struck as if by lightning.

Even in hiding, the gasp of the Porcupine Douluo could be heard.

The term 'god' was an extremely distant concept for them, who were of Titled Douluo Level, and now it was being proposed for an individual?


Truly unbelievable!

If the speaker weren't Qian Jun Douluo, and he weren't representing the will of the Qiandaoliu, they would have found it impossible to believe it was true.

"Does Qin Xiao really have such talent? Is he worthy of grandfather's high regard?"

Qian Renxue could not help but murmur to herself.

Qian Jun Douluo nodded, "The Great Priest's evaluation of Qin Xiao is: this lad has the potential to become a god, a young deity of Soul Land.

Looking throughout history, neither the God of Angels nor the Sea God at Qin Xiao's age were anywhere near as outstanding as him."