Chapter 120 Dai Mubai's Plot, Zhu Zhuqing's Crisis_2

A middle-aged man with a goatee said to Dai Mubai.

"Hunt for a Soul Ring!"

Dai Mubai was startled, "But she was only level 35 before, what kind of Soul Ring is she absorbing now?"

"Level 35?"

The man with the goatee was startled, "No, that can't be right. My brother 'Shadow' sent back very certain news. That black-clothed girl named Zhu Zhuqing has a bona fide Soul Power of level 40. He is a Soul Elder, and his vision is reliable; he would never make a mistake."

"Then maybe I remembered it wrong..."

Dai Mubai, "So if you make a move now, how confident are you that you can capture Zhu Zhuqing for me?"

"Dai Shao, that girl named Zhu Zhuqing is nothing much, but that short fellow Zhao Wuji is guarding by their side at every moment, making it difficult to deal with..."

The middle-aged man with the goatee frowned and said: "You'll have to pay more."

Damn it, after so much preamble, this was the main point... Dai Mubai cursed inwardly.

He could see that this man in front of him had done the same thing many times before, asking for more money at every opportunity.

But then he thought about the man's identity, and he let it go.

The Soul Hunting Squad, living life on the edge and preying off blood, could afford to be a bit dark.

More importantly, aside from spending money to hire these desperados, Dai Mubai had no idea who else could help him.


Dai Mubai let out a long sigh, "Money is not an issue, name your price."

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man with the goatee held up a palm, "Fifty thousand golden soul coins. Just add another fifty thousand golden soul coins, and I guarantee we will take care of this matter perfectly."


Dai Mubai gritted his teeth with a creak and then nodded emphatically, "Okay, I agree to your terms."

At this point, he had no other choice.

Capturing Zhu Zhuqing had become an obsession in his heart.

As for what to do afterward...

It was to make Zhu Zhuqing not able to live or die, otherwise, it would not be enough to extinguish the hatred in his heart.

"Haha, no problem, rest assured Dai Shao."

The middle-aged man with the goatee laughed: "Wait, I'll make a move right now."

"Wait a minute, Zhao Wuji is a level 78 Soul Sage, are you just going to approach him directly?"

A tremor ran through Dai Mubai's heart.

"Of course, that's not a problem. One of our brothers possesses the Shadow Martial Spirit, mysterious and insurmountable in stealth techniques. He has already successfully infiltrated deep into the forest. At any time, he can lure two thirty-thousand-year-old Thousand Catties Ants out. Even with Zhao Wuji's cultivation as a Soul Sage, he will be too busy to look after himself."

"Besides, who isn't a Soul Sage nowadays?" The man with the goatee chuckled, as a powerful burst of Soul Power erupted, and seven Soul Rings continuously emerged from beneath his feet.

"You are also a Soul Sage?"

Dai Mubai's face revealed a shocked expression.

"How would I dare to take on such a high-risk job if I didn't have the skills?"

The middle-aged man spoke coldly, a scent of blood making Dai Mubai shudder.

While Dai Mubai was in shock, the middle-aged man addressed the nearby bushes, "You two keep Dai Shao company; I'll be back shortly."

Whoosh, whoosh.

Two figures, dressed in black and with similar faces, sprang out from the bushes.

"Boss, rest assured, we will definitely protect Dai Shao well."

"Boss, with me here, Dai Shao will absolutely not wander off."

The two similar-looking men in black nodded earnestly.

Dai Mubai, on the other hand, twitched. He understood the true meaning behind these desperados' words—they were not just protecting him but restricting him, fearing that he might run away during a conflict.

"Everyone, rest assured, I will wait right here and won't go anywhere."

Dai Mubai spoke earnestly.

At the same time.

Several miles away from here.

Meng Yiran watched wide-eyed as a dark purple Soul Ring landed on Zhu Zhuqing.

Her pretty face involuntarily showed a look of concern.

"This Soul Ring must be around eight thousand years old, is it really safe for Zhuqing to absorb it?"

She knew that the limit for a fourth ring was mostly around five thousand years, and till now she had never seen anyone absorb a Soul Ring over five thousand years to be their fourth ring.

"Zhu Zhuqing is a calm person. I believe she wouldn't make such a decision on a whim; she must be fairly certain of herself."

Beside her, Zhao Wuji also spoke with a grave expression.

In truth, he had objected to it before, but when he thought of the man behind Zhu Zhuqing, he still supported her decision.

What's wrong with being a bit extraordinary as His Majesty's woman?


Suddenly, Meng Yiran pointed at Zhu Zhuqing, letting out a light gasp.

Zhao Wuji also noticed it.

After the Soul Ring had merged into Zhu Zhuqing's body, her aura immediately underwent a significant change.

She was getting stronger at an alarming rate.

"Good heavens, I still underestimated Zhu Zhuqing," Zhao Wuji's eyelid twitched, "Such a rapid refining speed proves that this Soul Ring is far from reaching Zhu Zhuqing's limit. I was too conservative; I feel that it's not impossible for Zhu Zhuqing to refine a ten-thousand-year Soul Ring."

"Yeah, Zhu Qing, now you are so much stronger than me," Meng Yiran looked towards Zhu Zhuqing, her eyes filled with envy.

"Eh, that's not right, why is Zhu Zhuqing's cultivation level still rising? This is probably already level 42, right? This isn't the limit?"

Zhao Wuji noticed something unusual again; even for absorbing a Soul Ring of eight or nine thousand years, an increase of two levels in Soul Power would usually suffice, right?

However, Zhu Zhuqing clearly had no intention of stopping, and her cultivation level had even made a breakthrough.

Level 43.

Level 44.

Level 45.

She had undergone an increase of an entire three levels of Soul Power before finally stopping.

Zhao Wuji's mouth was agape in shock, his face filled with astonishment.

To be honest, Old Zhao had lived for several decades and was quite experienced.

But he had never seen anyone manage to increase so many levels of Soul Power at once!

"Stay calm, Zhao Wuji; you are someone who has seen the world. Although Zhu Zhuqing's move is monstrous, compared to His Majesty the Thunder Emperor, it's nothing much," Zhao Wuji tried to convince himself not to make a big fuss over it.

"Teacher Zhao, Yiran, thank you both for protecting me; we can now leave," said Zhu Zhuqing as she opened her eyes and shifted from a sitting to a standing position.

She was brimming with energy, and her entire being exuded vitality.

"Zhu Qing, I'm really curious, can a Soul Ring of eight or nine thousand years truly allow your cultivation to continue to increase?" Meng Yiran clicked her tongue in wonder, voicing the doubt in her heart.

"Of course not," Zhu Zhuqing replied negatively, "That's only part of the reason. Actually, my true Soul Power had already broken through the level 40 barrier a long time ago; you just couldn't tell because I didn't have the fourth Soul Ring."

"So that's how it is."

Not just Meng Yiran, even Zhao Wuji had a moment of realization.

Yet another question arose: how exactly did Zhu Zhuqing increase so much Soul Power?

Zhu Zhuqing wasn't foolish; she naturally saw the confusion in their hearts.

She rarely smiled and said, "Teacher Zhao, there's no chance for you. Yiran, if you work hard, there's still hope."

"Ah, what..." Zhao Wuji was stunned.

He was puzzled; he hadn't done anything, so why was he suddenly out of chances?

On the other hand, Meng Yiran's pretty face turned red in an instant; she understood what Zhu Zhuqing meant by 'chance.'

"I'll, I'll work hard..." she said softly, almost inaudibly.


Suddenly, Zhao Wuji's expression darkened, and he said loudly, "Be careful, I feel like something is approaching, and it's very powerful."


The complexions of Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran immediately changed.

It wasn't for any other reason but that anything that could make Zhao Wuji so solemn was definitely not an ordinary soul beast.

Rustle, rustle, rustle.

Once everyone quieted down, the sounds in the dense forest gradually became clearer.

A giant ant about one meter in length, covered with a layer of dark golden carapace, its six robust and forceful legs, and six eyes on its head emanating a faint green glow, appeared before everyone.

Zhao Wuji's gaze hardened as he said in a grave voice, "Judging by its size, this is a Thousand Catties Ant of over thirty thousand years, its power is formidable; even I must be cautious in dealing with it, you all need to be careful."


Meng Yiran and Zhu Zhuqing nodded in unison.

But as soon as Zhao Wuji's voice fell, another rustling sound arose.

Zhao Wuji immediately looked in the direction of the sound, his dark face turning pale, "Damn it, another Thousand Catties Ant of over thirty thousand years has appeared?"

Things were getting tricky.