Chapter 123 - Those Who Mess with Qin Xiao All End Up Dead_1


"It must be Zhu Qing, Yiran, and Zhao Wuji who have encountered trouble,"

Qin Xiao guessed the problem in an instant.

He was also certain that this sudden premonition wouldn't be wrong.

"Hahaha, Brother Qin, what kind of wind has blown you here?"

Suddenly, a hearty laugh from Ning Fengzhi sounded from within the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect.

Then, with the help of Sword Douluo, Ning Fengzhi came flying over.

Qin Xiao looked at Ning Fengzhi and said, "Sect Master Ning, I did have some things to tell you, but now there is a matter that forces me to act."


Ning Fengzhi's face showed a hint of surprise after hearing Qin Xiao's words, "I wonder what Brother Qin wishes to do? Can I assist you in any way?"

Qin Xiao shook his head, "No need, I'm rather good at killing people."

Having said that, he no longer stayed put, bent his knees to gather force, and like a cannonball, shot off into the distance.


Only after Qin Xiao's figure had completely vanished from sight did the sound of air tearing like thunder reach Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo's ears.

Ning Fengzhi asked curiously, "Uncle Jian, who do you think has provoked Qin Xiao this time?"

"Heh, do we even need to guess?"

Sword Douluo's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smile.

"Oh?" Ning Fengzhi raised an eyebrow, "Uncle Jian, you can guess this too?"

"Of course!"

Sword Douluo replied as a matter of course, "Dead people."


At that, Ning Fengzhi's face showed a look of astonishment.

"Sect Master, don't waste your thoughts on this question. Anyone who provokes Qin Xiao almost always ends up dead. Let's just wait patiently for his return; then everything will become clear," Sword Douluo said nonchalantly before stepping ahead to return to the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect.


"Are the rumors true? Has the Hao Tian Clan really been attacked?"

"What has happened here?"

Tang Hao looked bewildered in the village outside the gates of the Hao Tian Clan.

The last time he was here, this place was thriving, but now, he saw ruins and desolation everywhere, and more importantly, not a sign of life.


Windswept moans broke the silence of the town.

Tang Hao instinctively wrapped his clothes tighter around himself – who could have believed that even a Titled Douluo would feel cold?

"I need to go to the sect!"

Soon enough, Tang Hao decided and his figure soared into the air, crossing the chasm that was the Hao Tian Clan's pride and reaching the real gate of the Hao Tian Clan.

Tang Hao sharply inhaled, the air still heavy with the taint of blood.

He didn't know how many Hao Tian Clan disciples had fallen here.

"Uncle Hao, is that you, Uncle Hao?"

Suddenly, a surprised voice came from behind Tang Hao.

"Who's there?"

Tang Hao quickly turned around to see a scruffy young man looking at him with excitement.

"It's me, Tiger!"

"Tiger?" Tang Hao's gaze flickered, then an image of a tiger-headed kid appeared in his heart.

"You're Tang Hu? How you have grown!" There was undeniable joy in his voice.

After all, it was a relief to see one of the Hao Tian Clan members.

"Uncle Hao, I didn't expect to see you again in the sect. You've finally come back."

Tang Hu was almost incoherent with excitement.

The Hao Tian Clan's Elders had died; the Haotian Sect Master was dead. Seeing Tang Hao, Tang Hu felt as though he'd found his backbone.

"Don't get excited just yet, tell me what exactly happened? How has the sect become like this?"

Tang Hao had a myriad of questions in his heart.

"Uncle Hao, this all started from the last time you left the sect,"

Tang Hu took a deep breath and began to recount the events.

Tang Hao pricked up his ears to listen, afraid of missing any details.

After a while.

Tang Hao couldn't hold back anymore, "Qin Xiao, it's Qin Xiao again, why can't you just disappear? And the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, how could you ignore the alliance of the upper three families and help Qin Xiao, an outsider!?"

Pant... Pant...

Like a bellows, Tang Hao's chest heaved.

The anger in his heart was at its peak.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He was so angry he stamped his foot, feeling it wasn't enough to vent his frustration; he even employed Soul Power.

Instantly, the main peak of the Hao Tian Clan trembled as if an earthquake had struck.

"Uncle Hao, calm down a bit, please calm down. There are still many disciples of the Hao Tian Clan underneath, they might not withstand this,"

Seeing this, Tang Hu quickly gestured with his hands, signaling Tang Hao to calm down. "There are other survivors in the sect besides me."


Tang Hao frowned, "You're saying there are other survivors in the Hao Tian Clan besides you?"


Tang Hu nodded vigorously, "But there are not many Sect Disciples left, and their strength is not great. At that time, everyone hid in the secret passages and barely escaped with their lives."

"I see."

Tang Hao nodded. The Hao Tian Clan's secret passages were intricate and served as a final safeguard.

Not to mention outsiders; even he, as a core disciple, did not know where those labyrinthine passages ultimately led.

"Come back with me, Uncle Hao,"

Tang Hu looked at Tang Hao with emotion, "The sect now needs a strong figure to protect the disciples and give them space to grow. Uncle Hao, if you agree, we all are willing to accept you as the Haotian Sect Master."

"Haotian Sect Master?"

Tang Hao's eyes flickered slightly. If it had been before, he might have considered the proposition of becoming the Sect Master more seriously.
