Chapter 130 Leaving Slaughter City_2



"I haven't completed my training here yet."

Tang San hesitated.

In fact, it was that he hadn't had enough Bloody Mary yet.

"Silly child, what else do you have to train for here?"

Tang Chen shook his head, "This place is no longer suitable for training, and it won't be long before it is destroyed."

"You, what are you saying, Slaughter City is going to be destroyed?"

Tang San was shocked by Tang Chen's words.

Actually, he would only believe such a statement coming from Tang Chen; if anyone else had said it, he wouldn't have believed it, considering Slaughter City had existed for countless years. How could it just be destroyed?

Tang Chen looked at Tang San and said seriously, "Haven't you noticed anything unusual? Can't you feel the poison in your body?"


Tang San was startled, and then he remembered everything related to Bloody Mary.

He asked with great confusion, "The poison in Bloody Mary is normal, isn't it? Its effect on people shouldn't be too severe, otherwise, how could it have existed in Slaughter City for so long?"

Hearing this, Tang Chen sighed deeply, "That was in the past. Now, Bloody Mary has a serious problem. After drinking it, people become even more insane. You must have seen what I was like before; that was one of the side effects caused by Bloody Mary."

"Hiss..." Tang San remembered the rumors in Slaughter City that the King of Slaughter had to drink "several people's worth of Bloody Mary" a day, which was indeed much more intense than his own experience.

"What's more critical is the damage to the body. I've been poisoned too deeply, and I'm afraid my life won't last much longer," Tang Chen sighed.

"What? Such severe damage?"

Tang San's face was filled with disbelief, "But you are a Titled Douluo-level powerhouse."

"Even Titled Douluo can't bear this poison," Tang Chen said with a bitter smile, shaking his head, "Alright, Xiaosan, I know you have many questions, but let's leave here first."

Tang San nodded seriously, "I'll follow Elder Tang Chen's decision."

Bloody Mary might be good, but it was too harmful to the body.

Between the thrill and his life, Tang San chose life.


Outside Slaughter City.

Tang Hao was speechless for a long time.

The trip to the Hao Tian Clan had dispelled all his illusions about the sect.

"The Hao Tian Clan is finished, thoroughly ruined; it can't lend any strength anymore," he thought.

Thinking of the Hao Tian Clan's weak, sick, and lame, his heart filled with helplessness and pain.

Without a doubt, another source of support against Qin Xiao was gone.


Suddenly, he felt the ground shaking and a powerful aura surged into the sky.

"Has a powerhouse from Slaughter City emerged?"

Tang Hao's pupils contracted sharply, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

After thinking, he decided to get closer to see for himself.

But before he could take any action, a streak of blood-red light was already bearing down on him.

A moment later.

A man dressed in a blood-colored stand-up collar cloak appeared before him.

"It's actually the King of Slaughter!"

Recognizing the attire, Tang Hao had identified the person's identity.

However, he found that this time the King of Slaughter was different from the one he had seen before.

Without the blood-colored bat mask to cover up, the true face of the King of Slaughter was revealed.

"He, he, he..."

Tang Hao was at a loss for words.

Because the face of the King of Slaughter overlapped with a face deeply ingrained in his memory.


How can he look exactly like my grandfather?

He was profoundly shocked.


Suddenly, a head peeked out from behind the King of Slaughter.

Tang Hao's gaze sharpened. The figure, as gaunt as a skeleton, made him frown and curse, "What kind of ghoul are you? You dare to call me dad? I could never produce something as ugly as you."

Tang San: "..."

He felt his heart had taken countless hits.

It was just too painful.


Letting out a long breath, Tang San mustered up the courage and said, "Dad, it's me, I am Tang San, your son, Xiaosan."

As he spoke, he even summoned the Martial Soul Hao Tian Hammer to show Tang Hao.



Having witnessed everything, Tang Hao felt as if struck by lightning, "You really are Xiaosan, how did you become such a ghastly sight."

Tang San: I've never been so speechless in my life.

"Tang Hao, do you still remember me?"

Just then, Tang Chen spoke indifferently.

After so many years, his demeanor was still composed and assured.

"King of Slaughter, we have had dealings in Slaughter City."

As Tang Hao spoke, a powerful murderous aura burst forth from him.

Tang Chen: "...."

"I am your grandfather," he said gravely.

However, Tang Hao's voice rose even louder, "I am your grandfather."

"You, this grandchild, dare to speak such outrageous and unfilial words?"

Tang Chen was furiously enraged.

He had imagined countless scenarios for meeting Tang Hao.

But he had never imagined this one.

Utterly beastly.

"King of Slaughter, don't think that just because you bear some resemblance to my elder, you can take advantage of me."

"Now let go of my son, or don't blame me for being rude."

As Tang Chen was on the verge of exploding with anger, Tang Hao spoke up again.

In his view, the King of Slaughter had taken out Tang San for some reason.

"Dad, please stop spouting nonsense, the elder really is Great-Grandfather Tang Chen, there can be no mistake," Tang San hurriedly interjected from behind Tang Chen.

Xiaosan, how can you acknowledge a thief as your ancestor?

Tang Hao's brow furrowed, his face looking very unpleasant, "Elder Tang Chen had a renowned and illustrious reputation, he was bright and aboveboard in his lifetime, how could he possibly be such a sinister figure?"

"Dad, it really is him."

"Hmph, impossible. If it were true, I'd rather Elder Tang Chen were dead," Tang Hao insisted on his own belief.


How did I not realize that Tang Hao, this boy, with a weight of 170 pounds, had 160 pounds of rebelliousness.

Tang Chen's face turned dark, and then he took out a long-sealed artifact from the Spatial Soul Guidance Device, "Do you recognize this item?"

"What is this? I don't recognize it."

Tang Hao waved his hand dismissively, but a casual glance made him unable to avert his eyes, "The Hao Tian Order, it really is the Hao Tian Order!"

"You really are my grandfather, Tang Chen?"

The Hao Tian Order had only ever been in the hands of the missing Elder Tang Chen, a fact that Tang Xiao had never told Tang Hao.

Now, with the Hao Tian Order in hand, and a face greatly resembling Tang Chen, Tang Hao was finally able to confirm that the man before him was indeed his long-lost grandfather, Tang Chen.

Upon hearing Tang Hao's words, Tang Chen couldn't help but snort coldly, "Hmph, good grandchild, now you know to call granddad."


Tang Hao fell to his knees and fervently knocked his head against the ground three times towards Tang Chen.

"Grandfather, you've been gone for so many years, how did you become the King of Slaughter in Slaughter City?" he asked, perplexed.

He also had other thoughts in his mind.

If Tang Chen hadn't disappeared for so many years, how could it have happened that he was forced by Martial Soul Hall to exile himself from the sect?

How could Qin Xiao have managed to annihilate the Hao Tian Clan?

"Alas, it's a long story," Tang Chen sighed.

In his mind, an image involuntarily surfaced.

If only his ambitions hadn't been as high as the heavens, believing he could surely become a god, would he not have embarked on this road of no return?

"Forget it, it's better not to mention these matters," Tang Chen shook his head and descended from mid-air.

Then he pulled out Tang San from behind him and seriously said to Tang Hao, "I know what you're thinking, wanting Tang San to endure hardships. But Slaughter City is no place for him now. Remember, from now on, never enter Slaughter City, and don't ever drink Bloody Mary."

Tang Hao was stunned, "What exactly happened to Slaughter City?"

"Xiaosan, you tell your father," Tang Chen did not want to waste words and directly pushed the matter onto Tang San.

"Okay," Tang San nodded, and then he began to recount what Tang Chen had told him.

After a long while,

Tang Hao was dumbstruck, "So you mean to say, Slaughter City won't last much longer and is about to become a city of the dead. Grandpa, you and Xiaosan are both poisoned?"

His voice trembled.

His composure shattered.

What kind of disaster had they wrought?

Why was it so difficult to just make Tang San stronger?