Chapter 137 The Truth About Yu Yuanzhen's Resurrection_2

Yu Yuanzhen said, "No one knows exactly how to gain the recognition of the nine treasures."

Ah... Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Yu Yuanzhen also lost interest in saying anything else, "Let's go, I always feel as if something different might happen to me."


Half a day later.

Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Xiaogang finally arrived at the base of True Dragon Mountain, which was located in the very center.

To Yu Xiaogang's astonishment, there was a tall stone door in front of them.

The stone door was four to five meters high.

Yu Xiaogang looked up, feeling very insignificant.

"Father, is the treasure left by the Holy Radiant Dragon hidden behind this stone door?" Yu Xiaogang asked Yu Yuanzhen.

"Probably." Yu Yuanzhen said, walking up to the massive stone door, where, without much effort, he found a ring-shaped mark.

He thought for a moment, then took off the ring that symbolized the position of the clan leader and placed it on the mark.


The ring was immediately absorbed.

"This..." Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened.

Yu Yuanzhen said, "It's nothing. The former clan leader told me that this ring is the symbol of the clan leader, as well as the key to opening True Dragon Mountain."

As his voice faded, the stone door creaked and squeaked with a grating sound, a large amount of dust accompanied by stones rustling down.

"Xiaogang, stand back a bit, the gate is about to open." By then, Yu Yuanzhen had already run off to a far distance.

You old six... Yu Xiaogang was speechless, why didn't you call me to run away earlier?

Grumbling inwardly, he then used all his strength to run toward the distance.


Finally, the heavy stone door slowly opened.

A spacious hall presented itself before Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Xiaogang.

"Let's go." Yu Yuanzhen, having recovered from the shock, took steps toward the great hall.

Yu Xiaogang followed closely behind, his eyes constantly taking in the furnishings of the hall.

After a moment, he couldn't help but admire, "This hall, it's really... spacious."

No choice, he ran out of words.

Apart from being spacious, Yu Xiaogang did not know how to describe the hall.

Aside from a dozen stone pillars that served as supports, and a round platform, there was nothing else inside the hall.

One could simply look up through the hole in the center of the cave and see the hanging bright moon.

"Father, I cannot see this place as one that could hide treasures."

"Or, did our ancestors place the treasures in some special location, waiting for us to find them?" Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but speculate.

Yu Yuanzhen shook his head, "It's not that complicated. Our ancestors left only one message, a message that if one is fated with the treasure, it will naturally be drawn to them. If there's no destiny, no amount of effort will avail."

"Just one message will do?" Yu Xiaogang was stunned, completely unprepared for such a casual approach.

At that moment, Yu Yuanzhen had already reached the platform in the center of the cavern, muttering, "The dragon has nine children, dwelling on Nine Mountains. Each mountain has its crown, and all nine combine into one."

After saying this, he raised his right hand high and pointed like a sword to the sky.

"What kind of change will there be?" Yu Xiaogang's eyes were full of expectation.


After waiting a long while, there was silence.


A breeze passed by, stirring up layers of dust.

Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Xiaogang both had to shield themselves with their elbows.

"Father, could there be some problem?" Yu Xiaogang asked Yu Yuanzhen, looking lost.


"It seems that it's still not good enough." Yu Yuanzhen gave a wry smile, "I thought that being resurrected would be special, but it seems I was thinking too much. It was only luck."

"Sigh." Yu Xiaogang also couldn't help but sigh.

He had previously hoped that Yu Yuanzhen would obtain the sect's treasure, to fight for a chance of survival for himself.

"There's no hope now, does that mean all we can do now is wait for death?" He felt desperate.


"Am I, Yu Yuanzhen, truly destined to die here?"

"But I was not able to slay Qin Xiao for the sect and eliminate this calamity; I cannot reconcile myself to this fate."

Yu Yuanzhen looked up to the sky and let out a loud cry.

In his voice, there was an unmistakable sense of loss and unwillingness.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly, the great hall in the mountain started to shake violently.

"Father, this, this can't be collapsing, can it?"

Yu Xiaogang panicked. He stumbled and rolled, scrambling to take cover under a large stone pillar, barely managing to stabilize himself by clinging to it.

In contrast, Yu Yuanzhen was much calmer than Yu Xiaogang.

Though he had lost his cultivation level, his body had been tempered by Soul Power for decades and remained strong.

He stood firmly in place as if rooted to the spot, immovable, his eyes filled with surprise and joy, "There's a response, there's a response!"



At this moment, the platform beneath Yu Yuanzhen's feet started to crack.


A beam of golden light burst from below, shooting up through the central hole of the great hall and piercing the sky!

And this was only the beginning.

It seemed as if some strange force was pulling at them, causing disturbances on Crane Mountain, Valley Mountain, Soaring Mountain, Tyrant Mountain, Battle Mountain, Gale Wind Mountain, Purple Lightning Mountain, and South King Mountain—eight peaks in total.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…

Atop each mountain peak, golden columns of light also appeared, soaring into the heavens, creating a dazzling spectacle alongside True Dragon Mountain.

"Father, what, what is this…"

By this time, Yu Xiaogang had adjusted to the blinding golden light and could faintly make out something hidden within the golden column of light in front of Yu Yuanzhen.

In contrast, Yu Yuanzhen, hearing Yu Xiaogang's call, seemed to come back to his senses. He reached into the golden column of light and extracted a golden crown.

Yes, a crown. Unlike a crown forged from gold and adorned with jewels, the crown in Yu Yuanzhen's hand seemed to be crafted from snow-white, delicate jade.

"The Snow Jade Crown, a supreme treasure condensed from the cranial bone of the Holy Radiant Dragon."

"A Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Soul Master can awaken the ancient dragon soul within the Snow Jade Crown, causing their Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Martial Soul to evolve into the Holy Radiant Dragon's Martial Soul, and significantly enhancing their spiritual power, Soul Power, attributes, and the power of their soul skills."

As soon as Yu Yuanzhen touched the Snow Jade Crown, he received this information.

What was even more moving was the condition for using the Snow Jade Crown: only those willing to make sacrifices for their sect were qualified to earn its favor.

Yu Yuanzhen immediately recalled the moment he traded his life for the survival of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan...

He realized, it was because of this act that he received recognition from the ancient dragon soul within the Snow Jade Crown, earned its protection, and was able to come back to life.

"The Snow Jade Crown, it's so beautiful."

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang, who had somehow approached Yu Yuanzhen, was mesmerized as he gazed at the crown in his father's hand.

"You must not touch it, or you will be backlash."

Yu Yuanzhen frowned and coldly warned Yu Xiaogang.

"Father, I don't want the Snow Jade Crown; I just want to touch it," said Yu Xiaogang, his face full of longing, already reaching out his hand, "Just touching it shouldn't be a problem, right? It won't..."


A flash of golden light from the Snow Jade Crown, before he could finish speaking, sent him flying.


Yu Xiaogang hit the ground and coughed up blood.

"How, how can this be?"

Yu Xiaogang was shocked.

What kind of cursed object was this, that one couldn't even touch it?

"I already told you before, you can't touch it."

"Not just you, anyone who does not have its approval cannot touch it."

Yu Yuanzhen glanced at Yu Xiaogang, thinking to himself, 'you reap what you sow.'

This was the consequence of refusing to heed warnings.

"Father, I'm sorry, I was rash," Yu Xiaogang guiltily got up from the ground and knelt before Yu Yuanzhen.

"Do not do this again."

Yu Yuanzhen huffed coldly and then turned away from Yu Xiaogang.

Then, under Yu Xiaogang's watchful eye, Yu Yuanzhen also slowly knelt down, lifting the Snow Jade Crown high above his head.

"To my ancestors above."

"Your unworthy descendant, Yu Yuanzhen, begs for your assistance to vanquish a formidable enemy."

Yu Yuanzhen's demeanor was filled with piety.

As his words faded, he closed his eyes and slowly placed the Snow Jade Crown upon his head.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful surge of Soul Power fluctuations erupted from Yu Yuanzhen.

Yu Xiaogang was completely overwhelmed and was sent flying by the sheer force of the Soul Power.

But he was not afraid; instead, his face lit up with joy, "Father's cultivation level, it's starting to recover!"
