Chapter 154: The Pride of Du Gu Bo and the Sincerity of Qian Renxue_1

"Your Highness, now that you have returned, I think there's really no need to look..."

Meng Yi said coyly.

"Yiran is right, indeed there isn't much to see."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing hurriedly added.

"Could it be that there is some secret here?"

Qin Xiao's gaze flashed, vaguely guessing some possibilities.

His eyes swept over everyone's faces, Zhu Zhuqing, Meng Yiran, Liu Erlong all dared not meet his gaze.

"Haha, the more you act like this, the more I want to see what secrets there are,"

Qin Xiao laughed heartily, his heart filled with anticipation.

At the same time, he stomped his foot fiercely, causing the ground to crack open.

The burial mound was destroyed, revealing the items within.

Qin Xiao looked them over one by one, inwardly exclaiming.

Then, with a playful look, he swept over the crowd, "So you all have carefully prepared so many gifts for me. It seems you've really grasped my interests and hobbies."

Contrarily, the faces of Zhu Zhuqing, Meng Yiran, and Liu Erlong blushed like fiery clouds.

They were so embarrassed they wished they could find a hole to crawl into.

"Haha, whoever's items these are, pack them up well. I am someone who cherishes the past, understand..."

Qin Xiao said with a smile, "I won't disturb your distribution any longer; I'm off to see Du Gu Bo."

As his voice fell, Qin Xiao had already vanished from the spot.

He left Meng Yiran, Zhu Zhuqing, and Liu Erlong in disarray in the wind.



In the cave above the Icefire Polarized Eyes.

"Grandfather, what's wrong with you?"

Dugu Yan looked at Du Gu Bo, who was trying to struggle up from the stone bed, her face full of concern.

"Yanyan, help your grandfather up, I feel a powerful soul power fluctuation has erupted below us, there is a strong enemy approaching."

As Du Gu Bo spoke, anger appeared on his face.

"Grandfather, your body..."

Dugu Yan's face showed hesitation.

"Yanyan, don't worry, your grandfather still has one battle left in him."

As Du Gu Bo spoke, his voice turned colder, filled with an unstoppable murderous intent, "Humph, these people really don't know when to stop. Even if I die, I won't let them get what they want. Moreover, how can I fulfill my promise to Qin Xiao, if I don't give it my all?"

"Grandfather..." Tears gleamed in Dugu Yan's eyes as she pressed her lips tightly together and moved next to Du Gu Bo.

However, before her hand could touch Du Gu Bo, a voice rang out.

"If you want your grandfather to live a few more years, it's better not to move him."


Du Gu Bo and Dugu Yan looked towards the source of the voice together.

Instantly, they were taken aback.

"Qin Xiao, it really is you, boy!"

At first, Du Gu Bo was startled, then he laughed and scolded, "Damn it, you actually didn't die?"

Qin Xiao said with a smile, "No, I am a ghost; I came to see if you've fulfilled my last wish."

"Get out!"

Du Gu Bo snorted irritably.

"Your Highness, you're truly alive, this is wonderful, just wonderful..."

Dugu Yan also recovered her senses and cheered.

She almost rushed into Qin Xiao's arms.

However, when she ran up to Qin Xiao, she remembered that she wasn't that familiar with Qin Xiao just yet.

The next moment, though, a pair of large hands pinched her cheeks, distorting her delicate features.

"Not bad, even prettier now."

Qin Xiao said with a beaming smile.

This praise made Dugu Yan extremely happy, "Then do you like it?"

Qin Xiao did not respond to her and instead turned to look at Du Gu Bo, his expression growing serious, "Let's talk about the serious matter now. What has happened during my absence, and who injured you like this?"

As Du Gu Bo lay back down on the stone bed, he sighed, "It's a long story..."

Qin Xiao was feeling rather impatient, "Then make a long story short..."

"It was a guy with a snake-shaped spear, also a Titled Douluo-level expert who attacked me. His target was Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran. Throughout the fight, he kept demanding I hand them over. But I told him clearly that, even if I died, he wouldn't get any information about them from me."

"The Snakelance Douluo?" Qin Xiao frowned, not expecting the attacker's identity to come to light so quickly.

However, he hadn't expected that the person who had acted was Qian Renxue's man.

This was outrageous.

Logically, it shouldn't be... Qin Xiao could not fathom why Qian Renxue would do such a thing.

At the same time, he looked at Du Gu Bo and felt somewhat moved.

Although Du Gu Bo had a strange temper, the man was genuine, capable of making decisions. He had promised Qin Xiao to take care of Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran, nearly paying with his life for it.

"The Snakelance Douluo? That name fits well,"

As Du Gu Bo spoke, he chuckled, "Qin Xiao, don't look at me like this, the Snakelance Douluo is no better off than me. He's been afflicted with my Green Kirin Snake Poison, it's even more troublesome..."

Qin Xiao's eyebrows raised, "Good fellow, this is a fight where both sides have lost heavily."

"Cough, cough."

"That's about right."

Though Du Gu Bo was coughing painfully, there was a smile on his face.

Who said he could only bully Soul Masters whose Cultivation Level and power were below his own?

Here he was, having fought a life-and-death battle with an equal expert.

"You're feeling quite proud of yourself, aren't you?" Qin Xiao noticed the pride on Du Gu Bo's face and said crossly.

"Of course, I'll see who dares say Du Gu Bo can only pick on those weaker than himself from now on. I want them to see that there's also a place for me among equals. At least I can also be considered first among equals..."

Full of pride, Du Gu Bo held his head high.

"Enough, don't overdo it," Qin Xiao said.