Chapter 156 Liu Erlong's Martial Soul Evolution_2

Du Gu Bo's mentality collapsed.

The enemy he had fought in life and death wasn't actually an enemy, but an ally?

This twist was too dramatic, wasn't it?

To think, if that Snake Spear had been a few inches off, it would have pierced through his heart.

"Although it's outrageous, this is the truth."

Qin Xiao helplessly spread his hands, "The silver lining in the misfortune is that you all are still alive."

A moment later.

Finally, Du Gu Bo accepted the facts Qin Xiao recounted.

He still complained with some resentment, "Qin Xiao, you little rascal are not being fair. You had such a powerful person helping, and you didn't even tell me."

"I actually never thought she would take the initiative to take care of Zhu Qing and Yiran..." Qin Xiao's expression became complicated when he mentioned Qian Renxue.

She had not expected that seemingly aloof woman to have so many troubles hidden in her heart.

Nor did she expect Qian Renxue to keep him in her mind.


Du Gu Bo still huffed in dissatisfaction.

"Alright, don't be angry anymore. Look, they didn't know of your existence, just as you didn't know about theirs. How fair is that."


After hearing Qin Xiao's words, Du Gu Bo was stunned.

That sounded damn reasonable, yet somewhat unreasonable too.

"Okay, stop complaining. From today on, you'll once again be the master of the Icefire Polarized Eyes."

Seeing this, Qin Xiao used his trump card.


Du Gu Bo's eyes suddenly widened, "But you are still alive."

Qin Xiao: "...."

He was quite speechless.

"What? Do you have to wait for me to die before you're willing to inherit my legacy?"

He replied irritably.

"No, that's not what I meant." Du Gu Bo's face squeezed out a dry smile.

"Rest well, I'm leaving."

Seeing this, Qin Xiao waved his hand and turned to leave.


Qin Xiao's departure brought a sincere voice from behind him.

Actually, for Qin Xiao, the Icefire Polarized Eyes were no different from a garden.

It was something he could take or leave.

But it was different for Du Gu Bo.

It was a place filled with treasures, truly a Holy Land.


After leaving the cave where Du Gu Bo was, Qin Xiao didn't go to find Zhu Zhuqing or Ning Rongrong, but instead went to look for Liu Er Long.

At the edge of the Icefire Polarized Eyes, Qin Xiao encountered Liu Er Long.

But Liu Er Long's gaze was fixedly distant, lost in a trance.

"Thinking about me?"

Suddenly a voice reached Liu Er Long's ear. Just as she was about to turn around, a powerful hand pulled her into a solid embrace.

"Qin Xiao..."

Liu Er Long struggled symbolically for a moment before giving up.

Letting Qin Xiao hold her.

"I have to go."

After a moment, Qin Xiao slowly said.

As the words fell, Qin Xiao could clearly feel the delicate body in his arms tremble and then heard Liu Er Long's faint voice asking, "Where are you going?"

"A faraway place."

"Then can you take me with you?"

"I'm afraid not."

Qin Xiao shook his head.

The existence of Sea God's Island was significant for Soul Masters like him or Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran.

But with Liu Er Long's age and Cultivation Level, even if she went to Sea God's Island, she might not gain much benefit.

So Qin Xiao planned to leave Liu Er Long behind.

"How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know yet, but I will definitely come back."


Liu Er Long replied faintly, her words unclear.

But Qin Xiao could hear the undisguised disappointment in her voice.

"Haha, don't be so down. It's not like I'm not coming back."

Qin Xiao laughed, "If I weren't coming back, I would've taken you with me no matter what."

After hearing Qin Xiao's words, a smile finally appeared on Liu Er Long's face, but she soon reined it in and hummed at Qin Xiao, "Humph, what if I don't want to go with you."

"Really? Then I won't come back!"

"You dare!"

Liu Erlong glared at Qin Xiao with some desperation and anger.

As their eyes met, it seemed as if sparks were flying.

Qin Xiao slowly lowered his head.

Liu Erlong put up a subconscious struggle, but Qin Xiao's hand was like iron pincers, imprisoning him.

She seemed to accept her fate, half-pushing, half-submitting, and closed her eyes.

After a long while...

Their lips parted.

Silky threads connected them.

"Remember what you said," Erlong reminded this fickle guy.

Qin Xiao raised his hand, making an oath gesture, "Don't worry, I won't forget, I promise."

"That's more like it." Liu Erlong smiled contentedly.

She knew she wasn't the only one in Qin Xiao's heart.

But having her was enough for him.

At least, having had each other, they should be satisfied, right?

"Erlong, I have another gift for you."

Qin Xiao smiled mysteriously.

"A gift?" Liu Erlong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Guess what it is."

"Anything is good," Liu Erlong replied with a smile.

She didn't care what Qin Xiao gave her.

What she cared about was that she occupied a place in Qin Xiao's heart.

In the next moment, when a snow-white, jade-like royal crown appeared before her, Liu Erlong's eyes widened in shock.

"This, this is..."

Not only was she attracted by the appearance of the crown, but deep down, she also felt a mysterious power calling to her.

In an instant, her heart longed to get closer to it.

"Your gift..."

Qin Xiao smiled faintly, without immediately explaining the origin of the item.

"But isn't this thing too valuable?"

Liu Erlong was not foolish; from that momentary feeling, she knew this was definitely not an ordinary item.

Qin Xiao pressed the Snow Jade Crown into Liu Erlong's hands, "No one else but you deserves this crown."

He was telling the truth.

Although the will of the Holy Radiant Dragon within the crown had been erased by Qin Xiao, there was still residual power.

That power could not be absorbed by anyone without the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Bloodline.

More importantly, the force of the True Dragon Nine Crowns could only be used by those with the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Martial Soul—this was a hard requirement.

Even someone as powerful as Qin Xiao couldn't forcefully control it.

As for giving it to another disciple from the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan besides Liu Erlong, Qin Xiao had no such intention.

Yu Yuanzhen had once nearly killed Qin Xiao with the power of the True Dragon Nine Crowns. He would rather dispose of the crown or destroy it than give it to the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan.


On the other hand, as soon as Liu Erlong held the Snow Jade Crown in her hands, it triggered a phenomena.

Rings of golden ripples burst forth from the crown.

Gradually, about a foot-long, somewhat ethereal Holy Radiant Dragon phantom appeared out of nowhere, circling up and down around Liu Erlong.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao became reassured, "Just as I thought, the remnant Holy Radiant Dragon soul is beginning to test Erlong."

But the process was not going smoothly.

Qin Xiao guessed this was likely because Liu Erlong's Martial Soul was not the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon but a mutated fiery dragon, and the purity of her bloodline was not enough.

Even without its own consciousness, it would act on instinct.

"Hmph, being picky, do you still have the luxury of choice?"

"If you do not recognize her, then I can only destroy you."

Suddenly, Qin Xiao snorted coldly, and a tangible killing intent burst from him.

It was as if he would destroy it if words failed.

On the other hand, the Holy Radiant Dragon's remnant soul trembled violently; it truly felt the threat of destruction.

Rather than being destroyed for nothing, it might as well choose this kin with an impure bloodline.

Immediately, the Holy Radiant Dragon's remnant soul made a decision, then without any hesitation, it spiraled into Liu Erlong's forehead.


The next moment, a powerful Soul Force Pressure erupted from Liu Erlong's body.

An illusory fiery dragon appeared behind Liu Erlong, and the air grew hot.

But Qin Xiao knew this was just the beginning.

"I wonder if the remaining soul force of the Holy Radiant Dragon could allow Erlong to evolve her Martial Soul to the Holy Radiant Dragon's level, just like Yu Yuanzhen." Qin Xiao's eyes were filled with anticipation.