Chapter 186 Qin Xiao's Return, Tang Chen's Deification Plan_1

The mountain breeze blew by, and Tang Hao felt a bit cold.

He wrapped his clothes tighter around himself and replied with a hoarse voice, "Let's return to the sect first."

"By my calculations, Elder Tang Chen should have arrived at Sea God's Island. Once he gets help from the Great Priest there and resolves his own peril, he will return. That will be the time for our Hao Tian Clan to reign supreme. Those standing against us will all be settled."

"Even the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan cannot escape a fate of destruction."

To wait for Elder Tang Chen's return... In Tang San's downcast eyes, a complex emotion flickered.


On the other hand, within Thunderclap Academy.

Yu Luomian's complex gaze landed on Liu Erlong as he asked, "Er Long, what do you think we should do next?"

In fact, not just Yu Luomian, many strong members of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan beside him also fixed their eyes on Liu Erlong, their eyes filled with reverence.

Their battle with Tang Hao was still fresh in their minds.

The incredibly strong combat power displayed by Liu Erlong had astonished and even frightened them.

Apart from that, they sensed a formidable pressure emanating from Liu Erlong.

They couldn't understand how Liu Erlong, who once possessed a variant Martial Soul Fire Dragon, had suddenly transformed her soul into an existence of even higher quality than theirs.

Some who had once looked down on Liu Erlong, the bastard daughter, now felt somewhat unable to raise their heads.

Liu Erlong surveyed her surroundings with her gaze before speaking, "Those who are injured stay behind, those who can fight will come with me to Xingluo City."

"Since we couldn't keep Tang Hao here, then the plan must go on as usual."

After speaking, Liu Erlong strode towards the exit of Thunderclap Academy.

Zhao Wuji and Flander closely followed her.

Then came Yu Luomian leading the many strong members of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan.


Three days later.

Hao Tian Clan.

Tang Hao and Tang San walked silently over the ruins.

"Hao Uncle, Third Brother, you're back."

Tang Hu, who had been watching the outside world, crawled out from a hidden spot.

Tang San, expressionless, acted as if he hadn't heard or seen Tang Hu at all.

He was in a bad mood and felt no need to pretend.

He thought Tang Hu knew too many things and was already on a path to death, even if Tang Hao didn't agree to kill him.

Returning without achievement once again, Tang Hao's mood was not much better.

He asked expressionlessly, "Has anything happened in the sect today?"

"Yes, yes, there has!" Tang Hu replied without hesitation.

"What happened?"

Tang Hao was surprised.

"Elder Tang Chen is back."

"Who? Elder Tang Chen is back?"

Upon hearing Tang Hu's words, both Tang Hao and Tang San showed a deeply moved expression.

They both remembered that Elder Tang Chen had left to resolve his body's problems.

Now that he's back, doesn't that mean he's succeeded?

Could the chance for Hao Tian Clan to reign supreme come so soon?


Tang Hu wanted to remind the father and son that Elder Tang Chen seemed to have had terrible luck on his trip. He lost his left arm and became more irritable, so they needed to be cautious.


Before he could finish speaking, Tang Hao had already taken Tang San and left...


In a dimly lit basement, Tang Hao and Tang San met with Tang Chen.

He was still in the same attire, the familiar blood-colored cape.

"You're back."

Tang Chen said, his back to Tang Hao and Tang San.

"Grandson congratulates Elder!"

"Great-grandson congratulates Elder!"

Tang Hao and Tang San both bowed respectfully in unison.

Tang Chen's body shuddered slightly. He slowly turned around and then asked, "What were you just saying? Congratulate me?"

"Yes! Elder, congratulations!"

"Congratulations on what?"

"Of course, it's congratulations on Elder's successful trip to Sea God's Island, eliminating your perils, improving your Cultivation Level, and even solidifying your foundation for divinity!"

Tang San didn't miss the opportunity to flatter and quickly replied.

"Xiaosan is right," Tang Hao nodded in agreement.

That was exactly what Tang Chen said when he left.


"Good, good!"

"Nicely said..."

Tang Chen laughed heartily, but soon his smile faded, and his expression turned cold.

Tang Hao and Tang San, father and son, sharply noticed something was off.

Their expressions became confused.

"Why don't you father and son take a good look if I should be congratulated?"

As Tang Chen spoke, he unfolded his blood-colored cape.

Tang Hao and Tang San both looked over.

Instantly, they were struck as if by lightning, their minds going blank.

What happened?

They could clearly see that Tang Chen's left arm was missing...

"Elder, what... what happened?"

Tang Hao asked bewildered and at a loss.

Tang San was also stunned, his eyes wide open.

He couldn't imagine, at Tang Chen's level, who could injure him to this extent!

Moreover, this was a far cry from what they had expected, with Tang Chen returning and the clan reigning supreme.

"My current plight, I have to thank that Qin Xiao and that bitch Bossi you mentioned."

As Tang Chen brought up his experiences at sea, his eyes were filled with indelible hatred.

"Qin Xiao!"



After hearing Tang Chen's words, Tang Hao and Tang San felt as if struck by another thunderbolt.

This damn...

What's going on?

Why does Qin Xiao keep haunting them like a persistent specter!

"The story starts from my arrival at Sea God's Island, finding Qin Xiao there was unexpected, but who would have thought, Qin Xiao was that same kid from Slaughter City who poisoned everyone...."

"He was the one who poisoned them too?"

Tang San was dumbfounded; Qin Xiao really was capable of all sorts of outrageous deeds.