Chapter 189: Qin Xiao Makes a Move, Instantly Killing Several Powerful Enemies_1

Yu Luomian led the many powerful experts by his side in a frenzied attack, attempting to break through the encirclement to assist Liu Erlong.

But could the powerful experts from the Star Luo Empire simply comply with their wishes?

"Hmph, with forces several times greater than yours, if you could still break through, then we might as well not bother."

"Hahaha, not to mention breaking through, even if one of you manages to charge out, I would twist off my head and use it as your night pot!"


Some, while blocking Yu Luomian's attacks, mocked coldly.

"President Liu, calm down!"

Zhao Wuji still refused to give up persuading.

"Zhao Wuji, there's no need to say more, I've made up my mind!"

Liu Erlong's tone remained resolute.

"Planning to use some secret technique? You won't get the chance!"

At this moment, the Star Luo Emperor shouted coldly, his eighth soul ring lit up, having already launched his most powerful killing move.

Behind him, Hu Yan Zhen had also finished gathering his strength and launched a charge.

With each step Hu Yan Zhen took, the ground trembled.

On the other side, the three newly arrived Soul Douluos and several Soul Sages also unleashed their most powerful attacks.

Without a doubt, they planned to use their strongest attacks to nip the danger in the bud.




Amidst the dense barrage, the Evil God's Protection in front of Zhao Wuji finally shattered.

"Old Zhao!"

Flander, from a distance, witnessed it all and let out a heart-wrenching roar.

In such a terrifying soul power storm, Zhao Wuji, without the Evil God's Protection, would instantly be torn to shreds.

"Your Highness, even if I die, I have not taken a single step back; I can face you with no regrets."

Zhao Wuji closed his eyes in despair.

He knew he wouldn't survive.

However, in the very next moment, his vision blurred, and he saw a familiar figure—it was Qin Xiao.

"Do people have hallucinations before they die?"

Zhao Wuji couldn't help but mutter, "Even having Your Highness come to pick me up, I'm truly embarrassed."

But, in the next moment, a dazzling thunder light erupted from the figure in front of Zhao Wuji.

Then, he saw that figure punch the terrifying Hell White Tiger and send it flying.

Yes, flying!

Even the Hell White Tiger exploded into two shadows in mid-air and fell down.

Following that, an electric light, like a fierce dragon, danced about, annihilating all attacks in its path, sending everyone flying.

Even Hu Yan Zhen, the Soul Douluo known for his defensive prowess, couldn't escape unscathed, as the electric light burst open his skin and flesh.

"Holy shit!"

"Is this a pre-death hallucination? Shouldn't I be the one dying?"

Zhao Wuji was shocked beyond belief.

Immediately, he raised his hand and slapped himself twice.

Only when his face stung did he realize he wasn't dreaming.

"Really, this is actually real."

"Your Highness, you, you've returned?"

Zhao Wuji was so excited that he was almost incoherent.

"Zhao Wuji, if you want your face slapped next time, just let me know, I can do it for you," Qin Xiao said, looking at Zhao Wuji's swollen cheeks with a strange expression.

"No, there's no need. I've been frail since childhood and couldn't withstand your attack..."

Zhao Wuji shivered and subconsciously took a few steps back.

At the same time, he also revealed Liu Erlong who had been behind him.

"Er Long, why are you so foolish."

Qin Xiao waved his hand, and a beam of golden light fell on Liu Erlong, suppressing that violent and powerful aura on him.

Liu Erlong's eyes were already brimming with tears.

As Qin Xiao approached and wiped the tears from the corner of Liu Erlong's eyes, he said, "My vengeance, I can avenge by myself. As for them, they're not even worth my attention."

"I just wanted to help alleviate some of your burdens..."

"Even just a little bit would have satisfied me," Liu Erlong said with a trembling voice, "But even this little bit, I couldn't do right."

"Don't think too much, you've already done very well. Over the past year, making the Star Luo Emperor live in constant fear was better than killing him outright."

"Now, take a rest, and leave the rest to me."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he swiftly turned around.

A powerful aura shot straight into the sky.

"Who is he?"

Hu Yan Zhen was dumbfounded.

Just as he thought he was about to succeed, a powerhouse like this emerged out of nowhere.

"Qin Xiao, it's Qin Xiao!"

The Star Luo Emperor shouted in horror.

Many nights, he woke up from nightmares startled by such a youth.

This scene had also been flashing in his mind.

But he had never imagined that today his fantasy would turn into reality.

"Qin Xiao, is there such a strong expert on the Douluo Continent?"

"How did you even manage to provoke someone like him?"

Hu Yan Zhen asked, dumbfounded.

He searched his memory but could not find anyone to match up with.

"It's a long story, best left unmentioned!"

The Star Luo Emperor didn't bother to explain to Hu Yan Zhen; what he wanted to know most was how to escape from Qin Xiao, the Killing God.

He transmitted his voice, "Does Patriarch Hu Yan have any good strategies now?"

"No strategies at all, this kid called Qin Xiao is really too powerful. He defeated us instantly, his cultivation level is unfathomable," Hu Yan Zhen said with the thought of retreat in his heart.

He began retreating silently.

The rewards from the Xingluo Empire were good, but one had to be alive to enjoy them.

In fact, many others shared the same thought.