
Trial Resolve

The sun bloomed with all its brilliance, glooming with rays, and the plants shined in their majesty

The wind gusts in the air and the birds soared through,

A blue lightning dashes through the forest, running around in circles and runs up a tree leaping off a branch the lightning beams into the sky and lands outside the forest,

Kaito stood up and smirked, then he ran away in with lightning speed,

"Well now training has started, and well it's nice..."

"The exam is in a month and I've been training for it"

Kaito dashed around the dojo, running for hours until he fell to the ground out of exhaustion,

"Stamina training" he painted deeply,

Sounds of bouncing echoed through the training room

Kaito crouched on the wall, his muscles coiled like a spring. Then, in a flash of movement, he launched himself off the wall, his body a blur as he hurtled through the air.

He landed with a soft thud on the left wall, his feet barely making a sound on the surface.

Immediately he pushed off again, his body arcing through the air like a gymnast. He hit the ceiling with a gentle tap,

Using the momentum to propel himself towards the next wall.

He leaped and bounded across the walls, his footsteps echoing off the surfaces. He spun and flipped through the air, his body twisting and turning in impossible ways.

He landed in a crouch, his chest heaving with exertion. For a moment, he paused, his eyes scanning the room.

Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he launched himself off again.

"Agility training," He said

Akari walked in looked at him and gazed

Deep in the woods,

Kaito's fingers dug into the rock wall like claws, and his arms and legs tensed as he hauled himself upwards.

The rough stone seemed to resist his efforts, scraping against his skin like a living thing.

His breath came in short, sharp gasps, his chest heaving with effort.

With a final, mighty heave, Kaito crested the top of the wall.

He stood panting, his chest heaving with exertion, his muscles trembling with fatigue.

The rock wall loomed behind him, and he fell face flat

"Strength training... Oh, I wanna die....." Kaito said with exhaustion

"Everything seemed to be going well... Except..."

Back at the training room

"Now you'll learn how to carefully suppress your climax pressure for more calculated attacks," Fushiguro said from the corner of the training room

Kaito sat serenely, his legs crossed and eyes shut, his face a mask of intense focus.

He drew a deep breath, and the air around him seemed to vibrate with anticipation.

The climax pressure building within him pressed against the room, like an invisible force seeking release.

Fushiguro, standing nearby, felt an inexplicable pull towards the ground. A luminous blue glow began to emanate from Kaito's body, pouring out of him like a river.

The energy seemed to pulse with a life of its own as if it was alive and struggling to break free.

As Kaito slowly drew the energy back into himself, it appeared to be pulled towards his skin like a coat being drawn tight.

His face contorted in a mixture of effort and strain, his aura bursting out at one end like a crack in a dam.

He tried to slowly drag it back, but the energy seemed to have a mind of its own, bursting out again and sending Kaito tumbling towards the floor.

Fushiguro walks towards him and looks at him

"Hmm guess it's too much for you..." He said then walked away

Kaito groans

"That's one..."

In the sun-drenched yard, Kaito stood before a weathered punching bag.

"You need to learn how to use your ancient artifact, both combat and enhancing attacks," Akari said while standing on the fence

With a deep breath, Kaito materialized his trusty blade tonfas, their gleaming steel surfaces reflecting the sunlight.

He charged forward, unleashing a powerful punch that sent the punching bag swinging like a pendulum. But instead of striking the bag,

The bag swung back with a vengeance, striking him with a loud thud and sending him crashing to the ground.

"Guess this will take a while," Akari said with a hint of amusement.

"One month of this..." Kaito said with discouragement in his tone

On the second to the last day before the exam,

Fushiguro walked to Kaito who was meditating,

*Follow me" He said to Kaito

Then Kaito followed him and they walked into the yard,

"Hey!!" Akari said while standing on the fence

They walked to the center of the yard

"So why did you call me here?!"

"Your exam is in two days," Akari said,

"And you don't seem half as ready"

"Well that's justified," Kaito said with a depressing voice

"so we're having a rematch" Fushiguro's voice echoed

" Huh? "Kaito moved his gaze towards Fushiguro,

" Funny I thought you said we were going to fight" Kaito chucked

" Yes he did" Akari justified

"What??" Kaito exclaimed

"But why??!"

"I think you'll get your answer... After you survive" Akari said

" Survive??! " Kaito asked, "Why do you ....? " He moved his gaze to Fushiguro directly in front of him about to hit his face with a drawn-back fist

'Again??' He thought

'You're going to hit me with the same attack again!?'

Kaito bent backward at super speed

'Not again!!'

He dodged Fushiguro's attack

Fushiguro did a backflip, letting him land a few meters away

'He dodged?...' Akari thought.

'He's more observant now...'

Kaito's body sparkles with blue lightning he then dashes and appears behind Fushiguro

"Too slow!!"Fushiguro said,

He did a roundhouse move and kicked Kaito but the image faded away

"Wait how??!!!"

Fushiguro moved his gaze around looking for Kaito

'Where is he??!' Fushiguro thought

" Hmm" Akari's pupils glowed gold

Kaito blasted out of the wall beside Fushiguro,

"What??!" Fushiguro exclaimed

'I see what he did there' Akari thought

'He immediately dashed to the other side of the wall and stayed there waiting for him to be off balance'

He stretched his hand out to punch Fushiguro, but he sidestepped and dodged it Kaito grazed his cheek

"He's fast..." Fushiguro said

'Didn't expect such a trick...'

'I think I should take this seriously now '

Kaito lands and turns his gaze towards Fushiguro,

His body sparkling with blue lightning,

Silence for 4 minutes as they stared at each other

A lead hovered slowly in the air then it touched the ground

Immediately they both dashed to each other,

Kaito unleashed a lightning-fast left punch, but Fushiguro dodged it with ease by tilting his head.

Fushiguro threw a powerful right punch, but Kaito bent backward, his body arching like a bow, and backflipped away.

Landing gracefully on his feet, Kaito immediately dashed forward, his movements a blur.

Fushiguro bent his knees, but Kaito slid over Fushiguro's back, using his opponent's momentum against him. As he landed, Kaito spun around, his eyes locked on Fushiguro.

Fushiguro threw a flurry of punches, but Kaito dodged each one with precision.

With a sudden burst of speed, Kaito jumped into the air, his body soaring above the ground.

"Thunder Bolt!!" Kaito uttered as a thundercloud appeared over him,

Fushiguro jumped off the ground as lightning struck the ground

"Nice but then..." Fushiguro said

He grabbed his leg and proceeded to fling him to the weight machine at the corner

"Ow!!" Kaito exclaimed

Kaito's gaze locked onto the weight machine.

He sprang onto the machine's rear, his feet landing with a metallic clang.

"Hmm... Is he?!" Akari's voice trailed off

Kaito unleashed a fierce kick, sending the weight machine hurtling towards Fushiguro like a projectile.

Fushiguro's eyes widened in surprise, his bare hands shooting out to halt the machine's trajectory.

The force of the impact was tremendous, and Fushiguro's arms trembled with effort as he struggled to hold the machine back.

Slowly he was pushed backward, his feet scraping against the ground until the machine finally came to a stop with a loud clang.

Immediately Kaito ran to superspeed and jumped off Machine, hovering above Fushiguro

Fushiguro's eyes widened as he saw Kaito

'This kid' He thought

'He used the machine as a decoy to get him out of my sights and attack me directly,'

Kaito takes a deep breath,

'But even though he can't land a hit on me no matter how... He loses'

He instantly dived toward Fushiguro,

Kaito dashed past him, his body looked like a blur and he landed behind Fushiguro.

'What??!! He can go even faster??!!' Fushiguro thought

'I managed to dodge that or did I?!'

A small tear on his cheek opens and blood drips from it

"Hmm..." Akari hummed "Guess our plan worked"

Fushiguro stood straight

" Kaito what's your goal?! Why do you want to win? " Fushiguro asked

" To get stronger and stop Koji before he hurts another person"

Fushiguro remained quiet and then sighed

" Ok then looks like I lost," Fushiguro said

Kaito stands up and points at Akari

" Now you're next"

Akari laughed loudly "I'll destroy you "

Kaito's eyes widened with shock

"You don't wanna do that!!" She's a monster!!" Fushiguro said

Akari lands in front of them and walks slowly towards them

"I guess you're ready," Akari said

"Now you have to go to the exam center"

Later that evening

Kaito put on his shoes and walked away from the building

Akari and Fushiguro stood at the door and watched him leave

"Guess you were right master," Akari said,

"All he needed was that kind of push"

"I just wanted to test out his training to see if he's better than before," Fushiguro said

"Can't imagine he bested me when I held back"

" Now his next move is up to him"

Kaito trekked through the forest, his footsteps echoing off the trees as he walked towards a distant temple.

The structure rose from the earth like a mirage, its intricately carved spires and towers piercing the sky like shards of stone.

As he approached, the air grew thick with otherworldly energy, and the silence was palpable.

With a deep breath, Kaito pushed open the massive wooden doors

There were people,a hundreds of them, all standing to take the exam

Then he stepped into the temple